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Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:32 am
by fawadforlan
LoA wrote:But, i have been playing some infantry, and it's just not fun because there's too many TANKS.

Wherever you go, there's a tank. This makes infantry gameplay really boring.

We need less tanks and MOAR ATVs! There should be like at least 10 ATVs in the beginning, so people can go fast to objectives and don't just stand there in the base with 5 retarded pubbies driving off with the tank destroyers.
Try to play on a infantry only server. Probably hard to find, but I'm sure that it is awesome (except for all those recons camping in the mountains).

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:26 am
by Coloneluber
fawadforlan wrote:
LoA wrote:But, i have been playing some infantry, and it's just not fun because there's too many TANKS.

Wherever you go, there's a tank. This makes infantry gameplay really boring.

We need less tanks and MOAR ATVs! There should be like at least 10 ATVs in the beginning, so people can go fast to objectives and don't just stand there in the base with 5 retarded pubbies driving off with the tank destroyers.
Try to play on a infantry only server. Probably hard to find, but I'm sure that it is awesome (except for all those recons camping in the mountains).
We accidentally booted Inf only on the GC NY server last night on Alborz and Bandar. There were like 2 jeeps and one ATV at spawn for both of them. I can't exactly imagine that working out in pub games.

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:42 am
by StarfisherEcho
Inf only is like an Everest climbing simulator. With guns.

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:34 pm
by Calloutman
StarfisherEcho wrote:Inf only is like an Everest climbing simulator. With guns.

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:17 pm
by dan1mall
Played a bit:
Im not all that impressed tbh. Maps are pretty indeed, but the gameplay is kind of meh imo. Air-play is fun because of the AC, but theres only so many pilots per team. I dont think Id play this over vanilla bf3, I still think caspian and firestorm are the best maps in the pool.

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:13 pm
by Hgx
Nothing like the old and lovely Karkand.

AK bitching EA deathwishes and dreams of massive bfans law s

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:40 pm
by Digz
2 things- most BF2 vets are not current days ex cod fans/graphics hos/
vehicles hos.. I, and they bitched on AK before it was out cuz nothing good
for inf will come out of it.

since EA is putting dlc\s to get closer to COD gaming experince (CC, russions with no mec)
and forgeting who pays for thier crappy half finished prouducts that with every patch
and dlc put also new bugs all that made AK nothing new...
i wanted INF DLC with maps like sharhqi and kark but of new kind.
the tank mode is stupid since in AK you cant spawn in ground stuff, and
no there is wheels for everyone. also bunching all the server on one point
is stupid....not gonna play it untill we get bored of ak.
and yes. we are going to get bored of it soon like CC DLC.

2.stupid stuff from ea/dice:
AC130 is not healing when not disabeld.
the new tanks look like ww2 crap, and yes its just a turret with wheels honey...
nothing cool about it. they seem to have 2 mods on servers now: good players who kill everything.
guys without ir smoke that getting popped with one jav.

the most common chat line in alberz mt is: damn ___ r u for real? i just ran up this mt for half hour and u kill me
when i got up here.

and the biggest map...the stationary AA can kill the ac130 with one hand on mouse and the other
picking his nose. real smart of dice to put it on course above the enemy spawn. u know what?
doessnt matter, they should take it of the map. and on that map
when u need to run on foot. u can run alot...

they just had to put another soflam/jav/ camping snipers tower on the favourite map..
the night one.

u cant play as squad cuz every one want to get wheels, but u cant really play at the same one.
dice should make all vehicles spawnable when at base

JAVs-still locks on everything on the map. i mean everything that no person sits in it!
also the noob friendly use of it is making it harder to aim, since the aimming zone is 1/4 of
middle of soflam/jav and when all the tank bunch a flag and move u cant lock to nothing.

fun stuff! getting rammed in jeep by all the tanks rushing out at round start.
the new tanks when hitting eachother on high speed make stupid amazing angles when flying doing
rolls and landing.

running down the snowmountains while jumping- seems like u jump 10 ft up every time
and land away, so looks like u are sking.

running after armor to c4 them-only if u like getting spammed.
trying to c4 with quad...just try it.
rpg to the face when quad tries to run u over.

taking down the ac130 with jet/choppa cuz its a big ass thing going boom.
and yes those stupid guys made it stop in mid air like some minecraft animation, and then vansih when exploding...
but in the night map is the most beutiful things in BF3 yet, to see the ac130 popping chap flares.
btw it got 3 caliber guns not 2 like in the game. and its useless to try defend it with the aa guns once
ur tale s burning u cant see crap from ur six.
just come below it and from behind u can take it without the guys inthere having an angel on u with aa guns.

im gonna play it dont get me wrong. but yes both last dlc suck crap and
show they only want to be crappy and greedy like cod.
EA got history of taking good things and turning them to crap.shiney money crap.
im going to play C&C red alert 1 aftermath missions...
(westwood is RIP also thx to EA)

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:45 pm
by LongBowNL
Did you know there is a pack coming of all 17 C&C games for 30 euros? (They will all work on Win7 as well)

We can give more money to EA.

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:34 pm
by V_
LongBowNL wrote:We can give more money to EA.
Really?! :D :D :D WHOOPIE!!!

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:10 am
by Calloutman
Armoured kill is probably a bit less fun to play than the vanilla maps in a pub, as there is no teamplay and everyone is out for themselves. This means that the original smaller maps are more intense with more intense battles fought.
However AK offers a much wider landscape where GC teamwork will flourish. I think GC battledays will be more enjoyable on these new maps as strategy's have space to work.

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:23 am
by Chefcook
Yesterday, when we had like 10 GC guys playing, i had LOTS of fun.

Especially Killing calloutman with my stingers. And Loa. And, and and....

These Maps give me so much fun. 8)

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:25 am
by Mrhattu
Playing AK in pub is horrible. I haven't lost this many games in a row in ages. Bunch of tards running around not playing the objective at all. And the Tank Superiority is the worst game mode ever.. I like the maps though!

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:08 am
by Digz
i like only the old ones! will dl them for free! :twisted:
cain lives.....

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:28 pm
by daskro
Armored Kill conquest feels a lot like Tobruk, Bocage, or Aberdeen from BF1942.

If you like driving tank around it's an expansion for you. If you don't care for the tank you should skip the expansion.

I love it, but it has problems. Rush game mode is unplayable given ac-130 and general vehicle advantage to the attackers.

Tank destroyers are still OP compared to tanks. They have all the maneuverability and damage advantages of IFVs with the same damage output as a Tank. In this respect IFVS > Tank Destroyers > Tanks.

Rocket Artillery are pretty powerful, especially when used by good players. They are are surrogate LAV-AD and they can do longer ranger guided shots.

I think in organized play ac-130 will be of limited use because 3-4 stingers guys can take it out in about 30 seconds.

I love tank superiority, it's a lot of fun, very old school bf.

Here's a short guide on how to use rocket artillery:

Re: Armored Kill Impressions

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:42 am
by Bock
So far, AK has been a lot of fun although I feel like it is something I will tire of pretty quickly. What can I say? I like having more viable infantry roles available.

The tank destroyer is a lot of fun. I tend to just hold down the 'w' key and continuously take pot shots at whatever enemy armor and helicopters I can find. It works really well against players with sub-par aim and zero concept of maneuver as well as chopper pilots that like to fly really low and do slow turn-arounds 30m from the end of my cannon :twisted: (I'm pretty sure I took down 6 or 7 choppers that way in the round I linked).

Playing TDM on Alborz is also a blast. Here is how you get great lolz + success:
1)Spawn on bacon.
2)Guide your parachute behind patch of oblivious snipers.
3)Draw knife.