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NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:49 pm
by Ash2Dust
Please post your experience of how the NA#2 server was running for you today.

If you have better lag experiences elsewhere, please post also what server is usually good for you when its full 64/64.

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:05 pm
by Shrapnel
No lag, no issues.

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:04 pm
by Fanne
ok for me today

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:23 am
by LCourage
Played on the NA #2 tonight for about an hour. There was some lag and one or two instances of rubber banding (during the whole hour or so).

Overall it was bearable but definitely not as smooth as most other 64 player servers I frequent.

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:31 am
We need to get to the bottom of this. We now have 2 NA servers from 2 different server providers that don't seem to be up to the spec. we require. So what is the answer? Whats going on here? Why is it that the EU server is stable and consistent and seems to provide consistent playability for NA players but NA servers can't provide the same? It doesn't make sense. Surely someone can fill us in.

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:37 am
by Ash2Dust
I didnt get any rubberbanding for almost the entire day.

But we had a good fun 5 minutes of everyone shooting each other on Karkand and not registering a singe hit, but people could do a rear knife. Everyone started calling everyone else a hacker.

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:06 am
by bitesizebeef
I was on the server for nearly 12 hours give or take small breaks and I never had any issues no lag no rubberbanding, minus the 5 minutes ash talked about. even on metro which is usually unplayable for me i did fine

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:38 am
by Evil_Jocey
I think the server was doing okay, too... if it would not have been for this damn cheater "bitesizebeef" - he really ruined the game for nearly 12 hours!

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:20 am
by Chefcook
He got some Stingers with his name on it, sticking in his back now... ;)

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:05 am
by evilfurryone
Euro here, had serious issues of rubber banding. Having few targets in front of me rubberbanding here and there. Main issue was not getting a smooth feedback from my actions. Driving a jeep, deciding to jump out only to discover the jeep was blown up few moments earlier and I was watching jeep wreck (missing the explosion part). Getting the delayed response to shooting someone (not sure if you need to keep shooting or the target died a second/two earlier)

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:16 am
by Snow1Wolf
Played from Texas, it is ok, but not the best.

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:18 am
by dad0ughb0y
I'm local to the NA server, had 21 ping while I was on and hitboxes were terrible for me. While it isn't my first choice to play a 'quickscoping sniper', I wanted to test out the NA server to see how it felt.

I'd like to think that I've gotten 'ok' with a sniper rifle when in a run/gun situation. I can count the times on one hand that I felt like things were being accurate on the NA server. I only had a few instances where I actually felt like I was running in sand, but I had plenty of experiences where I glitched around a bit. I'm not sure what was going on, but I even had beef snipe me from 250M with an AN-94 and I didn't register a hit while hard-scoped.

I'm sure that those who used auto/burst weapons found it less noticiable due to the higher number of bullets potentially contacting the hitbox, but I wasn't impressed. It is strange that when I'm at 100+ ping on the EU server, I have less issues than I have on the NA server that is in my back yard. Now, this has only been the last week... so I don't know what could be going on behind the scenes.

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:39 pm
by LCourage
Snow1Wolf wrote:Played from Texas, it is ok, but not the best.
I hail from Texas as well and had a similar experience.

Parallel to what dadoughboy said, it wasn't obvious noticeable lag (except for minor rubber banding). It was an almost consistent problem with the hit box. It felt more sketchy than usual; and I didn't even have wife aggro while playing (which I do for more battle days).

Brummie, I feel your frustration. I hope we can get a decent provider set up and running smoothly. I know it's not just a NA thing. I frequent NA servers when not playing GC and hardly notice any lag issues.

Dallas based servers seem to always be solid for me. Although it might be not so for anyone across the pond.

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:59 pm
by Total_focus_haz
Played on it for a few hours and got to odd slingshot round the map but that was on caspian border and always is like that at times on a NA server for me being UK based.

Definately runs better than the current NA server for me and I play that alot during the week.

Re: NA server #2 pub play Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:36 pm
by FlaminWalrus
Quick explanation. I have a most terrible internet connection ever. Maybe due to having 600 people living in my basement... but that is not confirmed. I vote for NA 2 server - much better ping for me from european side of things. When i played in campaign i only played on NA server and i lagged horribly, (my PC doing its part with terrible frame rates and a dude coding AMD drivers having only 1 hand and no eyesight). It was at most of the times unplayable making me feel horribly useless at some points. \\I could not even properly laser tag them targets in the air. On the other hand NA 2 server i managed even to kill someone... well it was a kill assist (14) but i count it as my kill.

If you require any further assistance do not hesitate to contact me directly.