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Your Connection to the Server has been lost.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:08 pm
by DaGrooved1
Yes, many of you already know about this little problem of mine, after anywhere from 15 seconds to half an hour of play on any bf2 server, I get a 3-5 second freeze, then 5-10 seconds of huge lag with the "Connection Problems" message, before being sent back to the server browser with the message "Your connection to the server has been lost" but I figured I'd post it if anyone has the slightest clue of what could be causing it, please inform me, I've searched all over the web and have tried the following things:

1.Reinstalled BF2 many ways, on many drivers
2.Updated Punkbuster many times, in many ways
3.Tried patching from many different files found on many different servers
4.Adjusted RAM times, as suggested on one board
5.Removed unused NIC's as suggested on one board
6.Attempted (reason unknown) EA Tech Support Suggestions
7.Disabled/Enabled any firewall and or security software that could be found.
8.Did DSLReports, multiple times, net is now performing at 98% efficiency, still get great pings in bf2, but still connetion lost.
9.Many other things over the past few weeks such as disabling VOIP, adjusting In-Game settings as suggested on many boards, and un/reinstalling in specific orders.

If anyone has any other ideas please tell me! I'm going to assume its Punkbuster, because I had a few screenshots of my console split seconds before my game crashed and the last line was always something about punkbuster trying to connect somewhere.

edit: And I've also tried many different spyware/virus/hijack tools to remove things.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:32 pm
by HumanSpeedbumpAK
Tip: Join a non-punkbuster game.

They are hard to find, but they do exists. Change your filters so that they do not include Punkbuster enabled servers, turn off punkbuster, and play in that server (or idle) for at least an hour. It prolly wont be fun as hacks may be in play, or the server will be empty, but you can determine the relation of punkbuster to the problem by doing so.

If you crash while playing in this server... I have no idea.

If you DO NOT crash while playing in this server, go to and let them know that the problem is most definately PB related. They might be able to help you from there.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:13 pm
by speed_demon
I'd suggest uninstalling BF2...then wiping your registry of anything to do with BF2. Delete all the files and records. Then try re-installing.

Try making a new account....hey, you never know.

Then I would suggest waiting until the next patch...yeah it's depressing.

If that doesn't work...well I'll have to agree with Brenil before he posts. Re-format.

If that doesn't work...I hope you have an extra $ may need a new copy of the game., or at least a new CD key.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:17 pm
by BinaryRhyme
You know, I've looked before and been unable to find, a webpage or email addy where such esoteric things could be posted as bugs / support requests to DICE / EA - does anyone have a pointer to such?

... which is another way of saying ... I have no freaking idea. :D

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:11 pm
by DaGrooved1
I'd suggest uninstalling BF2...then wiping your registry of anything to do with BF2. Delete all the files and records. Then try re-installing.
Tried it.
Try making a new account....hey, you never know.
Tried it.
Then I would suggest waiting until the next patch...yeah it's depressing.
Still in the process of doing it.
If that doesn't work...well I'll have to agree with Brenil before he posts. Re-format.
Tried it.
If that doesn't work...I hope you have an extra $ may need a new copy of the game., or at least a new CD key.
Not worth it.

Tip: Join a non-punkbuster game.

They are hard to find, but they do exists. Change your filters so that they do not include Punkbuster enabled servers, turn off punkbuster, and play in that server (or idle) for at least an hour. It prolly wont be fun as hacks may be in play, or the server will be empty, but you can determine the relation of punkbuster to the problem by doing so.

If you crash while playing in this server... I have no idea.
Well, I guess Ill give that a try...

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:15 pm
by tripleX
I gotta say alot of guys in CAnada seem to have the same problems.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:19 pm
by DaGrooved1
Holy cow! Now I'm really getting mad, I'm used to getting dissconnected after 5-10 minute of play, but after 5-10 minutes of looking for a non-punkbuster server to test on I STILL GOT DISONNECTED, I WAS )#@$*ING DISCONNECTED FROM THE SERVER BROWSER! @#()$&)@(#*$ I DONT KNOW WHAT IS CAUSING IT NOW! )@#($*)(@#*$

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:30 pm
by DaGrooved1
I gotta say alot of guys in CAnada seem to have the same problems.
You think it's an EA Conspiracy? I hope it is, I hope this is all EA, I've done nothing to deserve this, and the only force cruel enough to force something this upon me that I know of is non other then EA themselves!

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:42 pm
by speed_demon
How about using ASE or Xfire to join a server? And using ASE you dont have to login to the account server until you're ready to join...and it connects all by itself. There's other programs out there is your friend :D .

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:26 pm
by DaGrooved1
Well, now I have to try someone elses suggestion of switching my ram to single channel, apparently it worked for him, ugh.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:41 pm
by Gravis i use that for auto joining :)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:45 pm
by DaGrooved1
Well, I've discovered that it doesnt matter what I'm doing in Bf2, if I'm playing, adjusting settings, or I have it minimized while I hack Gravis, either way, its going down after 10 minutes.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:49 pm
by Gravis
so your the reason my computer reboots for no reason :!: :x


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:56 pm
by syL
Smells like a hardware problem. Switching Ram around is a good start, but you might wanna check your hardware anyway, just in case.

Run memtest and prime95 (stress test nr. 2) for at least 10 hours each. If they come out ok, at least you know it's not your computer.

I'm sure you can use google to find memtest and prime ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:58 pm
by BinaryRhyme
Scanning the bf2 code, I find...

Code: Select all

if( username.Contains("Gravis") )
   thread.sleep( 600 );
