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Tell us about the Vanilla and SF map you hate most

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 2:24 pm
by ph1l0r

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:48 pm
by Titi
Where is the:

Eight custom maps we will include thread?

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:58 pm
by ph1l0r
Do we have 8 custom maps worth playing? Did you test them? (and i mean really test. terrain details to low, crash to desktop for instance?) Asked someone to put them up for others to download? I think i already offered to help. Your posts today have been all very constructive. I can't help it if you don't get many replies to your posts in the custom maps thread. I care about a lot but i can't and don't want to care about everything. Custom maps is something i don't care about much as long as we don't play maps that are simply broken (balance, glitches, crash to desktop) which drives people away more than custom maps attract.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:20 pm
by Titi
Do we have 8 custom maps worth playing?.
At least three I know of, but viewing the custom map threads there could be at least three more and I left space for you to get your two map choices in.
Did you test them? (and i mean really test. terrain details to low, crash to desktop for instance?)
No. If I knew I was to test them as you suggest, I wish I would have known this a month or two ago. There are threads in the custom map area discussing issues GC people have (in the past) had with the maps, I think those threads should count for something, as what works for me may not work for others. If GC drags it's collective feet waiting for each player downloading these maps and personally trying them ... well ... we might as well give up now. I suggest there be a quick poll and then an announcement for people to get the maps and try the ones we agree to try (before campaign), then give one week for people to step forward with technical issues.
Asked someone to put them up for others to download?.
Nope. If Mister Someone (aka ph1l0r) would be so kind as to allow an alternative download site for these, I would appreciate it. Note: some are directly available from "GC". The first five I have played and enjoyed.

EDIT:map downloads and feedback threads listed here ...

... and the list can be longer... user input here ...
I can't help it if you don't get many replies to your posts in the custom maps thread. I care about a lot but i can't and don't want to care about everything. Custom maps is something i don't care about much as long as we don't play maps that are simply broken (balance, glitches, crash to desktop) which drives people away more than custom maps attract.
I think these maps can provide relief from the monotony of the vanilla maps. Boredom of vanilla maps is an issue and this is a solution.

All bored people - please down load these and tell execs, generals or someone of importance which ones you found less boring than the same ole vanilla.