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now my bf2 freezes after picking my kit

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 2:51 pm
by matsif
I really have no clue whats up but every time I tried to get on the server when I tried to repick my kit for the situation, the game froze and I had to restart my computer, and I have no idea whats wrong cause I just reformatted my hard drive

edit:only happens online mp, recently happened in sever selection screen, new account didnt work

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:34 am
by sushi
Tell us a bit more, you have the latest patch of cause, you do have PB updated, you didn't fool around with the weapon unlocks?

Try creating a new account and try changing your kits using this one online.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 5:02 pm
by matsif
ok i got the pb manual update, and my pb is good
didnt screw around with the updates
have 1.22

and I really dont want to change accounts cause im almost gunnery srg. but if it works my new account name for bf2 will be matsif123

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 11:16 pm
by Ash2Dust
If creating a new account solves the problem (basically starting with a new profile with defauly settings), then you can go into your documents folder and delete the profiles. Then run the game again and retrieve any accounts you have created. You'll need to remember the passwords.

There other ways of doing the same thing without deleting the profiles.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 5:45 am
by sushi
Absolutely, nobody says you should actually play with the new account, I was only suggesting that to test if on of your profile files is screwed up.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 5:07 pm
by matsif
thx for the hlp sushi but the new prof didnt work

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 7:12 pm
by matsif
new problem:

cannot reinstall bf2. I uninstalled and tried reinstalling and the installer stopped on objects_server.(whatever), then said "bf2 has failed installation. please start from beginning again."

so i tried and the same thing occured

i think I have a problem with my bf2 disc

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 8:11 pm
by matsif
nope this was not fixed I thought i had it but it froze up after about 30 min. of play and now still does the same thing

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:40 am
by Winter_Lion
matsif wrote:new problem:

cannot reinstall bf2. I uninstalled and tried reinstalling and the installer stopped on objects_server.(whatever), then said "bf2 has failed installation. please start from beginning again."

so i tried and the same thing occured

i think I have a problem with my bf2 disc
This is late in coming Matsif, I realize that. But for you and anyone else interested in knowing how to overcome the above stated problem, I post this now.

Before installing your game, copy the install disc to the hard drive. Install from that copy and you should get a good install. The typical pc freezes up during install when encountering data that is possibly corrupted or just on a scratched up cd. Once on a hard drive where the speed advantage is like comparing skateboards to a Navy Hornet on afterburner, your pc has a much better chance of getting through the traffic snarl.

Also remember to shut down all background apps you dont need at that point in time, clean your cd with a third party disc cleaner or something slightly polishing in nature if the cd is heavily scratched, like toothpaste. Not the jell kind, just regular old school is best. Then clean again with disc cleaner or alcohol.

Never wipe cd's in a circular motion, never! Wipe straight across, at right angles to the digital tracks, as any scratches you put in the cd in that direction will be ignored by the cd player.

Even PC's in the best of tune with brand new media to work with will and do slow down and even stall or freeze during install. It is really common with games involving multiple cd's or come on a dvd. Just got to be patient, meticulous and not forget or blow off any of the steps along the way bro.

I got to where I could uninstall bf42, all the mods and maps as well as patches and reinstall it all in less than 30 mins. I did it several times during battledays and under the gun to get back to the server and play.
It's all in the steps along the way and of course keeping up on what is working for guys in your game community. I even had the chance to write troubleshooting copy for EA games involving registry edits and how to get bf42 to reinstall when your pc refused to let it back on the hard drive.

This is the game that never stops giving, it takes way more but still........................

Winter :D