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Re: Ban UCAV from all future campaigns

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:09 pm
by Digz
since BC:2 battelfield is presenting more and more noob-frienldy battlefield games which aims
for the pockets of the masses just for that video posted here, giggling like girls and having fun
with friends with all the auto lock and aim with more amazing graphics that people will stay at home
saying it looks better than the graphics outside.

I don't like do die from Air assets in GC so in the spirit of this Rage Quit thread
plz ban it.
you guys wanna feel pros without crying and raging? go back to BF2 and play only with m16 and ak, banning all the rest
and playing 64 Karkand inf flag by flag. until then get with the program. and donate to GC to cry and rage
with class at the supporting members thread.

Re: Ban UCAV from all future campaigns

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:49 pm
by knorren
Yes, I agree to ban it, unless DICE do something drastic about it!
This is something the TAs have to take a decision on.

Re: Ban UCAV from all future campaigns

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:56 pm
by matsif
it does way too much damage to be in balance with other anti-armor tactics and thus should be removed until something is done about it. but getting into a pissing contest like this thread has become isn't doing anyone any favors.

it's really really annoying and I would agree with removing it, but this isn't the correct way to be going about removing it until it's either damage limited or something.

Re: Ban UCAV from all future campaigns

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:04 pm
by RazY70
KoffeinFlummi wrote:
RazY70 wrote:
SeraphiM0352 wrote:i dont see an exploit. you just dont like dying to it. i dont like dying to AA so we should ban that too
No. I don't want our battledays to deteriorate to such a cheap tactic
How is this cheaper than, say, using something like the MBT LAW which aims automatically for you, or all the lock-on weapons in the game? It's something that finally requires some skill to use.

Using it to kill people is not an exploit, it's what it's for.
Because there's almost no risk in using it and it has a huge splash damage unlike the MBT LAW.

This is kind of an extreme example but it demonstrates the point. As far as the exploit thing goes,I meant the other flying crap they introduced in the latest expansion. My mistake.

Re: Ban UCAV from all future campaigns

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:14 pm
by Divine-Sneaker
Mostly intended to spark interest and discussion on the topic by provoking to see whoever seems to enjoy exploiting it currently.

It's definitely not the only dumbass, beyond utter retardation thing Dice put into the game that needs to be banned from our campaigns either until nerfed into the ground or removed from the game. This one is just a new one some people might not know about and by far the worst offender.

If you want a detailed explanation of why it's retarded, then sure here you have it.

- It's incredibly easy to use.
- It's risk free, can easily drain tickets without a risk of losing any of your own.
- It resupplies as soon as you reach your target if you're doing it the "proper" way.
- Its damage is insanely high, and a single hit on an armor piece means you're 100% dead since it in addition to a flat 50% damage completely immobilizes you.
- It's undodgable since it's pretty damn fast
- It isn't blocked by either IR smoke, smokescreen or active protetion
- It's literally impossible to see coming, and doesn't give an alarm when it's incoming
- The hitbox problems in the game means it's close to impossible to shoot it down with MG fire even if you see it coming.

These are just reasons that it's overpowered. This is without going into the fact that it doesn't have a place in the game insofar infantry/vehicle balance is concerned.

Among other things that need to be banned it includes SUAV, Active radar and several buggy mechanics like most lock-on weapons that can be exploited and will impossible to track properly.

Re: Ban UCAV from all future campaigns

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:32 pm
by Ishimel
I was one of the main people complaining for it ban on the US team today.

The thing is OP, in one hit it takes any armor vehicle down 50HP and instantly disables it. Nothing in the game does this much damage other than a 90 degree shot to the back with a rocket or tank shell. Its not fun and not fair to the armor people to just be driving along and suddenly be disabled and at half health. You can avoid C4 and you can aviod mines but there is little you can do to defend or dodge one of those things.

The MBT LAWs, staff shells, and MAA are a different matter completely.

Re: Ban UCAV from all future campaigns

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:35 pm
by expandas
matsif wrote:...getting into a pissing contest like this thread has become isn't doing anyone any favors.

it's really really annoying and I would agree with removing it, but this isn't the correct way to be going about removing it until it's either damage limited or something.

Re: Ban UCAV from all future campaigns

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:36 pm
by SeraphiM0352
delete this thread and have sensible people discuss this

Re: Ban UCAV from all future campaigns

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:37 pm
by Cheesy
Hey guys, there's only two ways something like this gets banned. Either you prove there's an actual glitch, which I haven't heard, or we get the two HCs to agree not to use it.

So take this discussion to your army forums, and let your officers know if you want to have UCAV or not.

I'm locking this so we can have the conversation there.