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Re: bf4

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:14 pm
by Tea-Assault
I do think that we are somehow missing the whole point of this though. For me personally, I really don't think that this argument about the whole "destruction will ruin the gameplay" is what we should be pulling our hair out for. Instead I think that no matter what game pops out in august, it won't be the destruction that makes it enjoyable.

I have always loved the multiplayer because it allows you to play with your friends. BFBC2 and BF3 have been my favorite ever first person shooters not because they were pretty fun to play, which in my opinion they were, but because they allow you to squad up with some buddies and work together to beat the enemy team. I hope you all know the feeling of running into trouble against good rush defenders, and for me the best part is when you and your friends come up with an idea that might just work! Like stealthily sneaking around the flank and fighting from an advantageous angle. In the case of BFBC2 you could even do something completely unexpected, like dropping a UAV laden with C4 onto the objective.

Whatever BF4 brings to the table, I still think we will all enjoy the game. We may have our gripes about "oh no they blew up the flag" and "oh my god they didn't fix suppression" but we've already seen that there are still squads. Of FIVE even, one more to join the party!

So yes, there may be things wrong with BF4 and even things we all dislike that DICE won't ever fix. But if they do stay true to their core belief, that squad gameplay is the best gameplay, then I think we will all be about to discover a fantastic game :thumbup:

Re: bf4

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:16 pm
by Necromancer
KoffeinFlummi wrote: No need to run around and try and spoil it for the rest of us.
spoil it for the rest of you?
how? by raising valid arguments? well, then have your own advice - don't listen to me.

Re: bf4

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:27 pm
by Hgx
Any doubts on the actual gameplay?

Hurry the feck up and join

Re: bf4

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:32 pm
by TacticalVirus
Commander is an extra "65th" slot with no physical representation on the server? GC implications!

Re: bf4

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:48 pm
by Necromancer
66th with 2 commanders.
that what i thought. As it won't be possible to play it on an Ipad. not only they won't port it, it won't be able to run on an Ipad. so the whole commander mode is its own app. independently communicates with the game server.

sidenote: hacks could utilize the absence of anti-cheat on such a platform.

Re: bf4

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:54 pm
by XrunawayX
Just noticed the EOTech Holographic sight with flip-to-side 3x magnifier in the Angry Sea trailer. Drooling!

Re: bf4

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:55 pm
by Tea-Assault
I feel all my questions are being answered (y)

Re: bf4

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:56 pm
by mrBLUE9

Re: bf4

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:13 pm
by mrBLUE9
Some other info from reddit:
  • Spectator mode is confirmed. You can spectate through first person, third person and free camera!
  • Changes to the suppression system are confirmed. Suppression is now more heavily focused on the support class. Magnus Troedsson says it will be much more obvious in long range combat, not close quarters fights.
  • Magnus Troedsson says you will be able to dive underwater and "sprint-swim" both above and below the surface.
  • You can now lean over cover with a sniper rifle and look down the scope.
  • You can use pistols while swimming in water.

Re: bf4

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:26 pm
by Róka
Just watch the stream and we won't have to answer repetitive questions...

Re: bf4

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:59 pm
by TheYonderGod

Re: bf4

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:31 am
by Ash2Dust
The E3 "gameplay" was so scripted that they could have used cardboard cutouts for computers.

Just like BF3 with its hype and promises. I'll prolly buy into BF4. And then be disappointed by what they release and promises broken. Then like BF3, I'll refuse to purchase any DLC for BF4.
Hopefully Dice will exceed my expectations.

Re: bf4

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:35 am
by Róka
It was supposed to be scripted, that's how you demo a game. They even announced that they rehearsed it tons of times the week before. They also admitted that the fact that all the things you see in BF4 (more destruction, commander mode, fix on suppression) weren't in BF3 because they didn't have the time to work on it.

If you didn't like the scripted gameplay, you could have kept watching the stream today and all week, where they are shout-casting EVERY SINGLE GAME that they allow the E3 players to join in on (at the beginning there were a ton of people that didn't know what they were doing; towards the end a lot more experienced and serious players started basically scimming).

Re: bf4

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:39 am
by Henidhor
Ash2Dust wrote:The E3 "gameplay" was so scripted that they could have used cardboard cutouts for computers.
Of course the singeplayer is, but so is the entire freaking campaign. However I don't see how the multiplayer could have been considering they were using real live people... Unless the people were androids! 8O Additionally, it's been confirmed that the tower is destroyed by knocking out several supporting columns each requiring multiple hits from a high explosive shell.

Re: bf4

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:18 am
by Ash2Dust
Havent seen single player footage yet. Can only comment on the multiplayer and its B movie style voice over script made me cringe. I'd rather them do a non-scripted 64 fight and see how the game really plays vs what they're trying to sell. When someone does a hype dance repeatedly, its easy to lose faith.