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POE Mappack

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:52 am
Hey guys, I think I'm still having problems with this mappack. I couldn't get onto the server for the first couple of maps on saturday evening. I downloaded and installed all the new stuff for C9 and have already played some POE in C9 so I cant figure it out. Anybody else have this problem? Any idea's?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:19 am
by Goggles
Which maps in particular were giving you problems? Also, go into your maps folder (battlefield 2/mods/bf2/levels/) and see if the folders are there for the maps in question (unless they're poe2, then they're in the poe2/levels folder).

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:34 am
by Ash2Dust
Are you able to join other POE servers? I would try deleting the POE folder
battlefield 2/mods/POE2 and re-installing.

Also in My documents theres a Cache folder in battlefield 2/mods/bf2/Cache. Delete those so it forces it to recreate them.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:48 pm
by Total_focus_haz
i think some off the maps on the map pack may be corrupt as only GC players have this issue as luckyshot has already mentioned?

can another one be createdfrom fresh and try it that way to see if it cures players issues

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:33 pm
by Ash2Dust
I think most GCers got their POE from GC including me. Pinpointing if its a main POE install, mappack, or single custommap download issue would be helpful.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:25 pm
by LuckyShot
GC Map Pack: I just downloaded it and installed it with no problems. It found the right folder with no issues. No problems in game, joined a server and also created my own for the custom content. I would uninstall POE then re-install the full. If that's still not working download it off of POE's website.

If it was the map pack, it would fail for me as well. So I would look at either POE, BF2 patches, or Punkbuster. I understand (from Madcow) that Berezan and Dnipro were played this past week so no maps from the map pack were touched and these two maps were left as stock (no custom changes).

Lucky Shot