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BF2(PoE2) competition league

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:08 pm
by Titi
BFCL is hosting it.
The rules are similar to what GC plays.

One league of interest which I point you towards is PoE2 6vs6 Nuke format. Rounds are 15 minutes where round time is the determinant for who wins the match.

Rule Set:
Create a Team:
Sign up for the Competition:

Any interest?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:14 pm
by MorpheusPT
sure, i can do that

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:25 pm
by Ash2Dust
Gameplay Rules
Spawncamping is not permitted under any circumstances.
Use of questionable tactics such as bunny-hopping or dolphin-diving is not permitted under any circumstances.
Use of explosives placed in any vehicle with intent to destroy opponents upon impact (ie. suicide jeeps or road block kills) is not permitted.
I'm interested but the spawncamping, bunny hopping and dolphin diving is not clarified or defined. I occasionally bunny hop when reloading, rarely dolphin dive but if I do it once are they going to send the bunny police on us? I ask as its some things are 2nd nature when in survival mode. Or want to defend against whining of what dolphin diving is.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:32 pm
by Titi
Ash - It is all new to me.
I recommend joining and finding out either the hard way or by posting in their forums - which I have not looked at.

Any GCer want to head this up? Morpheus?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:29 pm
by MorpheusPT
k, i've created a GC team, but it's complicated. i'm still waiting for an approval, so that i can post something on their forums. we'll see what happens

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:01 am
by Titi
Nice MorpheusPT!

you'll probably want at least 12 on the roster.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:12 pm
by matsif
I'll do it if the matches are on the weekend, but not signing up until my PC gets fixed

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:53 am
by Thur
would like to see those rules clarified as well. However I will play if the times are right.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:09 pm
by LuckyShot
Hey, this is pretty cool. I wrote the rules for this league, and it's based on the Tactical Gamer rules. BFCL has been around for a year and a half and tends to include more mature gamers then what you would find in CAL or TWL. Mostly the groups who play are in to have fun and not "out game" the game. Bunnyhopping is one of those things where people do it to avoid being shot and not to hop over an obstacle. Dolphin Diving is considered to be the guy who jumps and prones consistently in the air to shrink their profile. It's one of those things that's fairly easy to figure out if you see it, but someone hopping once during a match because they were frightened, or out of old habit is not going to get you beaten down.

It's going to be a lot of fun, you'll get to play against some of the finest in house squads that Tactical Gamer offers as well as some solid clans. It'll be a lot of fun!

Lucky Shot

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:47 pm
by MorpheusPT
Cool! Hey, i have an ideia. can you put me through how to create a team, and stuff like that? that would be great!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:17 pm
by LuckyShot
Create your team at this link...

Create an account at this link...

Then wait for Stalker to accept your team and assign you as the leader of the team. This may take up to 48 hours.

Sign into your account at and edit your information under Team management option. Give your guys the password that you assign or accept their invites when they ask to be invited to the team.

Lucky Shot

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:01 pm
by MorpheusPT
I created the team, but no one has said anything to me :(

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:20 pm
by Thur
You guys can make your a team and call it whatever you like. However as members of GC I would encourage you to use the name "Team Global Conflict" (or someother variation with Global Conflict in it). We sure could use the exposure and that is the name our past Comp teams have used. We did not make a very good showing in our last run, but GC was well known in the past at CAL and TWL.

I have our old Avatar as well, I cannot get to it right now (I am at work) but will try and get it posted for you ASAP. You may want to use something new but it is pretty freakin' cool IMO.

Remember there is nothing binding about playing at GC, but if you want to represent GC in public matches you will be expected to exihibit the highest level of courtesy and good sportsmanship to your opponents and officials.


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:10 pm
by Stalker
Hola Global Conflict and good to hear you are interested in joining BFCL for PoE competition. I will try to answer any questions you may have and put your minds at ease regarding the rules. I would suggest posting questions at BFCL because I dont always have time to stop by all team forums to keep up to date on these. But I like to drop in and say hello to the newer squads and try to help if I can.

For PoE the scheduling is negotiated. The teams facing each other for a given week are able to come to an agreement on date and time and set up their own match. Team leaders can even put the match in the schedule and report the scores as well. We have recently implemented a new system for competition management and this will work quite well.

As for the bunny hopping. Here is how we look at this. We do not want to see a player jumping up and down constantly to avoid being hit. The occasional hop due to habit or even reloading is fine but we dont want anything outrageous from it. Stay on the ground and fight soldier to soldier. The rule is hard to enforce and therefore we ask all teams to adhere to it and keep the fight clean and fair. Dolphin diving is similar. We have all seen this before as well. Refers to same ideas the bunny hopping rule.

Now these two tactics are not as much of a problem as they were in BF1942. You cannot fire while hopping and diving isnt easy and gets you little advantage. So we expect that all teams can play without these tactics and so far all have adhered to them without incident.

Basically we look for teams that want a fair fight and shake hands afterwards.

Hope this helps a bit and please feel free to drop by BFCL and ask any questions you may have. I have activated accounts of those who have registered thus far. If a member registers and does not get an email quickly just PM me and I will take care of it.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:46 pm
by MorpheusPT
alright guys, the team is created, join in.

the name of team is "1st Delta Force"

tag is =DFCG=