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The Draft is Complete!

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:34 am
by Shrapnel
The TAs and the HCs have completed the draft for Individual players, countries and maps. Everyone who was in the draft should have been placed into an army so you should be seeing some new forums for you to browse today. 8)

The completion of the draft also marks the begining of open sign-ups. So everyone who wasn't in the draft and any new players just joining us can now sign-up for an army in ABC.

I want to thank all of the TAs and the officers from both armies for their patience and discipline during the draft last night. I wasn't able to attend myself but all reports indicate it was one of the smoothest running drafts we've had (props to Mat-D-Rat for his "active players" addition to the ABC draft routine).

Those interested in the results can see the new Interpol and SFB armies in those links.

We also have a few new neutrals to help balance the numbers.

For complete draft results (including maps and countries) please check out the Wiki draft page.

Please note the lists are in alphabetical order, not draft order.

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:42 am
by Goggles
A big warm THANK YOU to the Generals Stonie and Cheesy for being incredibly cooperative and very well prepared for the draft process today. You two must also be very proud of the excellent effort put forth by your Officer Staff prior to the drafts, and their amazing conduct during.

The whole draft went incredibly smooth, and only builds even more excitement for the upcoming Campaign! I can't wait! :D