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Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:42 am
by Fields
Starfisher brought up to me that mumble is open source and could be modified for a special gc version, if we so decided to use it. 8)

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:46 am
by zorplex
Ash2Dust wrote:Until we were cut off, we were paying $30/mo for a virtual server for a NPL TS and a Procon layer.
Now I'm confused. If we were previously paying $30 for a virtual server and now have the option to pay annually for a virtual server from TS, what has changed? Or is $30 a fee just to rent a server and we'd have to license TS on top of that?
Ash2Dust wrote:Zorplex, those 2 links will probably work and requires alot of certainity of attendance and pre-attendance setup work up of channels each battle. What happens when we need someone during a battle to temporarily be a SL(or FC) and CC for 1 or 2 rounds? How do we address on the fly when a player is part of CC and then not? Self toggle on/off is pretty key.
The second link outlines a method of implementing server side settings that would allow anyone currently in the "Leader" channel to talk to others in Leader channels. So turning CC on would be as simple as moving to the "Leader" sub channel. Or so it seems.

The first link requires more effort on the part of the user to create additional whispers and hotkeys.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:39 pm
by MotherFoâ„¢
We could simply remove the donate button from the main home page.

Insert it into the forums. OR set it up so the homepage only shows the button when you are logged in.

@Star, did you try emailing the Sales team?

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:01 pm
by mort
Is there documentation somewhere that describes how GC uses CC in TS? I've browsed various descriptions of setting up a CC analog in Mumble and would now like to see if there is anything I can do to make Mumble CC as easy to use for GC as TS CC was. However, I need to get an idea of how CC worked for GC using TS including any specialized variations used for armor or air force controller type comms. Having never SL, I've only got guesses.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:13 pm
by Necromancer
mumble is more complicated as it allowed more possibilities.

there are multiple ways to simulate channel commander.
another way, not listed in the your posts, and i think it will allow the SL to remain inside their squads channel is as follows:
create group of squad leaders, called SL
align the channels like so:
-- Squad1
-- Squad2

the general sits in the Army channel

- general
-- Squad1
-- squad leader
-- squad member

officers makes a second bind, sets it to whisper/shout -> shout to channel Army, tick the "shout to subchannels" and restrict to group SL
this way, when an officer is talking with his alter PTT, only officers can hear him.
it actually doesn't matter where the general is. its an officer chatter.
in a similar way you can create division PTT (all army members, all airforce members.

i think its the easiest way, with minimal ACL mess.
hell, you don't even have to add officers manually to the officer group.
make the officer group a password-group. anyone setting the token "StarOfficer" in the access tokens will automatically be set as a member of the StarOfficer group. and thats the group you restrict your shout to. Ta Da!

couldn't check it as you dont allow ACL *write (even in temp channels)

mumble has changed a lot. at first, it had linked channels, like now. then, they changed it to "phantom", you could create phantom of yourself in any room. then they reverted back, but gave you an option to bind a key to sub-channel, previous channel etc...

the mumble coders where against implementing passwords (known as access tokens in mumble), claiming password can be leaked while an ACL cannot. but as the demand to have passwords grew, they did it, but in a way that allows more flexibility then just channel password.

post the needs on their forums and they will answer. sooner or later...

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:22 pm
by Ash2Dust
Heres an old generic CC setup. I believe we currently gave everyone the ability to toggle CC on/off if registered with the server.

Basically anyone could toggle on CC without any setup and listen to the CC chatter between SLs and FC in their family channel.
If they wanted to talk on CC, they needed to do the above setup.

As for Air talking to armor (etc) on CC, that was up to each army and divisions how they wanted to set that whisper up.

I do have a ticket in with Teamspeak to see if we can renew our license despite the restriction. I am not in favor of hiding a donation button as it is their software.

I've added Necro to the admin group so he can try his ideas.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:02 pm
by Necromancer
hopefully MORE people will join the mumble server so i'll have someone to try it with.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:04 pm
by Hitman47
5 of us on right now. Problem? :D

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:04 am
by Ash2Dust
TS hasn't denied the ticket yet. Hopefully they are verifying that were here for fun.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:57 pm
by Necromancer
figured out how to do channel commander, the easy way.
the only thing a mumble server admin (one with an ACL write access) has to do is click edit on the STAR/Gladius channel -> add group called #officer
thats it for the mumble admin, it will not be required ever again. the group is self administered by its members.

players want to listen to officer chatter:
go to server -> access tokens, and add: officer
thats it. effective immediately.

if you want to talk to the officers:
make a new shortcut -> whisper/shout, shout to channel, click on your army channel (STAR/Gladius), restrict to group: #officer (do not forget the # sign!), and tick "shout to sub-channels" -> set an alter - PTT.

thats it. while inside your army tree, hit your alter PTT and any officer sitting under your army tree channel will hear you.

now how do we get that positional audio plugin installed on the server?

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:51 am
by Ash2Dust
TS has denied my ticket.

Thank you for contacting us. We were not able to find an NPL license registered under your name nor email. Can you please provide us with the email that you registered your NPL with? Regarding your website (, you do have a "Paypal Donations" button/section which links to this: ... 0d88db39c4. Please remove this button/section and ALL other commercial activity from your website so we can issue you an NPL. Please let us know if you have any further questions.


The Execs will be discussing this as it seems we need to take them literally. Rather not, but we do need to make them happy for the license if we want it. We are on their radar, lets keep things pro-active in getting the license. At the same time, it seems we have a Mumble solution and should start asking members to install it and remove TS3. Anyways here's my current response.
Thank you for your response. The license we had been using for GC was registered in another members name who is MIA. I, myself, have never contacted or applied for anything from TS. I believe our license was acquired before your current requirements. I am making contact now as we really are scrambling.

Yes, we do have a donate button, but have no commercial activity. Just like any other legal non-profit, guild, or church, we pass the plate to hold the doors open another day. I cannot think of any non-profit that does not exist on donations.

Let me consult my fellow peers at GC about removing the button. We operate on consensus so it does take a little time.

Again, thx for your time

Best Regards

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:39 am
by Ash2Dust
Currently we are at the mercy of the plugin for BF3 which was last updated BF3 AK v981420. Think that was a 1 week ago version. Current BF3 server version is 1028652. I'm impressed that the BF3 plugin was shipped as part of the Mumble install. They do give a good explanation on how to hack the positional memory to create the plugin, but I'm not touching it.

Having never done it before, I've only glanced at positional's server dependancies. So far they look legit, we can install ICE and such. Stumble, bumble. So.... if the BF3 plugin is again updated, we could try a Friday night Mumble positional rumble as long as things are as they seem.

Otherwise, its put Mumble on the backshelf until the next annual lets use Mumble thread. Or TS3 steers us elsewhere.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:32 pm
by Robawillis
The teamspeak server is now up and running again feel free to connect to it again.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:48 pm
by Calloutman
Robawillis wrote:The teamspeak server is now up and running again feel free to connect to it again.
What was the final outcome?

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:53 pm
by .Sup
Calloutman wrote:
Robawillis wrote:The teamspeak server is now up and running again feel free to connect to it again.
What was the final outcome?
Unsure at this point but everything points out to TS having mercy for us and marked us as non profit organization even though there is a donation button on our web page.