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Global Conflict News: Episode 3

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:25 pm
by HumanSpeedbumpAK
Global Conflict News Episode 3: The Iranian Coup / Rise of The Red Cossacks
In the episode, Speedbump explains how The Red became The Red Cossacks, ultimately leading to an Iranian Coup.


Iran could no longer keep the terrorists at bay, and death tolls were rising across the country. Iran called upon Russia for military support in ending the insurgency. Despite having an outward image of being against joining the O.E.C.D., Russia agreed to help Iran eliminate the Anti-O.E.C.D. group in a bizarre move most viewed as an attempt to swing Iran away from the O.E.C.D. and towards Russia.

The Iranian Capital, Tehran, was home of the worst fighting. In an attempt to quickly end the threat, Russia Deployed "The Red", a special operations division under the leadership of General Sushi. "The Red" represented Russia's most ambitious military project: A special operations division complete with it's own Infantry, Mechanized, and Air battalions working under one unified command. They believed that by uniting all the different aspects of a fighting force into one cohesive unit they could increase camaraderie among the different assets, increasing their effectiveness when working together on the modern battlefield. They entire project relied on the abilities of General Sushi, renowned Russian War-Hero, Strategist, and Pro-Russian Radical.

While Russia's Military Masterminds were right about "The Red" unit cohesiveness, they overlooked a critical flaw in providing one man with an entire army. Members of "The Red" began to revere General Sushi more than just military leader, and his views and opinions quickly spread across his ranks. While General Sushi supported Russia's alliance with Iran, he could not help but feel as though he was indirectly supporting the O.E.C.D. by putting down the terrorist outbreaks in Tehran. General Sushi took advantage of the trust given to him by most of Russia and Iran, and by utilizing The Red' impressive intelligence network against the very people that had provided it to him was able to discover the truth of his mission. Russia, along with Iran, was planning to join the O.E.C.D. in fear of an Eastern Collapse. The Red's mission was not to improve Russian/Iranian alliances but to simply eliminate Anti-O.E.C.D. extremists that might get in the way.


General Sushi felt betrayed by his Mother Russia. The spineless government was giving in to Western influence yet again simply to make sure they could continue to gluttonously line their own pockets. On 17 May of 2014, General Sushi garnered support from the same local terrorist cell they had been sent to defeat. Muktar Goggles and his terrorist regime joined Sushi's ranks, and "The Red" declared themselves independent of Russian command. Sushi dubbed himself and his new allies "The Red Cossacks". The newly formed alliance acted immediately, taking over the capital city of Tehran in a surprise military Coup of the local Iranian government. General Sushi eliminated everyone within the Iranian Government believed to support the O.E.C.D. and appointed control of the country to newly appointed Major Goggles. The Red Cossacks and their terrorist allies had taken control of Iran in under 24 hours. General Sushi had this to say to the people:

"Less than one year ago, the Western World fell victim to it's insatiable greed. Now these capitalist pigs can no longer afford to feast on their own people, and they intend to feed on us. Well we, The Red Cossacks, say no! We will not be slaves to the West! Mother Russia will rise as the world's one and only super power, and those Western dogs will bare witness to it. I, General Sushi, hereby make myself known to the O.E.C.D. and it's allies. The Eastern World wants not your lies, your empty promises, and soulless greed. Cease all communications with Russia, Iran, and all other Eastern nations or you will feel the swift hand of our Red Retribution. Eastern Supporters of the O.E.C.D. your days too are numbered. Flee while you still can, new Red Cossack supporters are rising throughout Mother Russia and will end you for your traitorous ways. True Eastern patriots rise up! Join The Red Cossacks and reclaim Russia from spineless leaders that would sell us to the West. Together we can clean Mother Russia from the stain of Western Influence!"

As Russian Politicians began fleeing their homeland to Europe, The Red Cossacks continued to spread across the West. In a matter of days Russia was occupied by the Cossacks. Newly appointed Major's .Sup and ChefCook took control of the Russian government and cut any remaining ties to the O.E.C.D., alongside Major Goggles who maintained Cossack control of Iran.

The O.E.C.D. would have no choice but to respond to General Sushi and his Eastern Allies. Just how, is the topic of our next episode.

Re: Global Conflict News: Episode 3

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:27 pm
by HumanSpeedbumpAK
Thanks for watching guys! I'll be releasing episode 4, along with the story of Brummie's WIRAFOECD tomorrow!

Re: Global Conflict News: Episode 3

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:52 am
by sushi
Yarrrr the Eastern Intelligence Agency (EIA) is finally spreading the word k=@

Re: Global Conflict News: Episode 3

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:07 pm
by Goggles
The Red is delighted to be working with Sushi. Together we shall restore sanity to the world!

Re: Global Conflict News: Episode 3

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:07 am
by sushi
k:beer: A sentence including the words "goggles" +"sushi" and "sanity" looks pretty odd though ...

Re: Global Conflict News: Episode 3

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:03 pm
by Goggles
... only because it's missing the word "victory"!

Re: Global Conflict News: Episode 3

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:26 pm
by madcow
Sushi and Goggles achieve victory by losing their sanity?

Re: Global Conflict News: Episode 3

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:22 pm
by .Sup
madcow wrote:Sushi and Goggles achieve victory by losing their sanity?
Yes and we already won C1!