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No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:40 pm
by LoA
phpBB [video]

Test server: GC EU SERVER

This was just before we switched to the NA server. As you can see, everything went back to normal when the majority of the people left the server.

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:03 pm
by BlooDRaptoR1
LoA wrote:
phpBB [video]

Test server: GC EU SERVER

This was just before we switched to the NA server. As you can see, everything went back to normal when the majority of the people left the server.
No more 32v32!! 1v1 and if they like it! :P
(Just to make us goosebumps, 1v1 sniper fight!!!)

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:23 pm
by Fields
This isn't how your game normally looks?

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:38 pm
by StarfisherEcho
Server stress seems like the clearest explanation. That's a great video illustrating the glitch too, it's not just that you lose guns: all sorts of crap glitches out.

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:49 pm
by Fields
StarfisherEcho wrote:Server stress seems like the clearest explanation. That's a great video illustrating the glitch too, it's not just that you lose guns: all sorts of crap glitches out.
Yeah, that's a logical conclusion, but I still don't understand how that can be the case when our servers are typically fine with no password and vanilla settings, and likewise we don't see this happening on loaded pub servers.

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:38 pm
by Snow1Wolf
OK, this is my piece of...thought "pie"? "cake"? "mind"?

I've been fortunate about this gun glitch issue since I only have this issue twice, once was today, and once last BD.
And all the times that MY gun glitch problem can be trace to players who I spawned on having no gun glitch in the first place, and I've heard the reports of players who is using guns that they don't have unlock or using unlocks that they don't have having gun glitches first.

So, could it be an issue of authentication? Like the problem goes on like this

Sever starts>authentication server passes>players log in>players spawn in with weapons/weapons unlocks that they don't have>authentication server checks status of players(cheats, weapons stats, dog tags[I know dog tags for sure, because I can check after battleday that I've knife duke during battleday on my battlelog])> authentication server gets an error message finding a player using weapons or weapon unlocks that the player don't have>authentication server checks server settings>allow the player to spawn with the weapon/weapon setup>certain amount of load passes>multiple players spawn in with weapons they don't have, authentication server over loads with information, creating the problem.

It is probably an error on the authentication server end that's creating the issue, because the EA authentication server probably only loads certain amount of resources to a unrank servers. If we use more than their allowance, it might gives us gun glitches from time to time.

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:35 am
by Necromancer
i no longer believe its a gun related bug.
it looks more like the gun is there, but we can't see it. we can throw med packs, and if you get into a 2nd seat of a quad, although you can't see it, you can shoot an RPG or any other weapon.
its more of a missing textures bug, but not only, physics and sounds also become f*ed up.
saying that, either it changed by the patches or there are varying degrees of the bug, as i drove the tank while having the glitch and didn't notice any sound or physics related issues that were present this battleday (this was before EG, and maybe even AM).

the tests listed in the RISK forum are unreliable due to low number of players, we already know there must be 50+ players for the bug to occur. but there were settings changed during the battleday, before the "official" testing at the end as we played with 3D spotting and 100% health. please add what settings were used and what were the results of these as well.

so what now?
we know? that levelBF don't have those issues, but they did experience it during the reddit vs LevelBF match, it would be helpful if someone could get some information about the following:
A) did they use the same server?
B) did they use the same settings, or were some settings changed?
C) their config file.

one more test i can suggest is next time the bug occurs, drop players one-by-one until it goes back to normal.
fill it up, cause the bug again, and repeat. if the bug is fixed at the same number again then... well, not much, but at least we have another fact. not sure how helpful it is though.

i doubt it help, but you can also try opening a support ticket asking for the following:
while we are trying to find the cause to it game-server side, to eliminate any hardware-software weirdness possibility we would like to:
1) change hosting box
2) make a fresh install, not using auto-installer or copy/paste from existing install, but manually installing freshly downloaded (latest) files.
3) don't upload your old config file. earlier server versions would crash if the config file had 'wrong/unexpected' settings. Don't want some kind of a white-space causing trouble. use the freshly installed config and 'carefully' change it to GC settings.

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:43 am
by zorplex
LoA, out of curiosity, when was the glitch triggered? Had you just spawned/been revived?

  • I think the NGG only happens when someone spawns/is revived
  • Therefore, I think the NGG has to do with the server processing player spawns
  • If the server processes players spawns using a common function with a shared memory address (I have no idea why it would, this seems like a terrible idea as it would mean every client is handled in series) a single client that is causing the server to hang would cause every subsequent client to hang as well
  • Since not everyone gets the NGG when it starts, I think it might be tied to a call from the server timing out, meaning it would be tied diretly to latency. If we force everyone to suicide next time the NGG starts, we can record who all experiences the NGG and their ping and see if there is a correlation.
  • If my theory is right, the NGG should be resolved if whoever first experiences the NGG leaves the server as they are the one causing the server to hang. Whoever left the server right before LoA's glitch corrected would have been the one causing the server to hang and I'm guessing was the first to experience the NGG.
I don't think I've ever had the NGG start while I was already playing, it always occurs from the point I've either spawned or been rezzed. I know this speculation likely won't help since we don't have access to the actual net code, but it looks like there was a sync issue between your client and the server. Almost as if you're characters state on the server was "dead" while you were actually alive on your client. This might explain why the vehicle was behaving so strangely, the server was trying to reconcile a vehicle moving around without a driver, after all you are dead/not yet fully initialized so you shouldn't be able to drive.

I have a feeling there is a process used when bringing a player's model into the active/alive state that happens while the screen is black when you spawn/are rezzed. Something is being interrupted during this process, maybe a stuck loop, an unexpected halt etc. If there is a called function with a common memory address that is halted on the server, it would explain why the problem seems to cascade to multiple players at once. But I don't know why it wouldn't effect everyone. If it's a common exception, anyone who attempts to spawn/revive while the glitch is happening should have the NGG.

Alternatively, if it were a case of some call timing out anyone above X ping should start suffering from the NGG once it starts happening. Next time we trigger the NGG, we could have see everyone suicide and spawn back in and see who gets the glitch. Record the ping and see if there is any agreement between ping and the NGG. Or.... what if it's the case of some single client holding up the server from processing the other players' spawns. In this case, whoever first gets the NGG would be the cause of it spreading. If they leave the server, it should start processing the other players.

I'm rambling now. I REALLY wish there were server logs. Trying to guess with so little solid information is so frustrating.

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:59 am
by Jokerle

My gun disappeared while running around on Armored Shield (no vid for that one...), but I have a vid where I pick up Giggles Kit and end up with.....glitch:
phpBB [video]

I get the NGG quite often for some reason. My ping on the EU server is about 40 and on the NA it is 120 or so.

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:14 am
by zorplex
if you get the glitch when changing kits it still fits as the fault could lie with how the server assigns the proper weapons. however if you got the glitch just by running around then my theory is out the window.the glitch maybe independent of ping.but I've only got the glitch what I've been spawning or being revived.

sorry for the weird grammar I'm on my phone using speech to text lol

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:19 am
by Jokerle
zorplex wrote:if you get the glitch when changing kits it still fits as the fault could lie with how the server assigns the proper weapons. however if you got the glitch just by running around then my theory is out the window.
It mostly happens on respawn/revive, I believe. It was the first time for my (lol...) while running around. Necromancer(?) also said he had it while running around.

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:44 am
by cairdazar
LoA wrote: Test server: GC EU SERVER

This was just before we switched to the NA server. As you can see, everything went back to normal when the majority of the people left the server.
I had the same problem; textures and mesh not upgrading to higher res as you move around.
On my screen the ground -mesh and -textures where differentiating by +/- 1m. I was knee deep in the ground and floating above it, alternating then on hilly terrain.

An additional small piece of information: when we were on karkand and had "normal" settings, I got killed while I had the NGG, on the killcam all the images was missing from the info box (same as on deployment screen).

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:55 am
by Hitman47
What about contacting the developers? Send them all this info we gathered and tell them to solve the fking problem.

P.S. I believe ur sig is too big cairdazar.

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:44 am
by BlooDRaptoR1
Jokerle wrote:@zorplex:

My gun disappeared while running around on Armored Shield (no vid for that one...), but I have a vid where I pick up Giggles Kit and end up with.....glitch:
phpBB [video]

I get the NGG quite often for some reason. My ping on the EU server is about 40 and on the NA it is 120 or so.
Ban Giggles :mrgreen: He is the server glitch :silent:

Re: No gun glitch video.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:58 am
by StarfisherEcho
Interesting, I guess once the glitch starts ANY kit change screws you over. Normally that happens on res (as you go from dead -> alive) but picking up a kit is the same. I'm guessing that if you had died and been rezed instead of picking up the kit, you would have gotten the glitch as well.