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Can't play until Aftermath finishes download

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:42 pm
by BotoloLover
I can't join any server, even vanilla only ones, until after Aftermath finishes downloading, which is 2 hours at best. WTF.

Re: Can't play until Aftermath finishes download

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:02 pm
by knorren
You can pause the download at any time and finish it after!
Just go to origin, get the popup for installation progress and press the pause key.

Re: Can't play until Aftermath finishes download

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:08 pm
by BotoloLover
Tried, when I click Join Server (On ANY server, be it Vanilla, BK, AK, CQ or a combination of that with NO aftermath, of course) a pop-up appears with "You need to install the game first". Tried also to abort the download, same thing. Now it's going a little faster, 1:20 left, but still, I'd prefer not to lose 30 minutes of the Black Ops for something so stupid.

Re: Can't play until Aftermath finishes download

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:15 pm
by Necromancer
at least you can download AM. for some reason it still didn't appear in my account, and EA support says my approx wait time is 80 minutes!

i played BO or Battleday while downloading AK. i didn't even have to stop the download.
are you sure its the aftermath pack and not the update?

Re: Can't play until Aftermath finishes download

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:20 pm
by BotoloLover
It's 3,8 GB. The worst possible thing would be that it's gonna download the eventual patch (Which would take mere minutes, I suppose) AFTER Aftermath (Sorry for that), which is terribly stupid. It's 50 minutes left now, varying with download speed.

Re: Can't play until Aftermath finishes download

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:21 pm
by Necromancer
3.9 is the patch, it was released yesterday, and you can't play without installing it.
Dice has made it so every update/patch will require you to re-download the entire game.
thats why fixing several weapon scripts makes you download 4GB.

i suppose they made it this way to protect their game files.
normal patches only imply changes to the game you already have, but this way one can see how the patch extracts the new code and where, and learn about the game packs, and then one is able to play around with it (extracting hes own code the same way into the game, changing weapons, player skins etc... locally of course, he wont be able to use it on a PB enabled server)
but since Dice are so paranoid no one will make any modifications to their software, even locally just for fun, they make you download the already fixed pack.

btw, thats why they dont fix things right away - they can't make you download (or they can't pay for the bandwidth) 4GB every week or two.

Re: Can't play until Aftermath finishes download

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:28 pm
by BotoloLover
So big? *Random swearing*