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Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:10 pm
by ShadowrogueXl
I mostly am with schmiddy...

I was (also 8O ) admin at a very popular server called "ballerbude" in bf2 ( ye i know schmiddy this is where it becomes strange ... but its true ill say sth on that later).

What ive learned is NEVER and by never i mean NEVER EVER change the theme,mappack ,whatever of the server once its popular... we sometimes tried to do a funday sunday and stuff with some other maps and were hated like crap...
Anyhow since we were always full it was ok then...

In my opinion:
-Inf works best.
-3 maps is best maybe 4..
-never mix Inf maps with /no Inf - there can be air like helo or whatever... but schmiddy said everything on that
-the theme in the server name works good

I d suggest do sth like :

"Inf only -Back to BF2 "( with closest to bf2 server settings...)
"Inf only - new maps only"
-Im not sure about the "funny name" but since its mostly a kids game it could work.. i cant say cause i dont care about such things.. but i guess it would be good - also clarifies server chat language on the first look.. so.. well..

-I personally DONT like hardcore for several reasons.. but well.. a lot of newcomers and casuals do - I think
- and I hate almost all new maps (except B2K maps).. so well thats just my opinion...

Thats it - rest is for schmiddy.. xD :

wtf schmiddy - help my retard brain and tell me , did we once meet at the "ballerbude" team and went here together or is this coincidence?
since im very sure our "ballerbude" wasnt a clone or sth since i was there for about.. dunno -some years..
Do you know "Teufelsgeneral"(chris) then? and im sure it wasnt founded by a clan union - this came quite some time later.. but help me out pls my memories are old and fogged by drugs and rock and roll.


Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:34 pm
by WoodenPlank
The only issue with having people idling on the server is that pub players will notice, and then quit. A small number of idlers is doable, but you need people actually playing to draw and KEEP pub players. If there's 6-10 GC players online, only 1 or 2 can really be idling.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:25 pm
by bitesizebeef
can someone change the map to large instead of normal conquest we have 64 players in now but still on normal size map...

Got it. -ash

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:21 am
by Chefcook
Inf only and hardcore?


I allways thought, that our GC servers where there to advertise our campaigns. And our campaigns are about Comined Forces: Air, Armor, Inf!

To be honest, i dont like Infantry maps and especially Inf only servers. And if our servers would run Infantry only, i would rather play somewhere or something else. But thats just me, if it fills the server.

In my point of view, Servers with High Ticket Count and Vehicle Driven Maps are quiet popular.
Servers with the Name "500 Tickets, Fast Vehicle Spawn, Only Airmaps" seem to be full often.
Map Rotation would be Caspian, Op. Firestorm, Kargh, maybe Oman, maybe wake.

Just my 2 cents.


Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:42 am
by Von_Krieg
I agree we should have the servers have the same options on it at all times. Changing size and type will run people off. I would say keep it large 64 players and CNQ with the new map pack and see what happens.It would probably be better to have Karkand and Sharqi as they have a huge following. Changing settigns and maps will run people off IMO.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:47 am
by bitesizebeef
I would suggest leaving it normal mode or mixed (battle day settings minus the unlocks) if possible and 64 cq with the B2K and vanilla maps minus metro lol

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:31 pm
by Von_Krieg
That is too many maps and the settings should be stock or hardcore. Having unique settings is a killer usually.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:39 pm
by LandRover
I agree with Chef's point of view!

I've always played BF for its unique ability to present a spectacular battlefield using "Combined Forces: Air, Armor, Infantry" where epic conflicts are made possible; never for the carnage of infantry alone in close quarters when back knifing becomes a glorious thing. My dream battle would last 48 hours and take place on maps the size of ArmA2's world. You could join-in when you please for the time you have at your disposal, but knowing the battle rages on and your commitment to it would make a difference. This is what 21CW was trying to achieve during their 12 hours battles in the days of DC-MOD. Well, I guess that's daydreaming in an era where everything has to be decided within minutes.

The reality of today is that both; combined or infantry are popular and can populate servers for days even weeks when only one scheme is well defined to the extreme limits of the server's ability. We have to decide which serves us best. I'd side with Chef and others who have expressed similar views.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:45 pm
by WoodenPlank
Ok, after reading some of the feedback, here is my proposal...

While it would be great to run the servers with battle day settings (sans unlocks), this would likely not attract new players. Long map rotations seem to be a turn-off, and using 80% health would put us in the "custom" settings bracket. We need to be in the "normal" bracket to pick up people using quick play or filtering based on that setting. A relatively small map list will keep people that like a particular map around, so long as that map is in rotation.

"Global Conflict Armor-n-Air Beatdown - Double Tickets"

Gulf, Karkand, Caspian, Firestorm, all on 64p conquest

2 B2K, 2 vanilla maps. All but one with air, all have armor. one urban, two semi-urban, one open. Seems like a good mix, tight map list, and a cohesive theme. It can give people a good taste of GC-type gameplay (think of it as campaign lite), while not making it too "hardcore". Plus, these four maps seem to be the most popular vehicle maps, so it will help draw players in.

So, any thoughts or feedback on this?

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:47 pm
by ShadowrogueXl
I think you re trying to be everyones darling with this - i dont think that will work very good. (but i can ABSOLUTELY be wrong since i really have no idea what kind of servers actually run best)
I m a fan of "no compromise"..

your proposal as an example - id say u gotta delete karkand.
Cause the flyer guys u attracted will leave there.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:13 pm
by Von_Krieg
Gulf is way to heavy on Mech as I think all 64 players can be in something with no ground. Inf on that map is not a good thing.

Karkand and Sharqi would do great as it always has in the past. Air can ruin a map quicker then an aimbot so just something to consider.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:02 pm
by AusbilderSchmidt
ShadowrogueXl wrote:I mostly am with schmiddy...

wtf schmiddy - help my retard brain and tell me , did we once meet at the "ballerbude" team and went here together or is this coincidence?
since im very sure our "ballerbude" wasnt a clone or sth since i was there for about.. dunno -some years..
Do you know "Teufelsgeneral"(chris) then? and im sure it wasnt founded by a clan union - this came quite some time later.. but help me out pls my memories are old and fogged by drugs and rock and roll.

lol :lol: its a very long time ago...yeah but this was the legendary "Ballerbude"...Chris with his Clanguys , a Sniperclan and a handful of my ESL-Team (Fungamer-Alliance, fGa) were founder of the Ballerbude...shame on u that u cant remember...but i think u joined later....anyway in this days i maked advertising for GC about organized battles and u followed me to this nice place here :D

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:07 pm
by Ash2Dust
NA and EU players have 2 different cultures. May not make sense to make both servers the same.

Of the 4 B2K maps, Oman tends to lose the most population when it turns ugly. And it often does.
2x tickets would be better for ~4 maps. That coud easily take 3 or more hours to rotate thru.
1.5x tickets is better for ~6 maps.

Server Name:
Being branded servers, we have to leave Multiplay ::
Caps eat up alot of space in the browser listing.
Got to have a name that catches attention and make them want to click to see map rotation or join. At least remember it every time the glance thru the list.
Ticket count cant be seen in battlelog so some reference is needed.

Multiplay :: GC's Air N Armor maps Mayhem! 2x tickets!
Multiplay :: GC's Brass Balls and Glass Walls! 2x tickets!

Multiplay :: GC's Crash Course Carnage! 6 Maps! Extra tickets!
Multiplay :: GC's SPAWN and DIE Lube! 6 Maps! Extra tickets!
Multiplay :: GC's Dead Pubbie Society! 6 Maps! Extra tickets!
(which would be set for 1.5x tickets)

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:27 pm
by WoodenPlank
Von_Krieg wrote:Gulf is way to heavy on Mech as I think all 64 players can be in something with no ground. Inf on that map is not a good thing.

Karkand and Sharqi would do great as it always has in the past. Air can ruin a map quicker then an aimbot so just something to consider.
The air on sharqi is part of why I left it out of my suggestion. If/when us loses tv station, a good ru air crew can just dominate the us side and make it no fun. Its hard to shoot a helo own if the pilot knows they are doing. On maps like gulf, though, there are more methods for countering it. Plus karkand can break up the air maps enough that one crew isnt likely to dominate round after round.

Posted from my droid, so expect typos.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:45 pm
by Von_Krieg
It is easy to camp teh RU chopper as well, me and Stonie did it with no issue with a tank, same for the RU on the US. One chopper is easy to take down when you have more then one person shooting at it. They can easily cancel each other out so that is why it is not an issue. Gulf on the other hand well you have 8 things that fly and that is a bad thing. Anyway I still stick with Karkand and Sharqi and you will be fine. Air is limited on most maps anyway so no need to cator to them.