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Point of Existance 2 Stats Website

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:56 pm
by gribble
FAQ wrote: What is PoEStats Achievement Score?
The PoEStats Achievement Score is the way in which players can assess their overall success in Point of Existence. It is a score out of 100,000 points, calculated by taking into account several factors, each of which is capped and can only impact the overall score to a certain degree. This means that you cannot get a very high score if you only focus on one aspect of the game. The factors that influence the score are:
* Total Time Played capped at 96 hours, maximum impact 25,000 points
* Kill Death Ratio capped at 4.5, maximum impact 10,000 points
* Flags Taken Per Minute capped at 1, maximum impact 15,000 points
* Kills Per Minute capped at 2.5, maximum impact 10,000 points
* Team Score Per Minute capped at 5, maximum impact 5,000 points
* Win Loss Ratio capped at 5, maximum impact 25,000
* Total Score capped at 100,000, maximum impact 15,000 points
These constituents may be changed as the mod progresses but we will keep you posted on any changes via the news.

The Whole Idea is the frontend to a stats tracking system developed for the Point of Existence Mod to Battlefield 2. Data is collected each round from any server running the mod (assuming they have chosen to allow it, it is possible to turn off stats tracking on an individual server). This data is then sent to our central server where it is accepted and entered into the database. From there what you see is what you get.

Are the statistics from an individual server or global?
Global. They come from any server that has statistics tracking enabled, much like BF2's statistics except that you don't need a ranked server, any server with PoE installed can be ranked.

Will I be able to unlock new weapons, earn ribbons and medals?
No. The general consensus was that any ingame reflection of stats just caused stat padding and whoring so none have been included. Sorry to all the players who want rewards for your hard work, the stats will have to be a goal in themselves.

Are there any signatures available anywhere for your stats?
At the moment none are available, we are working on it though and we will provide them very soon. Kmkz and I did write the first stats sigs for battlefield (modesty =D) so don't worry, they will come.

What do all the abbreviations mean?
Wherever possible we have tried to include the full version of all the terms but sometimes the abbreviations are just so much more convenient so here's an explanation:
* KDR: Kill Death Ratio - The number of people you have killed compared to the number of times you have died
* WLR: Win Loss Ratio - The number of times you have been on the winning team of the round compared to the number of times your team has lost
* SPM: Score Per Minute - The average score you gain for every minute you play
* SPR: Score Per Round - The average score you gain per round you play
* BR: Best Round - The highest score you have achieved in a round (on an individual map or team etc)
* TKs: Team Kills - The number of times you have killed someone who is on your team
* TDs: Team Damages - The number of times you have severely injured someone who was on your team
* TVDs: Team Vehicle Damages - The number of times you have severely damaged a vehicle with your team mates in it

I think I've spotted a bug, where do I go to let you know?
At the moment, just post it on the forums, we will set up an email address to receive these issues soon. Thanks very much, we appreciate your help.

Will PoE stats influence my BF2 stats and the other way around?
No. Our stats system is completely seperate from BF2's (and much better I would like to think)

Is there any place where I can find server specific stats?
Individual servers can install specific stats tracking packages to do this so that stats from their server can be displayed on their website but as it stands this is not possible on the PoEStats site, we may add this functionality later but it doesn't seem very important at the moment. If you disagree please drop us a line on the forums/email, your opinion is the one that counts.

Is YoMo really as good as his stats say he is?
He is exactly as good as his stats say because that's what our tracker does =D. However, if you think that's good you really ought to check out Melugo's stats.

Do the stats support custom maps?
No. However, if a map is being played on enough servers and you think it should be tracked, send us an email and we will add it if it seems popular enough.

When do the stats update?
At the end of the round. Everything should be almost instantaneous apart from your PoEStats rank. This is calculated on a chronjob so if it doesn't seem right, wait till the next day and it should have updated, we will try to make this update more often but for now, patience is necessary.

Distances? What the hell?
Currently we track the average, maximum and minimum distances for kills with all weapons. Basically, they're the same units as you see in-game when you hit alt and look at a flag. The measurements are in meters.