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Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:35 pm
by axeman22222
I think a large number of people would like a post campaign Tournament but last time there was a huge discussion about what the gamemode and everything should be while signups and everything was going on, so instead of putting that burden on the person setting up the tournament why doesn't everyone vote here prior on different settings so that when whoever runs the tournament comes around they have a quick and easy time at setting up the matches and getting everyone onto a team.

So my idea is that we vote here on the MAIN settings that people want such as whether to be 4vs5, 5vs5, 8vs8 as well as mini-map or no mini-map, etc..
We could start with the biggest points of question and work down to the more simple things like maps and what not.

Added new option

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:38 pm
by o1oo1
just saying that 4v4 would be squad rush, anything above that conquest

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:13 pm
by expandas
Let's do something fun. Here are some suggestions:

rhib boat deathmatch
transport heli jousting
death race

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:21 pm
by XrunawayX
EOD Bot races.

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:23 pm
by Jokerle
expandas wrote:Let's do something fun. Here are some suggestions:

rhib boat deathmatch
transport heli jousting
death race
pubbing with restrictions (bolt action only, shotgun only, smoke only etc.)

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:37 pm
by CorranHorn
I think what Axe was getting at was that we have something like 2 months between campaigns right now... So we could technically have a lot of things go on...

I for one love this tourney because it's fun to test your mettle against people that you know and have battled with/against.

Im not going to vote for a mode because i think i want to cast this time around.


Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:43 pm
by AdmiralGiggles
2v2 heli duel :D

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:46 pm
by Sarantini
expandas wrote:Let's do something fun. Here are some suggestions:

rhib boat deathmatch
transport heli jousting
death race
Oh man that rhib boat was amazingly fun :D

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:51 pm
by Nix
AdmiralGiggles wrote:2v2 heli duel :D
I'd sign up for that.
Instead of just attack helis, how about littlebirds too?

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:02 pm
by Jokerle
TheNixNick wrote:
AdmiralGiggles wrote:2v2 heli duel :D
I'd sign up for that.
Instead of just attack helis, how about littlebirds too?

we can make two ladders: experienced and newbie

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:03 pm
by matsif
I'd rather do general fun stuff, something like everyone gets partner and we do a motorbike race around one of the endgame maps, with the driver and 1 RPG only guy. Goal is to make it to the end alive and in first, with "referees" posted around the map to make sure you drive the course. could also be applied to the 3 seat jeeps in other maps as well (firestorm/caspian), except the guns on the jeeps would be in play as well. boat races could be interesting as well with similar rule sets.

transport heli jousting sounds like fun as well.

another thing we have done in the past was a "mortar run" (we used the grenade launchers in bf2), where you start everyone in 1 area, then have a group of people mortaring them as they run to an objective. Last man standing or first to the objective wins (could do it on rush to make the objective arming an MCOM for ease of judging who wins).

for those of us with BF2 we could always go find the old rocketball (basically football/soccer using rockets to move the ball) or battleracer(basically my top paragraph but it's in mod form and was quite fun) mods

some silly assassination game mode could be cool as well. 1 team gets a VIP and has to keep him alive to a point, other team has to kill him, once the VIP gets killed the killer becomes the VIP. I think we did this after C2 and it was pretty fun.

as to a distinct 4v4/8v8 tournament, I honestly have limited interest in such a thing and am withholding my vote because in all likelihood I'm not going to play it.

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:04 pm
by FisherMan9999
Maybe tank battles 3v3?

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:46 pm
by KaptenKarp
air superiority!

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:52 pm
by Sarantini
matsif wrote:I'd rather do general fun stuff, something like everyone gets partner and we do a motorbike race around one of the endgame maps, with the driver and 1 RPG only guy. Goal is to make it to the end alive and in first, with "referees" posted around the map to make sure you drive the course. could also be applied to the 3 seat jeeps in other maps as well (firestorm/caspian), except the guns on the jeeps would be in play as well. boat races could be interesting as well with similar rule sets.
I found this never works. Most of the time the route gets forgotten and most jeeps gets disabled int eh first seconds. I think its just a better idea to deploy the bikes on a random location and make it a deathmatch. While trying to rep and shoot the other guys :D

Re: Post campaign Tournament

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:55 pm
by thallus
I had the idea of just having a good ol' fasion pick up game where it would be like a mini GC campaign in a day.

If enough people could show up we could pick captains and just have a mini draft, kinda like on the B-Ball Court or dodgeball.

We'd play like Black ops. Each team plays both sides and we can play all different kinds of maps. CTF, Rush, mini CQ. We can even use ABC to see who'll show up. We don't even have to play the full 6 like a battle day unless everyone is up for it. maybe just 3-4 different maps, both sides.

You don't really win anything except for being the best that day, and on the next Saturday new captains, new teams.