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Spontaneous Reboot While Joining Server [RESOLVED]

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:05 pm
by speed_demon
This just started today. When I start to join a server, passworded or not, my PC reboots after I've loaded between 5-20% into the server. I dont push any buttons or just dies by itself. Yesterday I played in the Spec.ops battles just fine, and pubbed a little after they were over...then I shut down my PC. I turned it back on when I got home at around 4 and tried to join the GC server for the EC practice...and that's when it started.

I have not messed with anything yet...I will add in here what I tried so far:

:arrow: I'm trying single player now...
:!: OK, single player worked fine...might be a net issue.

:arrow: I've been playing with Xfire on, I'll try it turned off.
:?: Well that didnt work.

:arrow: Running spyware scan.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:12 pm
by Daywrecker
Have you changed any hardware at all or installed new software recently? Does it happen on any server? And, is it 100% consistent? (reboots everytime)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:03 pm
by deathbot9000
right click on 'My Computer' choose "Manage"

expand "Event Viewer"

click on 'application' and look for anything errors (red) or warnings (yellow).

next click on 'system' and look for errors/warnings

if you can't find any that pertain to software/os failures that could cause a reboot you're probably looking at a hardware problem. most likely a power supply or heat related issue.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:08 pm
by speed_demon
OK fixed it...was just spyware. Gotta be careful with those torrents.