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M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:07 am
by Calloutman
This is a potentially game-breaking exploit as the designed point blank damage of 150 is glitched to 350. It's even higher for the G3A3 at 408 damage at point blank range. This also greatly increases the range of the weapons killing ability. Can we have the combination banned tomorrow please.

This video explains nicely how ridiculous it is.

Edit: Dice vaguely confirming it's a bug:!/stormonster/stat ... 8115569664

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:39 am
by Henidhor
I've used it a little bit and honestly while it's kind of neat it's really not that gamebreaking IMO. I also don't really like the idea of banning weapons as it creates a lot of trouble/complications.

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:44 am
by Calloutman
I disagree, I just used it and it's pretty insane. Even at medium(ish) ranges and especially when aimed down the sights. It wouldn't make that many complications, just tell everyone not to use the combination.

Did you use the underslung rail? I think it only works with that.

A video of it in use.

I don't have the G3A3 heavy barrel unlocked yet so I can't test that weapon. But if the (first) video is right it'll be even more lethal.

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:49 am
by Calloutman
Just tested it and the bug works for both the Mass and Dart rounds with the underslung rail equipped. They're unbelievably overpowered in close-quarters and pretty damn good mid range. I'd win most of the engagements mid range due to being able to point in the vague direction of the enemy, fire off a quick shot to suppress them and then zoom in for the kill.

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:04 pm
by Bas
It's totally bugged and completely OP. With G3+Underslug+HB (DART) it shoots 12 Pellets 34-22 damage EACH, giving a whooping damage output. This is the effect of HB affecting underslug attachments - the 75% accuracy bonus and extended range kick in when ADS and the rail itself increases the damage of the attachment.

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:10 pm
by FlashofSilver
While banning weapons tends to be an option of last resort, it's pretty clear that it's not working as the game designers intended. I don't think people should be using this on a battleday.

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:13 pm
by tehman
FlashofSilver wrote:While banning weapons tends to be an option of last resort, it's pretty clear that it's not working as the game designers intended. I don't think people should be using this on a battleday.
TBH, Most things aren't working as dice intended :lol:

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:38 pm
by matsif
I see no point in banning it unless people spam the combination tomorrow in the battle. banning a tactic is only necessary when it is entirely gamebreaking to one team or the other, and since both teams choose to use it, I don't see how it breaks the balance here in any way.

besides, since we play with vehicles if one team spams the combo, they are just gonna lose since assault is basically useless against anything other than a jeep, and that's only if they have the GL, which they can't have if they use the M26.

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:53 pm
by Spookybishop
matsif wrote:I see no point in banning it unless people spam the combination tomorrow in the battle. banning a tactic is only necessary when it is entirely gamebreaking to one team or the other, and since both teams choose to use it, I don't see how it breaks the balance here in any way.

besides, since we play with vehicles if one team spams the combo, they are just gonna lose since assault is basically useless against anything other than a jeep, and that's only if they have the GL, which they can't have if they use the M26.
We banned MAV lifts and they were more annoying than completely gamebreaking.

Also the argument that using the dart is okay because it can't one-shot vehicles is kinda...

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:03 pm
by haruky
Spookybishop wrote:
matsif wrote:I see no point in banning it unless people spam the combination tomorrow in the battle. banning a tactic is only necessary when it is entirely gamebreaking to one team or the other, and since both teams choose to use it, I don't see how it breaks the balance here in any way.

besides, since we play with vehicles if one team spams the combo, they are just gonna lose since assault is basically useless against anything other than a jeep, and that's only if they have the GL, which they can't have if they use the M26.
We banned MAV lifts and they were more annoying than completely gamebreaking.

Also the argument that using the dart is okay because it can't one-shot vehicles is kinda...
The argument with the MAV lift is sort of irrelevant I think. MAV lifting was only counterable by either MAV lifting yourself or counter sniping (on maps with no air like Tehran) However, the MASS is not always the best gun to use in all situations. Im sure that if it went up against an assault rifle at medium range, it would lose out. Not only that but regulating the MASS ban would be much more difficult than a MAV ban. And as mastif mentioned, both teams can use it.

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:23 pm
by WoodenPlank
Just because both teams can use it does not mean it isn't game-breaking, especially in GC play where all unlocks are available to everyone.

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:27 pm
by Undisparo
I just dont know how it would be regulated even if we did ban it... Im sure the admins could figure a way out.. but still. I personally have not played with it. Might try it out to see what the hype is all about.

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:52 pm
by Calloutman
i think if people want to use the setup they should do so without the underbarrel rail. That way you can still use the gun but the bug isnt activated. And as a way of moderating it just make sure everyone knows that they shouldnt use it. I would hope that we're all mature enough not to be a dick. Mav elevators are banned and noone uses them.
If you do see someone using the exact setup maybe take a note of their name and get tsomeone to tell them to stop in between rounds.

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:18 pm
by Calloutman
haruky8 wrote: Im sure that if it went up against an assault rifle at medium range, it would lose out.
Unfortunately that's not the case. When I was testing it out I actually felt kinda guilty as I was pulling off kills in situations where I really should have lost.

Re: M26 Mass + heavy barrel glitch ban

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:54 pm
by V_
I would argue that a "ban" isn't necessary. Or, at least, it shouldn't be necessary. I'd hope that people at GC would be mature enough to be fair when playing on battledays... But in the case that someone was spamming them, a talking-to from TA's and HC should be enough to discourage people from using the glitch until Dice can fix it. Based on player response to many of the patch's changes, I think they have their work cut out for them...