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View Access to Supporting Members

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:40 am
by RĂ³ka
Not sure if this is the place for this thread but as some of you may have noticed, ALL registered users now have read-only access to the Supporting Members forum to see everything behind the curtains. I have not donated or qualified to be a supporting member so this is coming from someone who has never really seen what goes on in that forum. It makes a difference, having everyone be able to see what's going on, but I also understand why it's been a completely separate, restricted discussion. On that note, in Ghoul's announcement it says it's based on "trial basis" so I assume this read-only access isn't permanent and that we shouldn't get too used to it. Deffo check it out and read everything from the past :wink: . You might get a perspective on stuff that went on before. Also donate/contribute if you want posting permissions now and viewing permissions along with it if it ever goes back to restricted access.