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Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:25 pm
by madcow
It's all or none.

I'm personally for all but that's really only because of the shock paddles.

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:39 pm
by Von_Krieg
Shoule be no issue if everyone has the same options.

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:15 pm
by madcow
Von_Krieg wrote:Shoule be no issue if everyone has the same options.
Exactly, it's not too much of an issue really.

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:27 pm
by WoodenPlank
madcow wrote:
Von_Krieg wrote:Shoule be no issue if everyone has the same options.
Exactly, it's not too much of an issue really.
Except when everything is unlocked, it will always degenerate into everyone using whatever the over-powered flavor of the week is, based on the current patch. It will negate a lot of the class originality, and take away from team play, in my opinion.

It really eats at the core of GC gameplay for me, and ruins a lot of the balance. Balance is what makes a game like Battlefield fun.

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:33 am
by madcow
So you're a proponent of no unlocks then?

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:14 am
by WoodenPlank
madcow wrote:So you're a proponent of no unlocks then?
I was under the impression that unranked servers allowed for control over what unlocks would be available. As long as that is still the case, I am a fan of SOME unlocks. Enough to account for kit selection and variety, without letting people go hog wild with anything and everything.

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:52 am
by styphon
WoodenPlank wrote:
madcow wrote:So you're a proponent of no unlocks then?
I was under the impression that unranked servers allowed for control over what unlocks would be available. As long as that is still the case, I am a fan of SOME unlocks. Enough to account for kit selection and variety, without letting people go hog wild with anything and everything.
As madcow posted above, it's all or none. We have no control over specific unlocks. I'm of the opinion that it's not our job to balance the game. That's DICE and EA's job. As long as everyone has access to the same weapons, I see no issue.

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:25 am
by Shrapnel
Well, we played both ways yesterday and I personally had more fun with unlocks off. However, I'm not a pilot or a sniper and it makes aircraft and recon pretty much useless.

To me shockpaddles aren't a game breaker, we did play for years with out the ability to revive (BF42) and you can still respawn on your SL.

I did enjoy playing around with all the toys I haven't unlocked yet though and if everyone has the same toys it stays balanced. If it came to a vote I'm not sure which way I'd go yet.

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:24 am
by .Sup
I understand your concern Planky. On Grand Bazzaar I was exclusively killed with the USAS-12. I picked it up after swapping kits with one of my teammates in order to revive him and killed Angel with one hit when he was across the street. I haven't used this weapon before and probably won't as its overpowered just like G36E was in BF2 which I also never used. No unlocks would obviously make everything more balanced and make people like you and me happy but at the same time make a lot of people who expected all in in the upcoming campaign unhappy. I just can't imagine taking the fun of building kits with unlocks away from people. Sure I think that IRNV is just like a hack but I know somebody wanted to use it use it badly when we had set the server to no unlocks and if that's the only way he gets kills and has fun so be it, after all it is in the game to be used.

As much as I would like to balance the game, and no unlocks would definitely do that, I feel that most people wan't to have them enabled and so majority wins.
If control of individual unlocks is enabled in the next updates then we can look into this issue again.

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:01 am
by Stonie
Here are my 2 cents:

No unlocks felt more balanced for me.
:arrow: Ticket is gone after you shot somebody, no more revives
:arrow: No gizmo's and gadgets slow the game a bit down, now you have to move carefull and tactfull
:arrow: Kit selection is simple.

All unlocks on, felt a bit chaotic. Perhaps because this test was a suprice for all of us and there where no preperations.
:arrow: More fun for HQ and squadleaders, to create tactical squads
:arrow: hectic to get the right loagout with 15 seconds
:arrow: I fear long dragging stailmates, with medics running around with USAF's

Dont we also still have the option to play ranked mode??
:arrow: Challange for HQ and squadleaders, to mix low levels with high level players
:arrow: More satisfying for the people that did the work for the unlocks
:arrow: Makes unfair to members that dont have the time to grind for unlocks?

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:03 am
by styphon
No, we can't play ranked mode any more. DICE have removed the ability to password ranked servers. And I would never support ranked as I'm one of those who just doesn't have the time to unlock everything. My weeks are too busy for that.

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:13 am
by Zaitsev Jr.
Take ...

If some sincere efforts are put into balancing the teams from the start, the Unlocks should become less of an issue,
as far as the fun potential goes for all involved.

It may even prove beneficial, if one would be able to try out some stuff not yet available in regular rated sessions.
E.G. i would love to see how lasing a target pans out from both the spotting and executing point of view, as well as how it will affect the nature of the game in general, this should be severely different from what we have seen so far ...

As BF3 tries hard reflect modern warfare, were individual face-offs are rather rare, why limit it down to start with ?
(Usually a target gets pounded by artillery, air strikes and then some ... leaving not much to shoot at for the troops sent in later to record the damage and set up camp :P ...)

Later on, when general experience in game play has evolved and teams have been molded,
NO Unlock Sessions will surely be appreciated by players taking higher interest in Squad/Team based, tactical action rather than just fragging.(<<< why is "fragging" not in the dictionary yet ?)

Bored yet ? :P

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:59 am
by Hitman47
All unlocks felt a bit chaotic. No unlocks much slower, more tactical but many vehicles had no purpose, some kits too. I personally don't care how we play it, but probably all unlocks is the way to go for a full battlefield experience.

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:44 pm
by WoodenPlank
Shrapnel wrote:I did enjoy playing around with all the toys I haven't unlocked yet though and if everyone has the same toys it stays balanced. If it came to a vote I'm not sure which way I'd go yet.

IMO, "everyone has it" doesnt mean it's balanced. Unranked servers giving all unlocks actually destroys the very thing that balances things like the top-tier weapon upgrades, high-end universal unlocks, etc - the time that it takes to get access to them. They are balanced by the fact that it takes time to get them, and therefore not everyone has access to them. Everyone having access to the top-end weapons and such (some of which are blatantly overpowered) just means that everyone is using unbalanced guns. it takes the fun away from it for me.

So, there are no server side settings for controlling what unlocks are available? Chalk up another broken promise from DiCE, I guess.

Re: Campaign Unlock Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:29 pm
by Ash2Dust
There are other unlock server commands, but there is no information on how to use them. So they are basically useless as far as I can tell.