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Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:04 am
by fawadforlan
There was also a really nice moment in the middle of the 3rth round on EU server.
We were playing on the RU side and we were defending the B flag, KI started to play more aggresive and we had a really hard time to hold them back. Sometimes the locker rooms were completely full of enemy And they were close to neutralize the B flag.

Then I noticed that the C flag was blinking (the flag near US base) and then I saw that we tooked the C flag so I told my squad, wow how is that possible? Everyone started laughing and we all were like wtf how did we do that.
That was a really awesome moment, and alot of KI runned back to get the C flag back so we could finally control the situation at the B flag.

First i thought it was a 1 man rush to the C flag, but then I heard there was a whole squad behind enemy lines.
Really nice done, I don't know which squad did this.:D

Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:48 am
by Bas
IMHO Metro should be played without: M320, RPGs, Claymores and Frag Rounds - only then it becomes moderately enjoyable (on some servers they ban all explosives, inlucidng nades which works out pretty good).

However, I'm really glad the Corp II managed to win the reinforcments round as US, good job guys!

Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:53 am
by YouSawNothing
I hate Metro but at least I had some fun with it this game probably something about unloading a LMG into a hall of enemies is satisfying. But here's the first round of metro dont feel like going through the rest of the game yet.


Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:55 pm
by ChiPore
When K2 played Metro yesterday we got slaughtered on the first round it was still fun and very chaotic but in an organized way and as I said, very fun ... even losing . However, it was my first time and I can chalk it up to a "new thing". We experienced the same thing and gave back and both sides dealt some serious blows , especially at the choke points. I think 64 man stuff is really awesome and Metro is no different. Metro is just a map that requires the leaders to come up with innovative ways to complete the job. Taking weapons out of the equation is not going to promote better gaming ,to me it just "dumbs" down the challenge.I feel confident in my leaders ability to pull through in a clutch and they did! It was magnificent! I still feel that win or lose changing the rules after a defeat only compounds your loss.This should be used as a learning experience and a tool in which to train with for future confrontations. :idea:

Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:28 pm
by Juffalo
Don't get me wrong, I still had fun on Metro, but the map is not a good conquest map and awful with more than 32 players in the arena.

Aside from explosives being way too effective, the map is wildly imbalanced. I think the map should be removed from the campaign all together, and in failing that, the use of M320s/usas frag banned.

Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:26 am
by Ash2Dust
BigJoe-Fed wrote:I hate Metro but at least I had some fun with it this game probably something about unloading a LMG into a hall of enemies is satisfying. But here's the first round of metro dont feel like going through the rest of the game yet.

I will have to re-examine the MG36 with your load out, very effective with movement on Metro.

Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:48 am
by styphon
I have to say that I actually enjoyed metro for a change. For me Grand Bazaar was worse with the spamming or rockets and M320s. It was on Grand Bazaar that I was really wanting them banned, not Metro. I guess Metro is such a tight space I don't really think it'll make much difference either way.

Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:37 am
by evilfurryone
haruky8 wrote:
BushMaster wrote:I usually enjoy Metro 16 or 32 player, however today's Metro battle was disgraceful. I've never seen such distasteful camping and use of 320/RPGs. It's one thing to stop and hide to ambush someone you know is coming. It's another to lay prone behind a object, place an ammo box next to you, and just wait to kill anyone that comes around the corner.
Honestly, I expected nothing less. There was also plenty of USAS Frags as well.
And honestly speaking, it is the best way to win a round of Metro.

Regardless, it was fairly entertaining on the Server 2 (NA).

I, EvilFurryOne confess that this metro fight was the first and hopefully due to the patch the last time I used USAS with frag rounds. The main reason being that it was one of the best possible crowd control tools available versus the wall of soldiers we encountered. And I was absolutely sure the opposition will use the same tactics (and I was not wrong)

I have never had a moment where emptying the clip will get me 10 kills or throwing a grenade 5. I just keep away from these utter no skill meatgrinding events. I see why people enjoy this gun/ammo so much, but unless it is really needed I don't use it. In my opinion these close quarters/hi player count maps should restrict the use of certain spammable weapons/ammo.

Later or when at some points of the fights it was a wait and regroup game the defenders kept spamming 320's into staircases just to make sure it stays clean (thanks to the medic who had to revive me often due to that fact)

And like others have said I would expect GC to be more professional in regards to these CQ maps. just restrict the use of certain combos as "it would degrade the structural integrity of the area we fighting it resulting in friendly losses" or whatever roleplaying reason. I would enjoy a clean organized fight with both sides having certain amount of support available to for the fights rest being reasonable amount of recons/assaults/engies. Nice use of TUGS, claymores here and there and very few grenades.

But until player want to actually follow the rules nothing is gonna happen and the CQ maps will stay utter meatgrinds.

Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:39 am
by FlashofSilver
evilfurryone wrote: I would expect GC to be more professional in regards to these CQ maps.
This is what I was getting at in my first post and I'm surprised and more than a little hurt that Hitman (in stark contrast to the admirable professionalism I have observed so far at GC) has the gall to accuse all of KI of whining and being sore losers because we dared raise the issue.

This is the post, in case any editing goes on:
Hitman47 wrote: To KI soldiers, you lost Metro on one server, get over it. Since the beginning of the campaign every time you lost somewhere I saw posts popping up in the public forums of you complaining about something. Deal with it within your army forums. I wonder if I would see this complaining if you had won on both servers again.
To which my completely honest reply is absolutely yes, I was as uncomfortable with my own army's use of said weapons as I was uncomfortable about them being used on me, and I am justified in this because I did not abuse them myself.

Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:23 am
by Chefcook
Lets all calm things down a bit.

There was no (and never will be any official) accusation towards your troops Hitman.

If you feel that way, i am sorry.

For the future i would like both armies to state your criticism (if there is any) to the army forums.

These open Forums should be used to pat everybody on the back, saying: "You did a good Job, even though you play on the other side".

And to add something positive: You did really play extremly well, Hitcorp. Congrats.
And this time i was only shot once by a sniper... ;)

PS: Just remember: Fair Play first. In Here. In game.


Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:26 am
by AlbinoKalle69
BigJoe-Fed wrote:I hate Metro but at least I had some fun with it this game probably something about unloading a LMG into a hall of enemies is satisfying. But here's the first round of metro dont feel like going through the rest of the game yet.

You listen to Metallica while playing BF3? That's a good idea :)

Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:13 pm
by dad0ughb0y
evilfurryone wrote:I, EvilFurryOne confess that this metro fight was the first and hopefully due to the patch the last time I used USAS with frag rounds. The main reason being that it was one of the best possible crowd control tools available versus the wall of soldiers we encountered. And I was absolutely sure the opposition will use the same tactics (and I was not wrong)

I have never had a moment where emptying the clip will get me 10 kills or throwing a grenade 5. I just keep away from these utter no skill meatgrinding events. I see why people enjoy this gun/ammo so much, but unless it is really needed I don't use it. In my opinion these close quarters/hi player count maps should restrict the use of certain spammable weapons/ammo.

Later or when at some points of the fights it was a wait and regroup game the defenders kept spamming 320's into staircases just to make sure it stays clean (thanks to the medic who had to revive me often due to that fact)

And like others have said I would expect GC to be more professional in regards to these CQ maps. just restrict the use of certain combos as "it would degrade the structural integrity of the area we fighting it resulting in friendly losses" or whatever roleplaying reason. I would enjoy a clean organized fight with both sides having certain amount of support available to for the fights rest being reasonable amount of recons/assaults/engies. Nice use of TUGS, claymores here and there and very few grenades.

But until player want to actually follow the rules nothing is gonna happen and the CQ maps will stay utter meatgrinds.
Haha, No harm no foul. We all did what we needed to do on that one. (no offense or disrespect meant) I think that once that there are certain rules put in place to avoid the spamming, it will be all good.

I can tell you that you're 100% the reason I went to the USAS with Frag rounds. I forbid my squads from using the USAS and M320 until we got blown up so many times by them that the only way we could make it up those steps was by using them.

It made me smile to see that I was the one that put the final bullet kill in during that video above. :)

Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:09 pm
by .Sup
BushMaster wrote:I know both sides took part equally. My point is it takes away from the quality of gameplay. I expect it while pubbing, not in GC. GC in the past has taken steps to limit explosive spamming. It seems fitting to coninue tradition.

We, as a brotherhood and community, should strive to a higher level of sportsmanship. We need to keep separation from cheap tactics plaguing public servers.
I' with you and Flash on this one. I haven't played Metro on Saturday but I know how its like- very pub like with lots of spamming and not much using accurate weapons.
We are in minorty though and until those who spam become the spammed ones and realize the disgust they were producing, there is not much we can do until one of us becomes general and takes matters in our own hands.
Too bad that until then its a really bad advertisement of GC.

Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:20 pm
by Juffalo
If by "pub-like" you mean "people abusing explosives", Then absolutely yes, it was beyond publike. USAS frag and M320 are hands down - THE MOST EFFECTIVE THING - you can use on this map, and unless they are banned people are going to use them.

GC is a structured play environment where every single person in the game is playing to win. As such I would expect even more explosions than a pub server because everyone is going to utilize the most effective tools at their disposal.

I would like to restate my opinion that metro is unfit for conquest play with more than 32 people and it should be removed from the GC campaign map for the next campaign (if not earlier). I did very, very well on those metro rounds and enjoyed myself, but that doesn't change my opinion that the metro rounds were a very moronic, "unGClike" experience. I cannot imagine what kind of impression that match left any GC newbies.

Re: 3th round on Metro was EPIC!

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:01 pm
by LCourage
Juffalo wrote: I would like to restate my opinion that metro is unfit for conquest play with more than 32 people and it should be removed from the GC campaign map for the next campaign (if not earlier).
Seconded. My opinion may change depending on the next patches weapon variations. Although, I have a strong feeling that the major disadvantage of the map, as previously stated, is the size including choke points. So weapon changes may have very little affect on play style of Metro.