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Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:31 pm
by ph1l0r
I've checked payment options and it looks like you pay with a lot options. No creditcard needed. Maybe ea gets their downloader established like steam is today. I think it's going into the right direction. I don't think they would be able to offer a boster pack at 10 bucks packaged for sale in stores. Logistics etc would just cost too much.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:40 pm
by Dogma75
Hell it's great that they patched the Bunnyhopper and noobtubber prob :mrgreen:

Whats really awful is the fact that EA / Dice first brings out BF2 SF which is really not worth 30 Bucks :evil: ...its kind of small for a add-on...

and now they want 10 bucks for a little add-on with only 3 extra maps and a package of new troops...they could have packed it on the sf cd...

or get the download free for us... :roll:

but EA and Dice are Corps and they will try all to get our money....

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:46 pm
by ph1l0r
I honestly believe you have no clue how much it costs to develop software. But everyone is up to himself to say if something is worth it to him or not. I feel my 30 bucks on Special Forces well spent. Gotta love the zipline *swooooosh*.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 6:05 pm
by Dogma75
ph1l0r wrote:I honestly believe you have no clue how much it costs to develop software. But everyone is up to himself to say if something is worth it to him or not. I feel my 30 bucks on Special Forces well spent. Gotta love the zipline *swooooosh*.
I know what software development costs. For a game as BF2 it goes in the millions...
but lets take a look at the start of bf2. i felt like a sort of beta tester. and only to compare: vietcong was an online shooter as well and they (the producer) did much more for their community as it does EA or Dice...
okay BF2 is the better game...
but how they do it now is not only taking the milk from the cow one time. they take our bucks two, three maybe four times and were will it stop...

I only say that they could put the boosters and the sf add-on on one CD / DVd and then it would be worth the 30 bucks because the difference between the main game and sf is not so big...

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:16 pm
by tiberian_rebel
I don't care what I have to pay to feed my addiction to BF2. I must have more,

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:57 pm
by WoodenPlank

Leaked screens of the patch, including the two new unlocks, the newly VISIBLE UAV flying overhead, and can be SHOT DOWN to end the UAV prematurely. Nice, eh?
Theres also a screen of the final changelog, inclding a couple other nuggets (lower FB count on the F2000 kit, and a new FF setting to turn off FF for mines ONLY, but leaving FF on for everything else. Cool, eh?)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 4:31 am
by gribble
wanna see the UAV in action, get here and download that movie :)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 4:55 am
by undrt0w
EA are trying to get every penny they can from the Battlefield series.
2 stupid expansions for bf942 with the second serving no purpose at all. since a third expansion would be a lot (not that a second isnt), a new game not properly build which stopped to be supported in 1.2 patch.

Then some new patches for bf2 which will create more probs than fixing them. ffs not being able to shoot in air isnt the way to stop bunnyhoping...every single freakin game allows u to shoot in air.

and an expansion after only 6 months??? yeah lets give Dice Canada sth to do...what for did we open a new office across the atlantic?

oh btw where are the guys from DC?? hmm...dont know they kicked them out after taking all the info they could for bf2.

10 bucks for dling 3 maps, a new army (and what an army...i bet it will be like the Rebels/Insurgents/Spectnaz....they all look the same to me except the clothes they wear) and some new weapons? how about paying you for playing online? lets make bf2 like mmorpgs...

should we listen to the community which is puting so much effort into bf2??
making promods, screaming for a BFTV since bf1942, giving some much info about the game?? naaaahhhhh.....what for? lets make the game suitable for the lamers who will give us more money!!!!!!! screw the guys who are playing seriously!

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:22 am
by Mat-Moo
Really not sure about this UAV flying thingy? Does this mean one less commander assets for spec ops to blow up?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 7:33 pm
by WoodenPlank
Theres still a trailer to kill, too, but now you can see and shoot down the UAV itself, too. Logically, one smart sniper packing an M95.....

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:26 am
by DrZoidberg
Yes, it is nice to have an actual UAV. And to be able to shoot it down. L96A1 or M95 snipers.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:34 pm
by Norwegian_Power
[just to add on to Silent Bob's post]

geez..$10 bucks for 3 maps, a few new weapons and a new team :roll:

What ever happend to the good old days of 42 when patches actually included new maps,(Abeerden, Battle of Britain, Caen, Invasion of Philippines) vehicles (PB), weapons (Type 99, DP..)
and even a new army, the Canadian army 8O

Only "addition" we ever got in a BF2 patch was Wake Island, which EA actually adopted from a modding team...
So like Silent Bob said, what's next mmorpg style: pay to play ?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:33 pm
by undrt0w
amen nor_pow amen 8)