GC Gameplay rules:

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GC Gameplay rules:

Post by BRUMMIE »

If you are offended by the following statements then please feel free to go away. In return I, and others, promise not to take offence at your leaving our community.

To be a bit more blunt: If you can’t or won’t play by the guidelines and rules that we have established in order to make our tournament fun for all that play here then you are not welcome to stay.

GC has an old and venerable history (4 years is 28 years in internet years; same as dogs) of offering an environment where we believe the EA battlefield franchise could be played out it in ‘the way it was meant to played’. (We never copy wrote that slogan but we were the first to use it).

We have tried through various means to establish a community where camaraderie comes first. We are friends playing with and against friends.

Our first step was to introduce the concept of ‘gentlemanly conduct’ whereby we hoped we could play in a competitive environment yet show respect to the rules of conduct dictated by ‘honor in combat’. Here we not only attempted to kill our opponent but we attempted to do it under a ‘guide of conduct’ that gave them an equal opportunity to do the same.

This proved to be difficult under the limitations of the game (BF1942) so we sought to introduce some rules that would make it easier to understand our guidelines.

Our first rule in our first campaign (BF1942) was against air and armor camping armor on repair pads. The tactic had proved to be irritating to both sides and was considered one-sided where the armor had no defense against the tactic. The rule lessened this irritation.

Blah Blah then came BF2.

We have tried to continue the concept of ‘gentlemanly conduct’ yet this chapter of the franchise has proved difficult for all involved to follow it. Therefore we have introduced other rules:

No attacking the last UCB

No air-camping-air

No tk’ing between rounds

No attacking the last spawn point of a side between rounds.


All the above rules started life as guidelines that we had hoped individuals would follow. Unfortunately, as guidelines individuals found them difficult to understand so they evolved into rules.

This is a shame because as rules they are now open to being tested to their limits.

‘No attacking the last UCB’ has ceased to mean ‘allow the other side a chance to regroup and come out fighting’. It has been interpreted to mean ‘don’t get caught by the TA’s trying to time it down to the last bullet before the last but one flag turns. And furthermore; even that is acceptable if a TA doesn’t notice it in time to take a screen shot for proof.

No ‘air-camping air’ has ceased to mean ‘allow the other side a fair chance of getting their air power off the ground so that air can fight in the air where it belongs’. It now means something really inane like ‘wait until their wheels are 3 feet off the ground. Oh and if you want to prove that you are not being an idiot about it then you had best take a screen shot.

No tk’ing between rounds has ceased to mean ‘let’s respect those players that find it really irritating while they only want to scope the map for strategy reasons’. Instead it now means ‘lets see how many negative points we can rack up before we get kicked’ or ‘how often can we injure someone while not tk’ing them so we can force a retaliation’ for the fun of it without getting kicked by the TA’s

No attacking the last spawn point of the other side between rounds has ceased to mean ‘let’s respect the other sides’ right to work on their strategies free of irritation’. It now means ‘lets see how much we can irritate them yet prove our finesse by not getting caught by the TA’s.

Anyway; it’s getting real stale real quick. It’s not what GC is about. I won’t be held hostage to simply pacifying this element that has slipped in just in order to have a full server. I would much rather play with a smaller group that understands the concept of ‘gentlemanly play’.

In part it is up to the HC’s to police this but it gets down right irritating to have to do this.

So let it be known that until or if the rules change through the proper process that the TA’s have our (the Exec) full support to do what they have to do to enforce them.
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Re: GC Gameplay rules:

Post by cVetko »

BRUMMIE wrote:‘No attacking the last UCB’ has ceased to mean ‘allow the other side a chance to regroup and come out fighting’. It has been interpreted to mean ‘don’t get caught by the TA’s trying to time it down to the last bullet before the last but one flag turns. And furthermore; even that is acceptable if a TA doesn’t notice it in time to take a screen shot for proof.

No ‘air-camping air’ has ceased to mean ‘allow the other side a fair chance of getting their air power off the ground so that air can fight in the air where it belongs’. It now means something really inane like ‘wait until their wheels are 3 feet off the ground. Oh and if you want to prove that you are not being an idiot about it then you had best take a screen shot.

No tk’ing between rounds has ceased to mean ‘let’s respect those players that find it really irritating while they only want to scope the map for strategy reasons’. Instead it now means ‘lets see how many negative points we can rack up before we get kicked’ or ‘how often can we injure someone while not tk’ing them so we can force a retaliation’ for the fun of it without getting kicked by the TA’s

No attacking the last spawn point of the other side between rounds has ceased to mean ‘let’s respect the other sides’ right to work on their strategies free of irritation’. It now means ‘lets see how much we can irritate them yet prove our finesse by not getting caught by the TA’s.

Anyway; it’s getting real stale real quick. It’s not what GC is about. I won’t be held hostage to simply pacifying this element that has slipped in just in order to have a full server. I would much rather play with a smaller group that understands the concept of ‘gentlemanly play’.

In part it is up to the HC’s to police this but it gets down right irritating to have to do this.

im not rly sure if i should rly type a response but i will in good faith that it will benifit the disscusion...

brummie to be blunt u make it sound like ppl at gc are vicious animals, and lawywers trying to bend the trought... im not denying that someone here might be doing just that but i have my view on the matters at hand witch are much more logical to me ...

‘No attacking the last UCB’ , ‘air-camping air’ ... ppl are competitive in nature some more some less... they sometimes even get pressured by their own army to get the job done kill as many enemys as possible get the flag keep the chopper of another squads 6 ... and they sometimes overdoit ... alot of ppl are just new to gc and never heard the rules or just forgot... maybe there are some ppl that havent played at gc for a while and dont know about the rules... from my personal experiance its hard to join this communiy it was hard to find my heading at the very start....

‘No attacking the last spawn point of the other side between rounds’ , No tk’ing between rounds ... as said some ppl are new... some ppl are inpatient...some ppl get bored just running around ... when we shoot each other and dont tk its because we try to fill the void bettwen rounds with some fun shooting and respect the rules in the proces... when a main is full of ppl at the start of the prelive round accidents happen mostly runovers aka accidental tks that rly shouldnt be punished... warnnnings are very very wellcome in all these cases... and when we tk we never tk randomly so we dont rly bother the ones who just want to explore the map we just kid around with m8s and its all in good fun...

dont take every bending of the rules as a ill intent to irritate the opposition the teamm8s or anyone else... u have to understand that some ppl are more patient then others some are hiperactive and cant just stand still bettwen rounds and listen to silence... so they try to have some fun with their friends... some may say go grab a drink something to eat go strech take a smoke ... but in my own expiriance its not easy as i often miss orders from the cpt, miss the start of a round or something simmilar...

i think only the extreme cases should be an instant kick the ones that dont respond to warnings... and maybe there should be a neutral offical assigned to find just those...
Posts: 2293
Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:23 pm

Post by BRUMMIE »

Np cVetco your input is appreciated. Youv'e been here quite a long time already so you know what makes this place tick. I guess like others I'm getting a bit tired of all this arguing over the rules and it sometimes shows. Rules aren't put in place for the sake of it, they are thought out and then put in place to try and stop what is considered negative/irritating behavior.

3/4's of us here at GC could probably function very well with only guidelines to keep us on the straight and narrow, as we have done in the past. This is what I believe you are talking about. The rules were brought in to check those that don't understand the concepts behind the guidelines. Any frustration on my part is directed at them.

Like you, I just want to play with and against my buddies, accept that the occasional accident happens, accept that on occasion in the heat of battle a rule is overstepped, accept the limits of the game and play hard to win while treating the other side (my friends) with respect. That means I'm not going to intentionally camp them, I'm going to give them a fighting chance when they are cornered, and I'm going to give them the time between rounds to prepare for the next fight. When a rule is breached I'm not going to whine like a girl about it, I will let the other side know it is going on and I will expect that if I have communicated it well that they will deal with it. Those things are pretty basic to understand and are the way I play the game and I believe that is true for most of us.

I wish we didn't need TA's, but we do. Their job is pretty crappy (Imo) and I sometimes wonder how long they will keep it up with the stuff that is being asked of them. But they are sticking to it and doing the best they can. For that they have my appreciation and that of others. These guys aren't newbies they are all well respected vets. I know that you agree with that because I have read your posts where you have shown them that respect. Its ok to disagree with them and offer constructive criticism, they aren't babies that have to be hugged and petted (well maybe angel is ;}) but again we can do it with respect, and it bothers me when I see and read the accusations of bias that have been made.

I would just love us to get back to our basics thats all.
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