BF4 first impressions

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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by matsif »

round 2:

-got some pretty bad frame rate issues when I was on the bridge side of the skyscraper when it fell. Did not happen while I was in a chopper this morning, or in an APC with someone and it died on us, or when I was off to the side around I believe D flag, but on that middle peninsula my game basically died at that point and even after repeated server rejoins I eventually just restarted my computer. I got a windows update at the end of a round and that's basically when many issues started as well.

-switched some of my video settings and I'm hitting like 90 FPS right now with no AA, no occlusion, no motion blur, vsync off, but that was also when I was having tons of game issues, so we'll see what happens once I get it up again.

-people on TS were commenting on the game being slow, I don't feel that way at all. I feel like it's basically the same as BF3, just the scale got bumped up a bit because of the vertical distances of all the buildings. In other maps after release I'd be willing to say it ends up about the same, and CQ Dom this morning still felt like CQ Dom from BF3 to me (a clusterfeck).

-abrams seemed slower than it did this morning, but I still don't feel over/underpowered against enemy armor in either tank, they seem quite balanced to me. RPGs on the other hand are really OP and need toned down, especially with the lock.

-still don't feel like IFVs are OP against tanks yet, but that's because the RPG is so OP. Any decent armor fight gets ruined by like 1 RPG to your front armor, which does significantly more damage than a tank shell/group of IFV shots.

-as some are touching on in this thread now, there are too many explosive gadgets that come stock. Everyone has something that makes a boom, and it's annoying when you turn a corner into 2 XM25s and 2 of the assault GLs and an RPG.

-I recorded a round, was top of my team in it but didn't feel like I was playing spectacular. Played a lot of support, some engy, lots of tank, some other stuff. Made starfisher freak out because of the boat. Recording was done in my pre-changed settings where I was averaging 45-50 fps while recording with some of the occlusion settings. Will post it in GCTV thread once it's done uploading in an hour or whatever.
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by StarfisherEcho »

I'm loving it. With one major exception: locking RPGs.

I can't believe that the basic engineer AT weapon is also an outstanding AA weapon. It's such blatantly terrible and idiotic game design that I'm actually angry right now just writing about it. Games need tradeoffs. BF3 did this perfectly, I thought. If you choose RPG, you get an unguided rocket that does a lot of damage to tanks, but you make it much harder to engage air. If you choose Stinger, you get guided missiles that are good at scaring away aircraft, but give up your ability to engage the ground. If you want to do both, you need the Javelin, which is clunkier than the RPG against ground and which requires additional teamwork against air. Good design.

Your first weapon in BF4 appears to combine all these roles, except it's better at all of them. It's better against tanks than tank shells, it's a 1 hit kill on aircraft (waaay better than stingers ever were) and aside from the top down attack it might as well be a javelin when you decide you want it to be. It's so baldly stupid. Who the frak came up with that?
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by Gardalop »

StarfisherEcho wrote:I'm loving it. With one major exception: locking RPGs.

I can't believe that the basic engineer AT weapon is also an outstanding AA weapon. It's such blatantly terrible and idiotic game design that I'm actually angry right now just writing about it. Games need tradeoffs. BF3 did this perfectly, I thought. If you choose RPG, you get an unguided rocket that does a lot of damage to tanks, but you make it much harder to engage air. If you choose Stinger, you get guided missiles that are good at scaring away aircraft, but give up your ability to engage the ground. If you want to do both, you need the Javelin, which is clunkier than the RPG against ground and which requires additional teamwork against air. Good design.

Your first weapon in BF4 appears to combine all these roles, except it's better at all of them. It's better against tanks than tank shells, it's a 1 hit kill on aircraft (waaay better than stingers ever were) and aside from the top down attack it might as well be a javelin when you decide you want it to be. It's so baldly stupid. Who the feck came up with that?
Yes this and there is a horrible bug where if you are in a heli and you get lazed, the rpg will hit you and you will not get the missile inbound warning. Instead you will die instantly.
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by Nix »

StarfisherEcho wrote:I'm loving it. With one major exception: locking RPGs.

I can't believe that the basic engineer AT weapon is also an outstanding AA weapon. It's such blatantly terrible and idiotic game design that I'm actually angry right now just writing about it. Games need tradeoffs. BF3 did this perfectly, I thought. If you choose RPG, you get an unguided rocket that does a lot of damage to tanks, but you make it much harder to engage air. If you choose Stinger, you get guided missiles that are good at scaring away aircraft, but give up your ability to engage the ground. If you want to do both, you need the Javelin, which is clunkier than the RPG against ground and which requires additional teamwork against air. Good design.

Your first weapon in BF4 appears to combine all these roles, except it's better at all of them. It's better against tanks than tank shells, it's a 1 hit kill on aircraft (waaay better than stingers ever were) and aside from the top down attack it might as well be a javelin when you decide you want it to be. It's so baldly stupid. Who the feck came up with that?
It's bad. Sadly, no one is talking about it.
Someone did mention it on the Battlelog forums, but it's the BL forums, so most of the responses were: "Teamwork" and "You suck at helicopters" typical illogical responses. I do hope they remove it in the final release :angel:
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by matsif »

StarfisherEcho wrote: Your first weapon in BF4 appears to combine all these roles, except it's better at all of them. It's better against tanks than tank shells, it's a 1 hit kill on aircraft (waaay better than stingers ever were) and aside from the top down attack it might as well be a javelin when you decide you want it to be. It's so baldly stupid. Who the feck came up with that?
it is really, really broken. 1 guy with an RPG can turn a nice 1 on 1 armor fight into a dead tank in a matter of 1 shot more or less if he hits your side/ass and the tank follows up on your front. It really needs to be toned down damage-wise on armor overall, and the lock really should be removed on it.

my 28 minute round with starfisher SLing is up in GCTV as well if anyone wants some video. I'm not awesome so it's nothing special except for a good shot of the skyscraper falling at 6:50 or so, and starfisher freaking out about the boat at 20:00. See my sig for the preview quote.
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by Ash2Dust »

Beta = Demo for EA. They will release it no matter how buggy it is.
This thread sounds a lot better than the BF3 beta (where they removed advertised features, left major bugs in on release) and way better than BFBC2 beta with its bugs and battles between aimbots. I really enjoyed the hell out of BFBC2V. Sounds like this time around the BF4 beta has small bugs before retail. Still wonder why they cant fix bugs in BF3, especially the ones that have been in since BF3 beta.
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by InsanityRocks »

Finally got a chance to play some Beta... :( Miami server So Laggy for me.

I dropped video settings to low, also.

Needless to say I was a bullet magnet. :-( I'm updating my video drivers...
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by Ash2Dust »

Public open beta Oct 4th.
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by InsanityRocks »

Updated my drivers, kept the video settings on low and did a little better in regards to seeing enemies; didn't improve my game play though :P

I'm still a student of the game so I can't really speak much on game mechanics or game play. However, the jet skies seem very sensitive to steering; I kept running into the walls around the city.
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by Bock »

First impression: There's a lot of new stuff to take in, but I mostly like it.
-helicopters have more momentum, yet they're more responsive to input at the same time. It's weird, but I think I'm going to like the handling and it might be a bit more realistic.
-The gunner seat in the tank does a ton of damage to helicopters. I think I like this change. They also cut down infantry a lot quicker than in BF3. It's like you're shooting a .50. It's nice that tank gunners can actually be useful again.
- The lmg secondary for the driver feels a bit more powerful as well, which is good, because you're going to have to use it. AP shells suck against infantry and you'll run dry of ammo if you spam it.
- Maybe it's the tight urban map, but I get the feeling that choppers are going to be easier to hit with rpgs and tank shells thanks to their higher projectile velocities compared to BF3. I also got my first "dust" shot tonight. And it was on Jobo and MotherFo's chopper. :evil:
- I can't confirm this as I was only in this situation once, but rep monkeys might get damaged a ton by splash damage from tank shells. I was repping JD's tank (on the side away from the tank we were fighting) and died the instant one shell hit our tank. Maybe I was damaged by someone else a split second before the shell hit, but I was definitely killed by the driver. If this is the case, we might see the end of assigning entire squads to rep monkey one tank and make tank battles less about whose reppers are alive and therefore will win the DPS battle.
- The c4 clicker takes a while to work. I kind of like this as it will make suicide runs against tanks more difficult. C4ing should require stealth.
- rpg is OP
- The starting PDW has pretty much no recoil. I only picked up the AK-12 once, but it didn't seem to have much recoil either.
- The first pistol is pretty poor. It took me 6 or 7 hits at ~15m to get a kill. I was hoping pistols would be more like BFBC2: useful.
- I like how nimble the tanks are now.
- Attack boats show up in the weirdest places.
- Miniguns on the transport are weak titties.
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by mrBLUE9 »

I just hope they fix the fps drops until the end of the beta, or at least until the release. While the game is totally playable right now for me, it's not that much enjoyable, specially having drops in the middle of firefights.
But apart from that, I really liked what I saw. :)
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by cairdazar »

C4 is till fun, I have most kills with it after several hours of play :twisted:
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by Digz »

I liked the counter knife, you got to have ninja reflex,
it only works if you turn yourself to the guy stabbing you.

I think its not fun to begin playing with too many things in a kit.
in bf3 you had to open almost everything.
its a noobtube-fest out there.

also I need a new computer and more hours per day...
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by FisherMan9999 »

I want to add that the Type99 MBT IS TOTALLY fraked UP!You can go through the gates on the bridge+the aim is glitched.
What do you expect from a Chinese tank...
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Re: BF4 first impressions

Post by Hgx »

FisherMan9999 wrote:NEW!
I want to add that the Type99 MBT IS TOTALLY fecked UP!You can go through the gates on the bridge+the aim is glitched.
What do you expect from a Chinese tank...
You can go through the gates with any vehicle if you're on the green side, maybe that was your case?

Anyways, to add something about the Type99, I have or had recorded somewhere a moment when I shot it 3 times at 5mts away (with the Abrams) missing totally the impact, aim was right on point (and I had already played for a while) and missed all of them.

Time to get back on the battlefield, someone took my #1 position. NO ONE TAKES MY #1 POSITION. Except for Chuko, Chuko is gonna destroy me.
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