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Shanghai at Night - Freaking beautiful walkthrough

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:19 am
by Hgx
phpBB [video]

This is just... beautiful.

Please DICE employees, quit your job if you think this is "a waste of the map's beauty"

Re: Shanghai at Night - Freaking beautiful walkthrough

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:42 am
by Róka
It's like the campaign map :D
The way it gets darker inside buildings actually gives flashlights and flares a purpose. And imagine fighting somewhere on the ground and then noticing flashbangs popping on the roof of the tower.
Also around 3:30 where it shows the outside of the map too ;_; reminds me of how disappointing BF4 is/was... they don't even have to detail it, just extend the out-of-bounds region way farther out and there'd be a lot more fun going on between all those buildings.

Let's get real now, why aren't we allowed to do this? Why can't we make maps or change them slightly on even private servers? Why can't DICE put this in, or different time settings for each map or have modding abilities... Someone please remind/enlighten me... Why are they so non-creative now? Y'know when I first saw the campaign trailer for BF4 and they showed a short clip of the squad on the rafts looking at the Shanghai tower as an EMP went off in the night I already wanted THAT to be a multiplayer map, not the small, grey map we have now :(

Re: Shanghai at Night - Freaking beautiful walkthrough

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:13 am
by Hgx
Well, Im not an expert by any means, but if they couldn't the ability for the player to carry the shield + a handgun because the old gen consoles didn't have enough memory, I can see this being a problem for this case aswell.

But Im just guessing here.

I think we actually could do it on a private server, the thing is, I think everyone would have to have it installed on their own and I don't think there is a way for us to prove that everyone logging in has this "MOD" activated.

Re: Shanghai at Night - Freaking beautiful walkthrough

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:52 am
by Róka
Hgx wrote:couldn't have the ability for the player to carry the shield + a handgun because the old gen consoles didn't have enough memory
What is this I don't even-
what was the whole point to advertising towards next-gen if everyone has to suffer on the reliance of old-gen gosh what's wrong with this world... I just want a beautiful Battlefield game :( And who's to say SW: Battlefront will be any better now - at the bare minimum I want very large maps! :evil: