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Re: First Impressions

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:58 pm
by matsif
Kilo wrote:I can't get high than 5 FPS on

These are specs too so double wtf.
if you're running an i7 apparently you can fix it by going into your bios and disabling hyper threading. also try higher settings, mine runs that bad on low but I'm getting around 40 or so on high (still half of what I got in beta....). Also update to nvidia's latest beta driver, it made it a lot better for most.

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:21 pm
by Nix
Ever since that first update, the game has been crashing 75% of the time. Frustrating as hell.
So I decided to play SP. GUESS WHAT? IT CRASHES AFTER WALKING AROUND THE FIRST CORRNER!!! :lol: k:crazy: k:%) k:shock: Happened 3 times in a row.

THEN I walked backwards around the corner, everything went fine. Then it crashes as soon as that one guys points a gun in your face. k=@

I'm going to play some Fallout New Vegas now.

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:04 pm
by Hgx
The first one, so proud of my country now. :lol:


Re: First Impressions

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:27 pm
by InsanityRocks
Just got down playing some SP and there were only 2 noticeable glitches: 1) just before you are asked to scan the area for the pick up point, I started to move backwards without pressing any movement keys. I could move, but when not moving, I moved backwards. I had to restart the game. And 2) upon the roof after the heli rescues the citizens, I ran up on an enemy and tried to knife them. Didn't work; got shot twice before I finally shot them.

Now, it's time for MP...

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:46 pm
by Kilo
matsif wrote:
Kilo wrote:I can't get high than 5 FPS on

These are specs too so double wtf.
if you're running an i7 apparently you can fix it by going into your bios and disabling hyper threading. also try higher settings, mine runs that bad on low but I'm getting around 40 or so on high (still half of what I got in beta....). Also update to nvidia's latest beta driver, it made it a lot better for most.
Yeah I had to update my drivers...which is weird because during the Beta it was my updated drivers causing the crash.

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:18 am
by Nix
insanityrocks wrote: just before you are asked to scan the area for the pick up point, I started to move backwards without pressing any movement keys. I could move, but when not moving, I moved backwards. I had to restart the game.
I get those a lot, even in other games. (Probably a Windows bug)
Best way to deal with that is pressing escape, which of course pauses the game. It works for me.

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:25 pm
by elchino7
YAY after having to redownload the game for the third time (from a torrent this time) im starting the SP and went to video settings. CRASH. (Just like in the beta).

Origin seems that it cant resume a download after it had stop or had a connection drop. ARRRRRGGG.

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 2:30 pm
by kidbagz
I got to play for some time yesterday.

Sadly I have to run everything in LOW setting (My HD6800 can't cut it anymore :cry: ) But the game ran smoothly.

Choppers are so much fun to fly. Super agile and responsive. Bad bug tho that sometimes you don't get an alarm or any notice of incoming missile and then BAM, you find yourself sideways with no way to recover.

I tried out jets, but the servers I tried ruberbanded so much I kept getting that horrible "Bouncing cockpit" syndrome over and over.

I tried out the "Training grounds" and it is very well done. They got UAVs just flying in circles so you can target practice with planes and choppers, as well as every single vehicle to try out.

Got a weird bug once where i bailed out of my chopper and the ground disappeared and I just kept falling, and falling and falling forever... to no end. I had to "redeploy" to get back in the game.

As always, this game is VERY FAR from completion. Dice has once again shipped out an incomplete product to meet stupid deadlines. Lots of balancing and bugs need to be worked out.

Now to save up for a better graphics card so I ca see this game in all its glory!

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 2:34 pm
by .Sup
anyone play with 4gigs of ram?

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:17 pm
by InsanityRocks
Expecting the worse ('cause the Beta blew big chunks for me), I was pleasantly surprised with last night's MP rounds.

Everything ran really smooth. Don't know my FPS 'cause I don't know where to find that info (Help?)

I did accidentally change my video settings though. I was clicking around the settings and noticed my Video settings were on Custom. I thought, "what does this arrow do?" and viola, I was on Ultra/Windowed. I changed to be Fullscreen and Auto, and was able to play a couple more rounds with no apparent lagginess or stuttering.

System Specs:

* 8GB GSkill, DDR3
* AMD FX-6300, 3.5GHz, six core
* Radeon HD 7870 2GB
* Windows 7, 64-bit

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:32 pm
by Bock
to view your FPS:
open the console (~)
type "perfoverlay.drawfps 1"
hit enter
close the console (~)

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:48 pm
by Ash2Dust
Runs about the same as BF3 for me. I have a lot less crashes when I turned off a couple Ultra settings. 64 player servers seem to be hit and miss on lag. The lag is the move/pause every couple seconds. Used PBsetup to get a newer PB, didn't help any that I saw.

Maps overall are pretty well done.

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:48 pm
by matsif
you can also view CPU/GPU usage graphs with perfoverlay.drawgraph 1. covers the minimap but nice if you're having issues like I am.

AMD released 3rd driver in like 5 days already, maybe this will fix the frame drops and stuttering...

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:08 pm
by matsif
between the game update and the new AMD driver my stuttering problems are gone, making the game at least playable for the most part (with a lot less CPU spiking). still not perfect but at least I can do something.

Re: First Impressions

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:13 pm
by elchino7
Scout helis are AWESOME. Got to steal the enemy littlebird and went on rampage (specially since no engineer have rpg or stingers).

Test on almost an empty server both jets. Did they nerf dorito hunting ? (That was my impression using high mesh)

LMG from tanks seems a bit weaker than on the beta?

Amtrac GL is a joke now.

The new basic rpg does so little damage but it´s really annoying to dodge.