Eve Of Destruction BF2 Release April, 6th

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Eve Of Destruction BF2 Release April, 6th

Post by gribble »

yeah.. no mistake, the first release of EoD for BF2 will be released this friday:
http://www.eodmod.com/forum/portal.php? ... 45157da87e
releaseinfo wrote: Thats right folks, the release date we gave yesterday was no joke, and you don't even need to be on our mailing list to get it!

So barring any last minute hitches, the mod will be released to the public on Friday.

This isn't a half mod, where you have some reskinned weapons the same old bf2 soldiers and vehicles, this is the real deal. All new weapons, all new soldiers, all new vehicles and all new maps. This is a full on total modification.

First Impressions:
We have created a new HUD look from the spawn interface colors all the way down to new Loading Screens and military topo style minimaps.

This release will focus on infantry combat mainly, you will have the following weapons to play with....

US Army

Bowie Knife
Grease Gun
M79 frag
M79 smoke
Remington Shotgun
Remote Detonated Claymores
M61 Grenade

North Vietnamese / Vietcong

SVD Dragunov
Mosin Nagant
Mosin Sniper
Tokarev TT33
RGD Grenade
Bouncing Betty
Remote Det Dynamite

Almost all of the other Kit items have been replaced as well. This includes new Med bags, ammo cans, and a syringe in place of the shock paddles.

We also have several new Stationary Weapons in game.

US Army

Mounted M60
Mounted 50Cal
80MM Mortar
M2A1 Artillary


Mounted DSHK
81MM Mortar
M46 Artillary Gun

However, that doesn't mean there are no vehicles to play with. We have

US Army

M151A MUTT Jeep (several variations)
M113 APC (several variants)
M48 Tank
M35 Deucenehalf
M109 Arty
M1A1 Tank
M551 Tank
Huey Dustoff
Huey Slick
Huey Gunship

North Vietnamese / Vietcong

T72 Tank
GAZ69 Jeep
T34 Tank
T54 Tank
T62 Tank

And then we have the


Stream (Conquest + Single Player/Coop)
Closefire (Conquest)
Dawn At The Rice Paddies (Conquest)
Deep Jungle (Conquest)
Lost in Vietnam (Conquest + Single Player/Coop)
Lost in Vietnam Nights (Conquest + Single Player/Coop)
OverRun (Assault)
OverRun the Beggining (Conquest)
Purple Haze (Conquest + Single Player/Coop)
Radio Tower (Conquest)
Radio Tower Night (Assault)
River Run (Objective)
River Run the Aftermath (Conquest)
Truong Song Chasm (Conquest)
We Were Soldiers Once and Young (Conquest)
Who'll Stop the Rain (Conquest + Single Player/Coop)

Map list is subject to change.

As you notice, there are two new game modes! Assault, the defending team must defend their one and only flag. If it is greyed by the other team all is lost and the opposing team wins. If the flag is defended for the preset 20 minute durration of the round then the defending team wins the round.

With Objective mode the gameplay is simple. There will be destructable objects scattered through the map that the defending team must defend\repair. Once those objects are destroyed the attacking team wins. If the objects are defended and held in tact for the duration of the round the defending team wins.


Don't stop reading now! Theres even more! In addition to all of the things listed above which you expect we have gone a bit farther. Almost all of the Dialogs have been replaced With new! This includes Rose Coms and any additional voices like "Throwing Frag" and death sounds. Thanks to a few talented voice actors this was accomplished for both USA and NVA\VC teams.

We also have a completely new Soundtrack for all loading screens! There are somewhere around 30 new tracks Performed recorded and edited by Taichi! All of these songs are geared towards the Vietnam era Music Genre and do a very good job of setting up atmosphere.

The new sounds however, do not stop here! Almost all of the weapons and vehicles have brand new sounds. In addition the maps as well have brand new ambient environment sounds.

To Finish the expectations up please take into consideration that our mod team works with one concept in mind and that is GAMEPLAY. If you dont like our not so uber grafix or our lack of animations for most of the weapons, too bad! We mod solely for the gamer, as gameplay as our #1 objective at all times.

The exact time of release will be decided and posted later in the week.

We hope you are as excited as we are to get back to tearing up the jungles of South East Asia!

And Lastly I would like to give a Super Special Thanks out to Trahn Lee Liao from the rest of the team! He has done a huge amount of all of the coding, and game tweaking to make the EoD experience a whole new one. He has also spent numerous hours debugging and compiling builds for our testers to play with. Thanks a heap Trahn! Without you there would be no EoD!

We shall see you Friday!
time to get that bf2 started again.....
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Post by Ash2Dust »

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Post by Netsurfer »

the only bf42 mod I used to play... :D
C11-11ARec Netsurfer --- 11th Marines, A Squad
C9-WM*JSG Netsurfer --- Russia, Mensheviks
C8-]C[Csm Netsurfer --- Interpol, CIA
C7-BA*Cpl Netsurfer --- BoB GX, Able Company
C3-S1*LCpl Netsurfer --- 1st Inf. Howlers, MEC
@8-Obschtz.Netsurfer|KH --- 2nd Battalion, Axis
7R|2|2Lt.Netsurfer --- 2nd Battalion, Allies
6A|SB|Sgt.Netsurfer --- SeaBees Battalion, Allies
5A|3|Pfc|Netsurfer --- SIFA Squad, Allies
Athens, Greece
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Post by Netsurfer »

... except GC mod of course 8)
C11-11ARec Netsurfer --- 11th Marines, A Squad
C9-WM*JSG Netsurfer --- Russia, Mensheviks
C8-]C[Csm Netsurfer --- Interpol, CIA
C7-BA*Cpl Netsurfer --- BoB GX, Able Company
C3-S1*LCpl Netsurfer --- 1st Inf. Howlers, MEC
@8-Obschtz.Netsurfer|KH --- 2nd Battalion, Axis
7R|2|2Lt.Netsurfer --- 2nd Battalion, Allies
6A|SB|Sgt.Netsurfer --- SeaBees Battalion, Allies
5A|3|Pfc|Netsurfer --- SIFA Squad, Allies
Athens, Greece
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Post by gribble »

There is an update on the EOD website about the two new gamemodes here
I copy/pasted the intel, but i am to lazy to link the pictures :) So if you want to see some screenshots visit their site :)
update wrote: Hi Everyone!

As Taichi posted yesterday, there will be 2 new gamemodes in EoD2, EoD Assault and Objective.

In this update I'll explain a little about them and how they work as well as a sneak peek at the maps supported by this mode.
The game mode concepts came from Junglist and the coding and debugging from the python genius Mach10, a big thanks goes out to Mach for his massive support.

EoD Assault:

As Taichi mentioned, at EoD we are more dedicated to gameplay than anything else and we hope to bring some intense gaming to you with our new gamemode EoD Assault.

One team will be the defending team and one the attacking.
Defending team must defend the assault flag for 20 minutes to win.
Attacking team must capture the assault flag within 20 minutes to win.
Defending team have only one flag.
Attacking team have multiple flags, some are uncapturable.

This will concentrate the fighting and bring intense battles to smaller areas of the map.
Rather than jumping around the map capturing flags in small groups, the objective is to work together to mass assault a flag, or to mass defend. Either way, the battle is around one area bringing huge battles and the headache of blue on blue and crossfire to both teams.


This mode works if one or both team have objectives.
It also works if there are multiple objectives for one or both teams.
If a team's objectives are destroyed, the round will end.
If time runs out and only one team had objectives, defenders win.
If time runs out and both teams had objectives, the team with the most objectives left will win.
If time runs out and both teams had objectives, and teams have the same number of objectives left, the team with the most tickets left will win.
Also, points (2) will be awarded to players who kill enemies within a radius of 10meters of their team's objective.
Points are also given to players who destroy objectives (10).

Assault Maps:

Radio Tower

A slightly reworked version of Radio Tower conquest, the conquest map has become a favorite with testers and the assault version seems set to follow its success.


NVA forces have captured a US base in the middle of a swampy battlefield, US forces are mounting an attack to take back their base.

Objective Maps:

River Run

A small group of US soldiers are working their way along a river knocking out NVA ZPU4 AA guns that are stopping the US Huey's passing overhead to support US troop advances.

Don't forget our first release on BF2 is out this Friday the 6th April 2007!!!
Client files will be out earlier so if you are looking to set up a server this will give you time.
You can also drop by the EoD official servers, we have a European and a US one, and the IP's will be released along side the mod.

We would also like to give a shout out to all the Blacksandstudio members that have contributed to the mod in the form of statics, skins, models, exports and more. Thanks guys!

Also, not forgetting the tester, thanks for your patience guys.

The EoD Team!
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Post by SpiersCro »

Great it will have all new wepons !!!!!
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Post by Unit1 »

It`s out NOW!!
I am downloading it right now via torrent!
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Post by gribble »

dammit, torrent will get you stalled around 51% .. but http links are coming on their website now.
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Post by gribble »

Double Post !!!

http://www.warumdarum.de//index.php?opt ... 0&Itemid=2

I know it's german, but it should be to hard to click on "WarumDarum.de #1" or "WarumDarum.de #2" or "WarumDarum.de #3" :-)

have fun.
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Post by Hashey »

Gribble, thats Desert Conflict, not Eve of Destruction! :P
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Post by gribble »

negative, http://www.warumdarum.de//index.php?opt ... 8&Itemid=2 is DCon. But on the EOD page there it just said mirrors are coming new in a bit.. so maybe there was a mixup. At least i am still downloading EoDv1.0.rar from there

but it doesn't matter, ph1l0r is working on a GC mirror right now.
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Post by gribble »


yeeahh.. get it while its hot. ph1lor did the mirror, so blame him for everything what might go wrong :)

if you have problems getting a desktop icon for EoD read the "readme_desktop_shortcut.txt" :)
readme_desktop_shortcut.txt wrote: READ ME!

This mod is for Battlefield 2.

There are two ways to set up a desktop icon to launch this mod..

Version one... Take the desktop icon that is with the .exe and place it upon your desktop. You will need to check and or change the pathway of the icon so that it points to your Battlefield 2 game installation. If you have Battlefield 2 installed in the default location.. ie.. on the "C" drive. You need to do nothing more. If your Battlefield 2 installation is on another drive within your computer. Then you will need to edit the path.

"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +modPath mods/EoD

The above path is the default path for EoD. Change the "C" at the beginning of the path to your default Battlefield installation.

To edit the path, right click upon the icon with your mouse. Goto Properties (at the bottom of the window that pops up) and click upon that. Another window opens up and you will see a path line labeled "Target". This is the path that needs to be edited.

To edit this. Just change the default drive letter "C" to the letter that corresponds to the location or drive letter of your Battlefield 2 installation.

Version two..There is another desktop icon to launch the mod within the mod build itself. Navigate to your Battlefield 2 installation mods folder. Inside there you will find an icon entitled "EOD BF2". Drag this icon out and place it upon your desktop. You will need to follow the steps above to edit the pathway if your Battlefield 2 installation is not in the default location.

If you have any problems with the creation of the desktop icon.. Contact us at the eod mod forums.


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Post by gribble »

damn, EoD looks nice (i loved the mod for bf42). So if anyone wants to play tonight, i am on TS looking for some fun.
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Post by speed_demon »

w00t! Back to Vietnam!

But its such a tiny download...I'm feeling a bit scepticle :P

We should have an EOD night...maybe Monday or Wednesday?
GC BF1942:

C1: US|SF|Lt.
C2: 3E*PVT
C8: ]C[Csm
C9: Neutral
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Post by Hashey »

Just played it a bit. It's very nice, although i sometimes feel that US has the better weapons. Also on the Purple Haze map it's really hard to see the enemy.
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