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Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:09 pm
by TubEsTeak
GC doesn't die bro.. it just takes a break.. and when we find what were looking for... see the front page of the site for the "what were doing bit".... then we will do what needs to be done to start the next campaign/game...

We will no doubt send out mails to everyone... and for those who care... they may return... and with that... the next session will begin....

We WILL have a community meeting... to discuss what we found as far as mods or games... we WILL be having scrimms to try them out... and we will be on TS to talk with people.. I usually am on every couple nights... and would welcome some discussion on the topic of "WTF is going on"

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:06 am
by dutch
Unasked I give my two cents and I am already apolagizing if it is upsetting anyone. The reason I post is cause I care about GC, I honestly do. Why? Cause as us you broke lose from a BS place and started your own thing, and there are some people I like allot.

I read the posts in your forums for over 1 year now, and I also read this topic, you ask for admins and you get replies, but you do not ask for the 1 admin this tourney really needs.

You guys need a manager, 1 guy, 1 leader that will dedicate his time and hobby to this place. A manager that will make the decisions and bond the different cells, calls like graphics/media team, modding/mapping team, officers for the campaigns,t decides over the direction you wil take, follow a policy that pleases the majority etc etc.
I know this is against what you stand for, but from where I stand and look at GC, you drown in your own believes, as a matter the believes of a few, that dedicate their time and cherish the feel good of GC, but with that lost the full community. They are to leftwinged, to liberal to democratic.

People that join a community, want fun and pleasure, they also want teamplay and dedication, not some funplace where they can go to whenever it suits them and the only thing that counts is harmony.

The 1 guy, the manager, would scare some loved ones away, but he will send GC in 1 direction with the rest following him and with that you will gain new members and these members will get what they want, organized trainings, organized battles and outside that the GC you all love so much. But on the main events there will be dedication and order.

Also when a decision needs to be made, the manager will concult the known vet players and ask their opinion, like I am doing in F|H and based on that, he makes the decision, sometimes in a minute, sometimes in 2 days, it depends on the situation.

The manager must be a streetwise guy that understand that with the job comes allot of BS, people will dislike him and every decision he makes he will be charged with the titel "what a dictator". But if his decisions are benefiting the community, some other people will defend him and the majority will be happy, cause the place is getting better.

IMO this is what is lacking in GC, since the first time I came here, I was interested in the community. I do not say you need a clone of dutch, cause dutch would not work in GC, you guys need a person that is more levelheaded and calm, but strong and dedicated, like a spider in the web.

This would solve allot of your struggles. and yes it would not come for free, some loved players would leave with this, but that loss is worth the future of GC. Cause many new players will come back, and people like Tsumetai_Ryujin with qualities and readyness to help would standup and get the chance you want and he offers. I would die for a guy like him in my community, < a matter of speech cause I have them.

These are my two cents and I think this is what you need. You have some good candidates for this job, just get the best exited and give him the support.

Sorry if I am stepping on toes, I am only typing cause I also care.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:22 pm
by KillShot
He is right, You need 1 Leader, Even if he takes the advice from the Core people in the group you still need 1 Over all leader with the focus drive dedication and TIME to put into this.

Over the years that leader has changed hands many times. Some I know some I do not. But always comes back to 1 leader. Right now you guys need that leader. If those that have stepped up in the past cant or don't have the time then find some one that is as passionate as you all are with the time and Intellect to perform the job well.

That is my opinion and I hope it helps. If not then I understand.


Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:51 pm
by TubEsTeak
Completely agree of course.. as Killshot would contest... I played that role for many years... and with plenty of blood sweat and tears...

I have been discussing with Brummie a "Come back" and I am slowly working with others here to get something going... but its going to take time...

I suspect that with the group of guys we have we could build up an AIX tourney.. which as of right now looks to be a 90%...

And also possibly a Frontlines group as well... still about 60% possible....

I committed to Brummie that I would help out.. and since I for some reason enjoy torture.. I suspect it will be as a leader... albeit a hood ornament to the talent that is here right now.... just to direct the kaos.... into something thats perceived as organized....

Oh and btw... I brought Ghoul with me... lol....

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:40 pm
by Thur
One man does not make a community Tubes. However one man with the skill , drive and passion to see this community flourish has a historic precedence.

Bill Clinton :P
You get my drift, I think.

This 'first among equals' needs a team of dedicated members to make things happen as well. Keep that in mind and also keep in mind that I myself followed you into many a forlorn battles and forgotten campaigns and would do so again. I can think of a few hundred other former members that would do the same if they saw some real competition going here at GC with your name right up front.

We all seek the same thing. The intense pleasure of the FULL GC experience. AIX is something to work off of. Even if for just the experience of starting another camp from scratch. Let's take a crack at it.


Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:16 am
See DaGrooved: I told you they'd get it in the end. <- Very interesting thread this one - thanks Duke, your input has always been welcome, from my perspective anyway, even though we will always, as you expect, shoot you down for interfering; but you knew that anyway, which is why I grudgingly admire you :wink: Killshot its always a pleasure, not many may remember you as a co-founder of this place, but some of us do and its always cool to hear from you.

Thur mon Capitaine; I know we see eye to eye on this - nuff said:

So where does this leave us?

First and foremost it does no leave us in the place that Duke and Killshot suggest we should be - sorry guys I totally disagree with you 100%. If one person was to step forward and DICTATE what we should or shouldn't do then they would be shot down in a second. That is not what GC is all about. Thank God or whoever, that is not what we are talking about. We are looking for a CEO that can paint a new vision for us. A CEO that can project a direction and then work with a group of directors to make it happen. But woebetide he that doesn't respect our history. Yes that may make it difficult - welcome to GC. You don't get rich here, you go do that somewhere else. You don't get to stroke your ego here, you go do that somewhere else.

Thats my opinion anyway.

I'm off vacation now and am willing to work with whomever has a vision. We still have resources in place; lets put them to use.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:05 pm
by TubEsTeak
Thur... didnt imply a single person ....
albeit a hood ornament to the talent that is here right now.... just to direct the kaos.... into something thats perceived as organized....
Just a head to do what Brummie says... get us organized and doing things in a visible fashion so there is symmetry to the kaos of the tourney....

I'm only saying that I would help and do that role if need be....

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:02 pm
by Total_focus_haz
SO who is helping out with what?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:46 pm
by .Sup
I can help with graphics if you want.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:23 pm
by Stonie
The intent is very good.
But as usual, ther is nothing set in stone.

Maybe it is time we have too.

This tread was hijacked to often, even I lost it out of sight.
We will discuss this matter.

Plz contact Landrover, to combine your forces. To work on the frontpage.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:06 am
by LandRover
SUPR3 wrote:I can help with graphics if you want.
I can surely use your help, Sup. :D


Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:34 am
by NateDogg25
just to let you guys know im head of recruiting lol!!!!! i was put in this position a few months ago by brummie

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 1:16 pm
by Goggles
NateDogg25 wrote:just to let you guys know im head of recruiting lol!!!!! i was put in this position a few months ago by brummie
Mr Cute, go recruit!