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Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:13 pm
by Educated_Pizza
i logged on to ts today and joined a channel with sushi

i could hear and i dont thing he could hear me

on the channel my name was listed like this

Redman's School
Educated Pizza

then there were more people in line with him and not with me like this
...ect ect ect

just need a reason for y i cant hear them and if that has to do with anything

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:50 pm
by Yob
Make your default channel Global Conflict - After Hours . Could be that you weren't in a channel that others were in. It's a bit confusing sometimes. Just look for the green lights when people talk.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:17 am
by Ash2Dust
In the last 2 months, a couple people have had weird TS issues where some people in a channel could hear them and others could not. Seems restarting TS client solves the issue. But how do you know you have the issue when some people respond to you?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:08 am
by sushi
Sorry it didn't work out. I saw you at one time when I checked TS but I think I wasn't in the same channel, I didn't think about you having problems at that time, I appologice for that.

Here is what I remember:

You were in
Redman's School
Educated Pizza as you stated,

but I was in the after hours channel, therefore I could not hear you and you coudln't here what the other folks in the after hour channel were saying.

it looked like this:

Redmans' School
Educated Pizza

You are only in the same channel with somebody if the name in TS are situated in line:

Redman's School
Educated Pizza


Redman's School
Educated Pizza

Try to be in TS tonite for the Euro Spec ops battle and I will look out for you.
