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Re: Graphics Card Change

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:23 am
by undrt0w
Cool, thank you guys.

Yeah, I think I am being kinda silly...especially given the fact how much money I have already invested because of this stoopid ass of a game.

Necro 80 on Ultra is fine I guess. I mean I lower mine to LOW and MED so prolly it will around 100-120? Ahh..who knows, you both got me thinking there...maybe I will hold off.

Re: Graphics Card Change

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:16 am
by MONGO_abaday
As Matsif mentioned BF4 relies far more heavily on CPU power than graphical capabilities when it comes to gaining a better FPS. So if I was in your position I'd stick with your two current cards as you'll still going to have a long time until you find them struggling with games. As I recently did a big time rebuild with my pc. Gone XFire by adding an extra 7870, getting my self a 240gb SSD, getting my hands on a fx8350, new MOBO and improved power supply.
In my haste to do this I bought a am3+ MOBO (ASrock extreme4) which cannot handle the fx8350's power demands on the VRM which ends up with me getting big time stutters as it throttles the 8350 to cope. (SILLY MONGO!)

But before the throttling I get really nice FPS on ultra like 100fps or so. So for now while I save again for a compatible MOBO I am using my fx4130 which gives me more stable and playable fps but obviously a far lower average fps compared to what I get when using the 8350.

My overall conclusion and recommendation would be invest in a more powerful CPU if you want to improve your FPS on bf4 rather than going down the graphics card route (I dont know much about intel so cant really recommend one). Also try getting hold a 120gb or above SSD to work alongside your current HDD to vastly improve your loading times in game. Since getting my SSD some loading times I had have dropped from like 2-3 mins to just 30 secs or so. I would advise looking for a make that you know it reliable, cheaper isnt always better. Kingston (what I have), samsung and WD are what come to mind currently but there are a couple other good makes out there.

Other smaller tweaks I could recommend for small FPS improvements would be closing any web browsers once in game, you can also get little config. files, you put in your game directory, that help optimise settings in bf4 (especially ones you cannot change manually in-game) also don't worry the config. file doesn't cause you to get done for so called hacking as some people say they do, just get it from a reliable source (as I expect you have enough common sense to do). Finally this is my personal preference is to open up task manager and just check you haven't any other programs running in the background that are taking up more than what could be considered a normal amount of cpu power. Many antivirus are well known for doing this, so to combat it what I do is either disable and then re enable the antivirus or just set it as disabled for a specific amount of time where I will only be in game playing and not using my web browser or downloading anything.

Hope this helps and this is just my recommendations.

Re: Graphics Card Change

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:56 am
by RazY70
I don't think BF4 relies more heavily on CPU power. Obviously if the CPU is bottlenecking your GPU a more powerful card wouldn't help at all. But from the benchmarks I saw the performance gained from a CPU upgrade were rather small. Assuming you have a reasonable quad core CPU you should fare better by upgrading your GPU rather than CPU.

Re: Graphics Card Change

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:25 am
by MONGO_abaday
This is just from my personal experience so far. I agree raz, but from what I have found so far with my rig and considering what his specs are with his current cards it sounds more like a CPU upgrade is needed in my eyes. But hey hoe either way I wouldn't be too bothered as long as my fps stayed above or around the 60 mark.