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Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 11:11 pm
by deathbot9000
I'd really like to see some more urban and/or maps with building interiors. a (good) S.W.A.T. mod (like BF:CS?) would be welcomed

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 12:43 am
by Thur
Rickey is on target I think. Do you guys remeber the city of the dead in Fallujah, graveyard and catacombs all over the place. No vehicals and plenty of infantry action. Might be a good night map.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:26 am
by gribble
In case someone needs some tutorials .. here is a huge list of them, ofcourse on the planetbattlefield site:

and if someone is to lazy to read and capable of the german language, go here :)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:54 am
by gribble ... gmax_tools
Gmax Tools Released wrote: I’d like to announce that we are releasing the first version of the Gmax plug-ins to be used in conjunction with the Battlefield 2 Editor. These tools provide the same basic functionality as those provided for 3D Max. That being said, please be aware that because of the limitations of Gmax itself, there may be some differences.

For instance: the game requires textures to be in the “.dds” format, but Gmax does not support this. The workaround is to use a supported format, such as “.TGA” while working in Gmax and then swap out the textures at the end.

In order to alleviate any difficulties you may have, we have set up a Gmax section on our modding website. We invite anyone to post questions there once the tools are released. We will be monitoring things there so that we can deal with any potential issues as quickly as possible. You can find the forums at

Gmax Tools
Download (1.8MB)

Good luck, and happy modding,

-Lawrence Brown
-Battlefield Mod Support Coordinator