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Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:33 pm
by WoodenPlank
So, it has become obvious that we are not making the most of our two ranked servers. I spent a couple hours on the NA server with the help of several members of Up All Night to try to populate the server, and we never got past 8 people. This problem is not exclusive to the NA server, either - the EU server seems to have just as many empty nights. the GC TeamSpeak server is often just as empty as the ranked servers.

It seems that the sweet spot is 8-12 players. Once you reach that point, a ranked server starts to fill MUCH more quickly. We have NO problems getting 40+ people online for campaign battle days, when only a QUARTER that number playing a couple hours a night on a GC server could keep our ranked servers running strong, and drawing in new recruits. Plus, once we can get a little larger administration staff for the ranked servers, this could also give GC players a great home for pub play to rank up and play with their fellow army members, and socialize with players from the other army. We already have plenty of long-time GC members with admin experience willing and able to help with admin duties, we just need to get them set up with rights. The real issue is a lack of players. Even a few people that have the time and ability to log into the GC server and IDLE can make a difference.

We really are wasting a precious resource by neglecting our ranked servers, which normally would be one of our biggest ways to draw in new recruits.

I want to know what would it take to get more of you online, and playing on the GC ranked servers during the week. Do you guys prefer a map or game type we are not running often enough? Is it just due to lack of players? Lack of admins? Voice those concerns or opinions here, and it will let the admins and senate address any issues with the servers.

Once we have some feedback in this thread, I want to get a news post up on the main page so we can try to drive some traffic to both servers.

TL;DR version: We need more people playing the ranked server during the week. Get your butts online, on TS, in game, and play with other GC members!

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:17 pm
by Ash2Dust
If I'm playing with 4-16 people, I prefer SDM. Small maps, lots of interaction.

If I'm going to play Conquest, I prefer at least 16 people. Happier with 32+
I've got better things to do with my gaming time than play with toys on an empty server.

If I'm not gaming, I can sometimes idle, but pubbies figure that out also and leave if they see too many AFKers.

I'd like to play hardcore rather than normal.

I'm saying this after spending roughly half of my BF3 hours idling afk or actively trying to seed the servers. Tried different routes. For Normal CQ, going the SDM seeding route is the most effective way so far as we cant get enough seeders.

For Custom/hard CQ, I'm thinking we need to completely rename the server with the settings as its name. The number of servers to choose from seems to be shrinking and the player base is starting to decide what they like. It may be time to set the server to reflect battleday settings, but alot of GCers wont play battleday settings when they are pubbing.

Good luck figuring out what will make more people play and seed the GC server during the weekday.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:32 pm
by WoodenPlank
Already up to 8 views, and only 1 response?

Come on, GC, you are better than this.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:32 am
by LandRover
I'm guilty as sin Plank and Ash for not participating more on our servers, but when I have the time late at night I like to play my favorite map of all time: Wake Island • Conquest in a full server without restrictions. Now that I found out why my game was constantly freezing on me; due to a factory overclocked Nvidia 570 now reduced to standard specs, and voila! No more problems since. I like to play at high-res with the volume to the roof and I'm in Battlefield heaven! Unfortunately Most of the the 5 or so NA servers with low pings for me (south-eastern US) playing that map 24/7 are often overfull, so I have to wait in queue. Maybe, this map could change things around for GC if it would be rotated more often. I remember that it was essentially the same for BF42 and BF2 with that map.

In any cases, I'll try to show up on our servers when possible!

Thanks for the reminder! :wink:

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:01 am
by WoodenPlank
LandRover wrote:I'm guilty as sin Plank and Ash for not participating more on our servers, but when I have the time late at night I like to play my favorite map of all time: Wake Island • Conquest in a full server without restrictions. Now that I found out why my game was constantly freezing on me; due to a factory overclocked Nvidia 570 now reduced to standard specs, and voila! No more problems since. I like to play at high-res with the volume to the roof and I'm in Battlefield heaven! Unfortunately Most of the the 5 or so NA servers with low pings for me (south-eastern US) playing that map 24/7 are often overfull, so I have to wait in queue. Maybe, this map could change things around for GC if it would be rotated more often. I remember that it was essentially the same for BF42 and BF2 with that map.

In any cases, I'll try to show up on our servers when possible!

Thanks for the reminder! :wink:
Wake has definitely been in the rotation when we have been running B2K CQ maps. I know it's a popular map, but it's honestly one of my least favorites.

Something else I'd like to hear on this thread: What are people's ideal map lists? So long as we have admins available, we can always vary themes at different times (Say, 24/7 Wake for a couple days, so long as player counts remain high, then go to a B2K rotation, etc), and we can change up game types as well.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:39 am
by Total_focus_haz
The maps I will play the most and gets players queuing seems to be the 32 player, firestorm, caspian border, metro and kharg island.

Servers I would play on are long tickets as it gives you a chance to get into the game before ending ad keeps the stat paddlers happy!!

I was on the na server for most of Saturday morning and day time and it got to about 4 players but when there are no admins around and players start to camp Uncas with choppers players exit sharply and nothing can be done :(


Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:04 pm
by WallieWallie
When I had the time lately I was on rush and sqd dm servers to complete the assignments. It is only a temp. thing for me as it aren't my type of matches to play.
Total_focus_haz wrote: Servers I would play on are long tickets as it gives you a chance to get into the game before ending ad keeps the stat paddlers happy!!
More tickets=more better
I hate it when the game is over before I even know it and have to look at that damn loading screen again.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:46 am
by Ash2Dust
More discussion the better. If we end up with 2 groups of opinions, we can easily split up the nights on what the server is running. Ultimately challenging, but a good start.

More input is needed.

Really, the GC servers can easily be whored for pub, but thats not the reason we are here. I love 24/7 Metro (crappiest map, most played, tm VK), but dont see that for GC.

We need more GC members to give direction for non battledays that populates. Not just direction, a server needs a core to grow. We are at GC because, win or lose, its all about playing with people we know, love and hate. Lets make that more than Saturday. Theres only about 4 core voices, we need more input/particpation. Post here for pub and battleday.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:33 am
by sushi
I agree to the more tickets more players thinking. Obviously it is more easy to get ribbons when you have more time to get them.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:21 am
by Von_Krieg
I say run back to karkand and Sharqi 24/7 and you willhave a happy server :).

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:27 am
by madcow
Von_Krieg wrote:I say run back to karkand and Sharqi 24/7 and you willhave a happy server :).
Woo, Sharqi! 8)

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:00 pm
by WoodenPlank
Von_Krieg wrote:I say run back to karkand and Sharqi 24/7 and you willhave a happy server :).
I will second this, with a slight twist - rotate a third map through the group. Wake one week, then Firestorm, then maybe Metro. Pick 3-4 of the more popular maps (especially vanilla maps) and rotate them through that 3rd map slot on a weekly basis.

Go to 200% or more for ticket count.

Add in the new adaptive player count settings (ie: server runs 16p maps when theres 16 people on, jumps to 32 when the numbers support it, then jumps to 64 when the numbers support it) Ash added through the admin tools, and we have one heck of a starting place, I would think. From there, we would just need GC players on during the week to help keep the server rolling.

We could always take map requests, as well, so long as we had the admin staff to keep an eye on things and manually shift the server to the requested map. I took requests a few times on the old BF2 pub servers for a little variety.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:09 pm
by WoodenPlank
Something else I would like to point out, is that we don't have to pick a PERMANENT arrangement for the server - just one that we like at this time, and that will help bring in pub players. We can always adapt and revise our server settings, map list, etc as we go along. We just need more GC players on the server to get things rolling, and we need more input from GC players in this thread.

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:59 pm
by AusbilderSchmidt
:arrow: First: We have to make a choice between Airmaps or Infmaps Server...thats basic for a good start...
do never switch direct from Air to Inf...u will loose every time a lot of players and they will never come back, never...I think Inf Server will run better then Vehicleserver

:arrow: Second: If this deciding is fallen about Inf or Air two or three hard weeks of work for every GC Member will follow...we need to be online to start the log in if u are at home..u dont need to play..but u have to be online by numbers....idle-time-kick must be bring the baby on speed.

:arrow: Third:Good choice of popular map-circle...only 2-3 at start...max 4 maps when server runs better..because Inf People like to play only maps in a row which they know perfect. That will push up the the skill level of players. If the Server is popular after 3-6 weeks more and more high skilled players will log in and the level goes up...higher and higher

:arrow: Fourth: u nned a simple, funny and good nickname for the server...not GC Shooting house, GC Burgerbutcher, GC Slaughterhouse, GC-Porno-stars or stuff like this...a simple striking funny name that will burn in everyone's brain to remember and come back

Yeah thats the is luck...
In BF2 this concept worked perfect..i was one of the 3 founder of the legendary german "Ballerbude" a union of three clans...after two weeks this server was online 24/7 without members...more then two years...anyway many Servers copied the name "Ballerbude" (dont know how to tranlate it in english) after it, but we were the first in this time...
and dont know if its work in BF3...but one thing is sure...for the 2-3 weeks we need help from all Community members...otherwise no way to start...3-4 peolpe are not works only if wee have 10 or more each day...otherwise dont put energy in this project.... :idea:

Re: Populating the GC servers...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:04 pm
by Zaitsev Jr.
Agree with Ausbilder almost 100% and consolidate, suggesting individual discussion and votes for each action item:
  • Game Server Strategy
    Identify and set map cycle-game type that remains constant. Exceptions announced via server spam box.

    Identify, assign and reward GC members for committing/spending time seeding the server.

    Server Name
    Identify and set unique, catchy and easy memorable server identifier