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Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:01 pm
by Darkrider312
It could have been me, but I didn't really like the IFV. It gets disabled too easily. I believe I got shot from one round of a MBT in the front and got instantly disabled. Will perhaps post more stuff later.

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:06 pm
by Bock
Enjoy the rpg while you can. While I hope they get rid of the laser lock-on capability for it, using it is hella fun. I got on a server with instant vehicle spawns. While a buddy of mine was lazing, I must have taken down 10 choppers in 2 lives. One guy in chat was like, "nice shot, man." And I just replied, "nah. laser lock-on. rpg is OP."

Boats keep ending up in weird places on land. Today I got into one that was propped up against a building between D and E. A tank drive by and I killed it with a volley from the gun and a TOW missile.

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 5:47 am
by Fanne
Had a boat falling from sky north of D on the road... wtf 8O it toook a time till it burned itself ( fish need water eh?)
maybe comander can do boat drops and this is fecked up :?

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 12:29 pm
by elchino7
Things i did while trying to solve the crashes.
Spoiler: show
-Does the RPG is also missaligned with the crosshair?
-Tanks main shell doing little damage may be due to having AP shells
-Stupid design giving the support/assault the "personal" little packs, giving the m320 instead of defibs.
-Heli pilot has to be more careful when firing since low ammo pool.
-RPG is OP
-Still no 1shot kill at close range with sniper (besides the OMG pickup sniper rifles).
-Overall the pickups feels like little gimmicks.

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:22 pm
by Jokerle
elchino7 wrote: -Still no 1shot kill at close range with sniper (besides the OMG pickup sniper rifles).
Basically everyone has body armor, which, I believe, denies you any chest multiplier.

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 2:34 pm
by Necromancer
Too agile for their speed sometimes.
Armor feels ok from the inside, but from a bystander POV it looks too light for its movement. like its made out of plastic.
whats with tons of frames and crap on the HUD?
vehicle should beep or give some kind of warning when health gets below 50% IMO.
Disable mechanics are pretty nice from first impression.
How did they launch the jet-ski over the stairs in the trailer? that doesn't work.
And how the f* do they (inf) survive an AP shell to the face? :roll:

feels slower and with higher damage. BOOM HEADSHOT!
But i guess in GC it will force a more tactical movement.
- How to snipe? can't see my own bullet = don't know if i need to aim at the target or in-front of it.

customization is too darn complicated/filled with BS.
map looks cool. don't understand the point of spawning into a vehicle just to find out there is no vehicle there. 8O

- Saw a guy that suffered from a revive bug (can't turn, walk funny)
- Textures disappear and otherwise inconsistent.
- animation transitions cause people to cover great distances in seconds, at least on my screen.

this map is boring.

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:04 pm
by matsif
round 4:

-played more assault tonight, got the defibs. I like the whole charge up mechanic, killing the rez train was a good thing. Man down times are currently too low to make full use of the 100% charge though, which makes actually getting the 100% charge not really worth it. I've found you're better off just doing the quick rez, following the guy to cover, and throwing medkits at his face.

-Really starting to get annoyed with all the explosives in play right now. Now that more support players have the ammo box instead of the bags, the M320 and XM25 and C4 and RPG spam is getting pretty bad on domination servers, and the fact that they do decent damage to armor isn't helping the situation. I got numerous tank kills with the M320 and a bunch of disabling shots with the XM25.

-still not digging the AK12. Really not sure why, I do fine with it, it just feels weird to me. Hoping to get some time with the SCAR next week because in FPS games I generally prefer the slower firing, heavier hitting weapons (see my love for the PKM in BF2, PKP in BF3, TMG50 in planetside, etc).

-I enjoyed the AK5 carbine, the iron sights aren't horrible and it felt strong to me compared to the AK12. Definitely replacing the shotgun on engy with it, although I do love that first shotgun. Didn't play a lot with it though as I was trying to do some assault to get closer to the SCAR and try defibs.

-I somehow got green arms. I do not know when this occurred, but it was a whole server side thing, and I was also seeing people with white, purple, blue, and red arms at times. Not sure if it's tied to weapon camo or emblems as those are the only variables that changed from my play yesterday to today. It caused quite the lols from fields and kismet.

-still haven't touched recon, nor do I intend to. DMRs don't really interest me and I can live without C4. Might play it a bit after I get the SCAR and ACW.

-RPGs are still OP. Solo tank/APC players are easy kills if you know how to flank and dodge between cover to avoid the LMG. If they have a semi-aware gunner it becomes tougher, but the whole disable mechanic mixed with a 2 shot kill to the ass (tanks take 3 shells for me most of the time) isn't right to me. The thing is better than any other asset in the game at killing any vehicle right now, which doesn't seem right to me.

-The LAV seems underpowered. It's easier to kill than tanks, the main cannon doesn't do enough damage to infantry to justify the nerf to tanks that it needed from BF3, etc. It's really easy to get a mobility shot on the uncovered wheels, etc. Just feels kinda pointless right now, maybe a slight increase to splash against infantry would fix it a bit.

last wall of text for a few days, have fun.

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:38 pm
by Darkrider312
You can still throw medpacks far just like BF3. Glad to see that's still there.

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:29 am
by undrt0w
Necromancer wrote: map looks cool. don't understand the point of spawning into a vehicle just to find out there is no vehicle there. 8O
Beats me, either m stoopid or the system is stoopid.

I noticed that you can rez people even further away than in BF3.

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:58 am
by Darkrider312
Flew the attack choppers in an empty server for practice. Hovering seemed easier to me compared to BF3. Better acceleration I thought.

I wonder if you can exploit the ammo system for the vehicles that have multiple rounds such as the attack helis or the IFVs. For example, attack helis start with 14 rockets in the pod, and 14 in reserve. The total is 28 rockets. If you fire just one rocket, and then reload, your current amount is at 14 and reserve at 13. The ammo reload bar however, starts to increase as soon as you hit reload. If you let it fill all the way without firing another shot, you currently have 14 in the pods and 27 as reserve. You essentially gain ammo. However, the reload bar will not start to refill until you have less than 14 in reserve.

My thought would be that this essentially allows you to gain practically another full volley of shots compared to only 2 full volleys if you were just to use the standard 28 you get when you first enter the chopper.

This is pretty evident in the IFVs. The max amount of volleys you get would be 3 without using the reload exploit. With the reload exploit, you get essentially 4 full volleys. Not only that, by the time you get through your 4th volley, the reload bar would have already practically filled up again back to 12 shots, and you get 5 volleys with no significant wait times between switch between the reserve ammo to loaded ammo.

If this exploit is proven viable beyond the beta, I could see it working during breakouts during the campaign since there is no vehicle combat (except for possibly the air) at the very start of breakout.

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:59 am
by Jokerle
Some hope for the chopper crews out there:

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:10 am
by elchino7
Mental note: avoid Domination 64 players in the future.

The amount of people on the roofs is going to be a pain in the ass.

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:30 am
by RazY70
Jokerle wrote:Some hope for the chopper crews out there:
Yeah, that feature just has to go. It makes no sense whatsoever

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:22 pm
by Darkrider312
I know we're all complaining about the RPG being OP. I have a thought however. Because this is a beta, we have a limited selection of weapons. Due to this limitation, I believe there are only two shoulder-launched weapons available: the RPG, and the Stinger (please correct me if I'm wrong). I wonder if DICE intentionally programed the RPG to be able to lock onto laser-designated vehicles. I can see this being done for two reasons. The first is that it gives player the initial experience of locking onto laser designated vehicles. The second is that people can actually utilize the laser designator for the Recon class (no laser-designated weapons = useless thing in beta).

I'm 99% confident it will be removed once the game comes out and will just be a free fire weapon.

Re: BF4 first impressions

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:15 am
by Necromancer
couldn't they just include that other rocket launcher that can also locks on to things instead?

got to play with the tank today again. tanks shells suffer from extreme fallout.
phpBB [video]

so far i think driving a tank is mostly smooth, but from outside it looks too light for a tank. also its shiny. tanks aren't shiny, they have non-reflective mat colors. tanks look like plastic toy tanks.
i also think they got smaller. and still don't have a chance in 1vs1 against APC (and thats just using AP shells, once the TOW is unlocked the APC will turn into a true Tank Destroyer). MBT is the king of the battlefield, but not in Battlefield 4.
RPGs are definitely OP, but maybe with the Iron Fist active APS it'll balance things out more.