I'm ready to replace my old ASUS ROG G75V lappytop because 1. The graphics card quit and B. It's 5 years old.
Before you tell me I should build a desktop, I know I should but I live for 6 months in two different states and travel occasionally for work making a desktop impractical. I'd like to enlist your help in choosing because I've spent a few days researching and can't make a decision

Specs I'd like:
Processor: Intel I7 7820
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1080
RAM: 16 meg
Storage: 2x512 M.2 SSD + 1 TB HDD
Screen Resolution: Quad HD or 4k Ultra HD
Budget: <$3000 but could do $3500 if I begged. "It's only $500 a year, honey."
So....whatcha think? Suggestions, recommendations, links? Thanks. Annnnd.....GO!