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Tuesday 8 Jan 08 - POE2 Modded Map Testing

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:44 pm
by AngelOne
Hi Everyone,

As you should all be aware, the POE2 Modded Maps are for downloading. POE Modded Map Download - Here It will take some of you quite sometime, so do it now if possible. We recommend you do this sooner rather than later, as we want to test to see if the Mod Works. Of course we will not be able to tested all of them, but we must use this time to try our best.

Please register in ABC if you can attend ABC Sign Up - Here. Perhaps the Generals would like to field those who did not have the chance or could not attend the Fun Battle.

Anyway, please attend if you can, we want to test them under really conditions.

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:42 pm
by DaGrooved1
Not sure if anyone would care to back me up on this, but I've found that if you want people to show up for map tests, the first rule is to make sure you don't call them map tests.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:10 am
by AlbinoKalle69
Ähm I've got a question. I downloaded matsifs map pack a few days we also need this map pack and if so where should I install it to?

ps: the download doesn't start...what should I do?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:00 am
by AngelOne
AlbinoKalle69 wrote:Ähm I've got a question. I downloaded matsifs map pack a few days we also need this map pack and if so where should I install it to?

ps: the download doesn't start...what should I do?
If you use the link shown in the post before yours, it will include all maps and the GCMOD is also included. Any problems please feel free to ask. There's going to be somebody here that should be able to help.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:40 am
by AngelOne
DaGrooved1 wrote:Not sure if anyone would care to back me up on this, but I've found that if you want people to show up for map tests, the first rule is to make sure you don't call them map tests.
I understand your thoughts and concerns behind your comments, but why should we hide behind false discriptions to get people to attend?.

You and I know, and so do many others, that Map Testing is vital. A lot of personal time has been put into creating these maps and we must show our gratitude by testing these maps when we can. It also makes sense to take part in this testing to see what the maps are like before the real Battle Day.

I am sure that people will understand what is required of them when they see Map Testing in the description and will have adjusted themselves mentally, to the fact that there may be clichés in the maps or values of tickets that need adjusting, and not everything may run smoothly.

IMO we will get the players who have a genuine commitment to testing these maps, and at the same time have some fun (I do anyway). Look at past attendances where it has been described as Map Testing, and we still had palyers there willing to do the testing. Most of these agreed, were our more experienced players who knew what exactly what to look out for.

It's now for the Officers from each HC to beat their drum and mobilise/motivate the players in their Army to come and take part in this session. It's in THEIR INTEREST that these maps are tested.

Sorry to make this reply somewhat lengthy, but let's call it for what it is. We will see how commitment members truly are towards having a good campaign.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:07 pm
by DaGrooved1
Terribly sorry. I never expected this to cause an international incident. I repeated rumours of GC being more or less dead and never got in this much trouble. I've got nothing but respect for Fishy and Matsif, and Angel and Stonie and the guys, they put in a lot of effort and they deserve more than this community can give back right now. They deserve full servers and large crowds respecting them and knowing their name for all the things they've done, but they don't have that and probably never will here at GC, but does that mean they'll ever let us down and leave us for a more popular community? No.

Hell I've been offered admin positions (including 1 paid admin position) at more Bf2 sites and tourney's than I can remember, but that does mean I'm leaving GC? Not on your life. GC is different than all those places, it's something special, it's more than a tourney, it's a family. Yeah I know I've become the anti-GC lately, making fun of its (in my opinion) lame choices etc, but I'm still here, Brummie's still here, Madcow and the gang is still here.

Sure all those guys are "helping" and I'm more or less being a "pain in the arse" but that's only because unlike them, I need a certain amount of "thanks" to keep me going, these guys don't, they don't care if there's 10 on 10 on a main battle day, as long as those 20 guys are having an amazing time GC will still be there for them, and my hat goes off to all those execs and TA's who keep this thing running. Sorry if I offended anyone. Hope this turns out to be the greatest map test ever.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:55 pm
by ramboon
Dagrooved1 it seems as there is still hope for ya man :P

Amen to your words!

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:00 pm
by AngelOne
Thanks DAG, your comments are welcome. Your worries about GC are not without cause. But I stay with GC because of what it is a family. It's been said before that members have a free choice, to either stay or go on servers where they will be exspected to paid monthly dues, attend training on penalty of not being selected to compete in tournaments. Whose aknowledgment from the clan is measure on their performance... who needs those pressures... I don't. I am not speaking for all clans out there.

I joined GC a while ago now, and I have made lots of friends, and I will stand by them even in times of difficulty. I look up to people like yourself Dag, who have been with GC from the beginning, and understand what you are all trying to achieve. Let's give the new guys a chance to enjoy playing at GC, but likewise, that means the older members putting in that little bit more to make sure every campaign is slick and professional. Help where there is a lack of experience or knowledge. Give the necessary rights or permissions to the people who are taking on various duties in a time for the campaign.

In simple terms, further our new GC members in becoming the Generals/Officers of the future. Show that being a TA is not as unrewarding as some people make it out to be. Perhaps credit it not often displayed in public, but it is given in other ways, by the people who count, and appreciate their efforts. I for one, have in no way take your comments as cause for an international incident, quite the opposite. They are comments from a fellow GC member :) who has concerns.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:17 am
by sushi
DaG -I can feel the love!

Btw when do you finsih your book/The GC film :wink:

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:49 pm
by Ramrod64
I think gc is more like a PUB.

Sometimes the pub is full in the past it isn't that modern and only the regular guest visit GC.
There are coming new guys in looking what is going on maybe they like the charm of the atmosphere or they just leaving after the first visit.
There is brummie the barkeeper.
Ikillf4alvining the beautyful waitress.

some of the costumers not drinking, playing dart, kicker, onehandbandit (online poker, wow, Lotro,...)
There are the hardliners in the one corner who wishes the past back.

... laughing at each other about each other with each other ...

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:21 pm
by AngelOne
A friendly. . warm. . inviting type of Pub 8)

I think you hit it right on the head Ramrod.. nice :)

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:52 pm
by Total_focus_haz
Matsif i hope to see you there so i can noob u with various devices!!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:15 pm
by matsif
ah to bad haz, I have a prior engagement buying you some new WoW tutu's :twisted:

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:16 pm
by AngelOne
Hi guys sorry to inform you that I have had no joy in getting the Modded POE Maps loaded :cry: . I still CTD. I am now downloading the POE2 2.1 Full Client Update, still 3 hours to go. For those of you who can open the maps, and are attending the session... have fun and give them a good testing. Wish I was there. :(

I will try and be around once the DL is complete and the Maps load up for me. Otherwise, I will not be playing POE Maps this campaign.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:58 pm
by Ramrod64
same here CTD in between the loading screen

My details

BF2 1.41

POE2 2.1
Costum maps

Cant connect on the European server!

Starting Parameter for the mod

"D:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +modPath mods/gcmod +ignoreAsserts 1 /high

*update when loading there is no loading screen map description just:

My idea is: reinstalling everything with the english version (atm german) but first I would like to see if others are able to connect. But if everyone got those CTD the project failed and I don't think that you will be able to fix it to saturday AND test it.