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Want some extremely fast downloads?

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 2:35 pm
by Winter_Lion
I switched over to using utorrent to download my BF2 patches and mods in addition to movies and games i already have been and it rocks.

Check out this screenshot.......the download speed is listed at the bottom and that was the low side when i dl'ed this forgotten honor BF2 mod.

Awesome.......over a gig in 15 mins tops.



Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 3:32 pm
by .Sup
I'm using utorrent for 2 years now. very satisfied.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 4:21 pm
by matsif
havent used anything other than it for a torrent client...too bad my internet connection sucks so I can't get those speeds but it is still the best program for torrents

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 5:56 pm
by ramboon
Yeah indeed utorrent roxxx

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 7:19 pm
by Winter_Lion

I was curious about just how much difference there was and tried downloading the same file from filefront with my firefox downloader.

It smoked the cable out front........downloading at over 1900 kps.

Matter of fact....I started the dl.....posted another post about GC here and typed out this note.......and the popup just showed saying the dl was done........damn!

Maybe it's just the way FH writes their

Just kidding......about the code.

I still stand by using torrent client though.....I have found gigs and gigs of needful things using that mode. Unique and hard to find files as well.

Can't beat that with a stick........hehe.


Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 5:24 am
by sushi
moved to Help-Forum

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 6:16 am
by a432
indeed utorrent is the way to go. Been using it for about a year.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 10:38 am
by Goggles
I think µTorrent has become the [relatively] undisputed king of torrent programs for Windows. It's lightweight, full-featured and still darn easy to use. I just wish they would let you use it in linux without the need for Wine :S

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 11:46 am
by StarLord
Filefront got pretty decent speed, but are you registered or what? 1900 ko/sec? I only got that on FilePlanet and those where on the fast server to download trials of games that were over 1,5 gig. (2-3mg/s :P)

I personnally use ABC to download torrent, but I use it rarely. Most of the time I stick to download them with firefox. Is there a big difference in speed between different Torrent client?

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 1:58 pm
by Winter_Lion
StarLord wrote:Filefront got pretty decent speed, but are you registered or what? 1900 ko/sec? I only got that on FilePlanet and those where on the fast server to download trials of games that were over 1,5 gig. (2-3mg/s :P)

I personnally use ABC to download torrent, but I use it rarely. Most of the time I stick to download them with firefox. Is there a big difference in speed between different Torrent client?
From what I have been able to gather......a modern upgraded and popular torrent client is the same as the next good one.

Having said's all about the numbers......peers. Some of the big isp's are trying to block ports that torrents use in trying to slow down the transfer of protected files and such. They have lawyers who want to avoid being an accomplice to copyright theft and the huge bags of money it would cost to defend themselves and pay off if they lose.

Can't blame them there......bottom line.......If you have slow torrents.....check your ports.


sushi wrote:moved to Help-Forum
You bored Sushi.....or padding your post count? This is not a help forum topic and I posted it where i wanted it...........General Topics.
Please measure twice and cut friend.

We all have things to contribute and I respect your hard work........just wondering if you might be micromanaging the forum.....just a little.

Health and Wealth to you and yours Sushi............respects Winter..:wink: