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Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:05 pm
by Ash2Dust
We could buy an annual license. But thats a good size chunk of money once every year on top of renting our virtual server.
The virtual server allowed us to host our own free TS license and allows alot of flexibilty of admining servers with a Procon layer.

We could rent a TS box and Procon layer from a provider, but as far as I can tell, we lose plugin/root access and flexibility. That would remove our Virtual Server expense and have the least financial impact and I'd assume we can switch max users within 24 hours.

I cant recall correctly, but we did hit ~250 users at one time on TS? Currently a 128 user license will work, but we would need to put a mechanizm in place the basically blocks new joiners of GC from TS if we approach our 128 limit during a rush.

Another option is to post intelligent posts on their forums/email about what we have discussed here and see if they are willing to do an individual exemption for us. But they didnt change their NPL without eyeing possible cash flow from it.

Then theres lets move on and switch to Mumble which should always be free.

Ventrillo? Skype? Havent looked at those so cant say.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:39 pm
by RazY70
Gwynzer wrote:Qualifies to the original NPL rules, yes.

The new rules, no. "When we verify your website, it CANNOT have any donation buttons or advertising of any kind." - This alienates almost all of their NPL users. I know of no clans/communities who host a serverbox and don't also have (optional!!!) donations to keep it going.
Bummer! although the phrasing states this limitation applies to when they verify the site. Doesn't mention anything about having it afterwards.

A friend of mine got the NPL license and iirc it didn't take more than a few days to get it (although it was a while ago). Maybe it's worth a shot to remove the donation button for a short period. If things work out TS approves the license request and if not, well there are always other alternatives.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:50 pm
by A Docile Sloth
Fields wrote:I'd like to try mumble, but I have yet to get it to work. I still can't find where to enter my password on the server info panel and every time I try to connect I get an "invalid username" error. I've even tried just 1 lowercase f and I still get this error.

WTF do I do?
Make sure your username has no spaces and remove weird characters (I'm guessing you are using <3, try removing the "<")

Once you have a username mumble likes, it will prompt you to put in the password.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:51 pm
by Fields
A Docile Sloth wrote:
Fields wrote:I'd like to try mumble, but I have yet to get it to work. I still can't find where to enter my password on the server info panel and every time I try to connect I get an "invalid username" error. I've even tried just 1 lowercase f and I still get this error.

WTF do I do?
Make sure your username has no spaces and remove weird characters (I'm guessing you are using <3, try removing the "<")

Once you have a username mumble likes, it will prompt you to put in the password.
I've tried joining with a single lowercase f and it still gives me the error.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:58 pm
by Robawillis
Fields have you restarted since installing mumble or just installed it and then ran it because I found some certificate errors occur if you don't restart

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:04 pm
by Fields
I'll try restarting and connecting again.

Sorted, thank your Rob ♥♥♥

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:46 pm
by Ash2Dust
If you use spaces or special characters it gives you a generic error.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:57 pm
by Ash2Dust
If anyone has a way to get Mumble to behave like TS when it comes to Channel Commander, let us know. Its the number one reason we never switched over the past several years.
Its complicated to simulate Channel Commander in Mumble and a multistep process that close to insane for what we do. Its not a toggle on and off feature. We all know how much a pain a battleday would be if we couldnt toggle it off and on as needed.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:56 pm
by StarfisherEcho
Does TS have a patent on channel commander or something? After this whole debacle I'm tempted to spend some time developing a better CC system for mumble than TS has.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:41 am
by mort
StarfisherEcho wrote:Does TS have a patent on channel commander or something? After this whole debacle I'm tempted to spend some time developing a better CC system for mumble than TS has.
If that requires any software engineering I may be able to lend a hand there.

FWIW, I'm a fan of Mumble primarily due to the fact it's open source software.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:51 am
by zorplex
I'm kind of surprised Mumble DOESN'T have a channel commander plugin yet considering it's open source, been out for a long time and channel commander is so often used in TS.

EDIT: Either of the two tutorials linked should work. One requires more client size customization and the other requires more server side customization. Only superusers will be able to create the necessary channels, links and ACLs if we decide to use that method. So it's up to the Mumble admins, whoever that is. I hope this is straightened out by the BO on Tuesday. ... r-pc-users ... ?f=5&t=779

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:13 am
by Ash2Dust
Every GSP seems to offer us 50% off the first month for TS, that leaves the question of what to do if they decide to charge us 100% the next month. Can we count on 50% off every month? We cant play cost games month to month. Until we were cut off, we were paying $30/mo for a virtual server for a NPL TS and a Procon layer.

While Mumble is foreign feeling after using TS for so long. I feel the only functional thing holding us back from using Mumble is CC. Mumble being open source (and free for life) would appear to be moddable with a plugin, but if it was that simple, then why hasnt someone created a CC toggle after all these years? Can someone create a CC toggle plugin?

Zorplex, those 2 links will probably work and requires alot of certainity of attendance and pre-attendance setup work up of channels each battle. What happens when we need someone during a battle to temporarily be a SL(or FC) and CC for 1 or 2 rounds? How do we address on the fly when a player is part of CC and then not? Self toggle on/off is pretty key.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:00 am
by CanShield
They state that this site is to behave in a manner in which profit or gain of any kind is NOT intended, yet we are by definition affiliates of EA with our interaction be it Origin "spits", or the store to get a premium account "spits again". So what about a link to another site called the Swear Jar donations could go there. I mean if it needs to be tongue in check have tab to, an image of the swear jar; and by clicking it one donates to the site. 8O

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:31 am
by StarfisherEcho
Their response on their forums has been total crap. They've so far refused to answer my query, and in other threads have defined profit to mean any funding at all. So, unless someone hits the lottery and funds GC for the next decade, we're going to have to pay for Teamspeak.

Re: Mumble Server

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:32 am
by bitesizebeef
StarfisherEcho wrote:Their response on their forums has been total crap. They've so far refused to answer my query, and in other threads have defined profit to mean any funding at all. So, unless someone hits the lottery and funds GC for the next decade, we're going to have to pay for Teamspeak.
I just bought one ticket for myself and one for GC :P