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What does being in this position in an army mean?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 4:19 pm
by A Docile Sloth
Has been asked a few times about and I don't want to do problems on General Relativity right now. I feel I should be productive though...

Anywhom, this is all written from my perspective having been in almost every army position going. Every army does things slightly differently but this is a general overview of what's what. I'll start at the bottom and work my way up the army ladder. I'll try to cover the responsibilities and any extra forums/teamspeak stuff each post has to deal with. With out further ado:

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Where everyone begins. I'm sure everyone is familiar with this but I'll cover it for completeness. Basically the Grunt is the bread and butter of the army. A grunt turns up and kills.

Map strats
After Action Reports (AARs) if an army makes them.

Forum Access:
General army forums


Picked By:
General, HC and officers pre campaign start (player draft)
TAs post campaign start
Default position if you sign up.
Squad Leader (SL)
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The most communication intensive position in GC. SLs are in charge of squads and send info up to the FC and bring orders down. Talking to four squaddies and that many (or more often more) in Channel Commander can be hard but once you get used to it (a few rounds) it's the most rewarding position to be in.

Map strats
Commanding a squad in game

Forum Access:
General army forums

Channel Commander

Picked By:
General, HC and officers (player draft or mid campaign).
- Prior SL experience generally moves a person up the draft order in the campaign draft.
Warrant Officer
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A rarely used position. This position is occasionally used to bring in a specialist (eg RISK guy) who doesn't want the responsibility of a fully blown officer. It is also used to vet officer candidates late in a campaign. If a person is made a warrant officer to be vetted, they typically will be expected to SL.

Map strats
Commanding a squad in game

Forum Access:
General army forums
Officer Forums

Channel Commander

Picked By:
General, HC and officers.
Spoiler: show
A junior officer. Their main role is to back up the division Captain by taking their responsibilities if they are absent. Lts are expected to SL but prior experience is not necessary (although it's more favourable if you have SL experience). They are involved in awarding medals and promotions. Lts are also involved in the player draft. As an officer position, they are often looked at to sit out if necessary. Very occasionally will Field Command (FC), depends on the person.

Map strats
Commanding a squad in game
Supporting the captain
(Rarely, FCing)

Forum Access:
General army forums
Officer Forums

Channel Commander

Picked By:
General and HC (officer draft)
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A position I've somehow managed to miss in my time here at GC. Tasked with organising and maintaining a division. During a battleday they are responsible for organising squads as well as making sure all assets are manned. Player numbers also often falls under the control of Captains; it's their responsibility to find people to man assets as well as making sure they don't have too many people in game. Will occasionally FC. As with a Lt., they are expected to SL but prior SL or Lt. experience is not necessary.

A Captain's attendance is expected to be high.

Captains are often HC candidates for the next campaign so can be given read only access to the TA+HC forum but this depends on the army.

Map strats
Commanding a squad in game
Manage division numbers on a battleday
Make sure assets are manned
(Occasionally, FCing)

Forum Access:
General army forums
Officer Forums
(Occasionally, TA+HC)

Channel Commander

Picked By:
General and HC (officer draft)
High Command (HC)
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The HC is instrumental in the army. A HC member will end up squad leading every battleday and will almost certainly FC, probably every battleday. They also support the General in running the army and may have to step up to lead the army if the General is away. A lot of the foundations of the army is done by the HC. HC members have a huge hand in the army theme, medals, officer draft and player draft. Work will start a couple of weeks before the player draft opens. The HC is also instrumental in determining some of the campaign rules before the campaign goes live. They also get full access to the TA+HC forum to discuss any issues that arise during the campaign. They have to keep the officers in check and make sure they are doing their jobs.

The HC will also keep an eye on numbers during a battleday. They will also be in communication with the TAs and the other HC during the battleday to report/be reported any issues that arise.

The HC isn't drafted per say, they are picked during an (often lengthy) discussion between the two generals. HCs have typically some officer experience from previous campaigns.

HC attendance is expected to be high.

Map strats
Commanding a squad in game
Manage division numbers on a battleday
Manage any arising issues on a battleday
Manage any arising issues during the week

Forum Access:
General army forums
Officer Forums

Channel Commander
Friendly HC bind
Enemy HC bind
Army shout

Picked By:
General(HC "draft")
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Where the buck stops. The most stressful position in an army; you put your heart and soul into the army and it rips you apart when you lose a battle and even more so when you army loses. It's also the position that you get the most pride out of (seeing and army of LN7 tags in the first scrim of BF4:C3 was hands down the best moment I've had in GC).

As a general you are responsible for your army of 20+ people. You will have to FC and SL and grunt. You will also have to deal with issues that rise in the army and settle disputes between members of the army. You also have to manage your HCs and officers. The TA+HC forum is open to you as a line of communication between the two armies but talks with your opposite number in TS or PM are often unavoidable to speed up otherwise lengthy discussions.

You also get the most power of anyone in the army structure, including TAs (though they will never admit that). The senate will over rule you if they deem it necessary but most of the time you get your way (if the other general agrees). It's the generals who decide on the vast majority of the rules in the wiki. They also determine which weapons should be banned, if any, and how the campaign system should work. To do this, generals need to be up to speed with the numerous discussions that go on between campaigns in all the forums. The HC, of course, help out with all of this but it's the general's decision that's law, quite literally. A lot of this is done in a special BF4 Development forum.

They way generals are picked is one of the more opaque aspects of GC. Out going Generals, the outgoing TAs and Senate are the ones who make the decisions. People who put down interest for Generalship are discussed. As far as possible, personalities are matched between the two generals. A lengthy discussion is held to discuss who is suitable (if you've only ever SLed, chances are you won't be considered very strongly) and the two people deemed to be the best are forwarded to the senate. Something happens in the Senate that takes about a week. I think they have some time to say no if they want to and/or more discussion is held. What ever it is, it takes about a week. Once the Senate agree, the prospective Generals are approached and if they agree, the Generals pick their HCs. Prior HC experience is often required to be a General.

The General's attendance is expected to be high

Map strats
Commanding a squad in game
Manage division numbers on a battleday
Manage any arising issues on a battleday
Manage any arising issues during the week
Campaign rules
RISK rules (pre-campaign start)

Forum Access:
General army forums
Officer Forums
BF4 Development

Channel Commander
Friendly HC bind
Enemy HC bind
Army shout

Picked By:
Outgoing TAs, outgoing Generals and Senate
Tournament Administrators (TAs)
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Most rules are enforced by the TAs, the exceptions being any Gentlemen's agreements between the Generals. The server settings are also handled by this group along with starting and stopping rounds. Recording of scores is also handled by the TAs. During a battleday, the TAs will use their people to balance the armies numbers between rounds (not when rounds are live). There will also be at least one TA sitting in spectator that the HCs can call on to deal with issues and who can watch out for potential rule breaking, typically battle pick ups or uncap violations (and All Chat...). TAs use the HC binds to communicate with the two armies and the TA bind to communicate with each other. All HC bind chatter goes to the TAs but is ignored unless some yells a TA name or just "TAs". This is so all of one army's HC can hear what the TAs are being told so the same request isn't sent twice.

Away from battledays, the TAs maintain the wiki. They also assign any people who sign up after the player draft. TAs have handled the RISK map but more recently this has been done by Ghoul as his photoshop skills are better than any of the recent TAs. Other RISK book keeping, such as the BO points, is also done by the TAs. Opening battleday signups is also a TA thing. They also preside over the TA+HC forum to help facilitate discussion and keep up to date on what the armies want added/taken from the rules. TAs have moderator power over both armies' forums but are expected to leave the moderating to the General and HC and not post in the armies' forums unless absolutely necessary.

Like the Generals, choosing TAs is not overly clear to many. Again they are chosen in the BF4 Development forum by outgoing TAs, Generals and the Senate. People who sign up to be TA are considered and chosen based on their experience in GC and their perceived understanding of how GC works. Despite what people may think, outgoing Generals do not have to become TAs. They typically do as they have the qualities needed to be a TA and are willing to continue to lend a hand in the community but are too burnt out from Generalling to want to take an officer or HC position. For the last campaign at least, the TAs are picked after the HCs have been chosen to allow the Generals to get who they want first. Once a list of potential TAs is drawn up, the names are passed to the Senate for about a week so they can say yay or nay before invites are sent out.

Server settings
Server restarts
Round starts/restarts
Rule enforcement
Battleday record keeping
RISK record keeping
Wiki upkeep
ABC upkeep

Forum Access:
General army forums (both armies)
Officer Forums (both armies)
BF4 Development

(Channel Commander, more as it's not unbound)
HC bind (both armies)
TA bind
Server shout

Picked By:
Outgoing TAs, outgoing Generals and Senate
So that's pretty much what all the positions involve. I hope it makes it clearer for those who were uncertain and encourages everyone to sign up for an officer position or higher; it's not scary at all!

I'm sure that people will correct me on things but this is how I've seen it done, or done it, over my time here.

Oh, how the more hidden forums work:
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Officer Forum:
Officers can discuss more sensitive things here (like the player draft) away from the general army. Or discuss rules they want changing or altering. That kind of thing. Ends up being publicly archived so things like player drafts often get removed.

A place for the HCs to discuss rule and campaign changes. Also a place for the TAs to keep up with what the armies want all in once place.

Like the general army forums but for the TAs

BF4 Development:
Where the nitty gritty of the campaign rules can be argued over and ironed out before they are released into general circulation. Also a place to discuss TA and General candidates in private as not to potentially offend anyone in public. HC discussion is also done here along with early stage officer drafting posts.

Re: What does being in this position in an army mean?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 4:28 pm
by mrBLUE9
Great job, Sloth! :thumbup:

Re: What does being in this position in an army mean?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 4:31 pm
by Fields
Good clarification post. We can link this during the google doc signups now. :clap:

Re: What does being in this position in an army mean?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:20 pm
by InsanityRocks
If that was on Facebook, I'd give you a Like :thumbup:

Re: What does being in this position in an army mean?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:08 pm
by Kilo

Re: What does being in this position in an army mean?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:26 pm
by haruky

Re: What does being in this position in an army mean?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 11:12 pm
by Bock

Re: What does being in this position in an army mean?

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:40 am
by Gwynzer

Re: What does being in this position in an army mean?

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:36 am
by Nix

Re: What does being in this position in an army mean?

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:43 pm
by CekiHappy

But this is seriously good work sloth, should make it much easier for new people to consider higher roles, and also for older scrubbier members (like myself) understand what they need to be doing.