If there is a server system that can do the bare minimum we need to run a campaign, yes (password, no team balance, map rotation, map restarts). Other wise, if it's on sale maybe.
I'm in the same boat as Sloth. Bare minimums are all I'd need to hop on for GC business, passwords and no team balancing. Even a map vote we can control would be fine, since we have control over it. Otherwise, I'll wait for sale to pub.
BF3 C2: KI - Sgt | C3: Pride - Sgt | C4: Gladius - Sgt | C5: KART - Col | C6: UNSC - Col RS2:V C1: A1 - Ofc | C2: SLOTH - HC
Not ruling it out but am definitely going to wait for release to see what DICE managed to frak up this time. I don't trust their marketing BS for a second. And please for the love of Gaben don't pre-order
I am interested in this game but want to play before I put cash in. I felt it was obvious to me fairly quick that I wouldn't like BFOne that much and I don't regret not getting it. Hopefully an alpha/beta invite will come my way
I might drop in with my squad at some point, but so little time when we grow up >.< .. ! Count me in any activity that includes BFV or campaigns for BFV!
I bought it for the cold winter days. I enjoyed it immediately much more than BF 1. Would be awesome to get a campaign rolling, but I have doubt we get server control.
I preordeded the normal edition back in August and have been enjoying myself far the week and a half I've been playing the game and like it a lot more than BF1. There's obviously some issues with the game like balance and just general quality of life stuff that's missing but despite that I'm liking it.
I doubt that I'll like it as much as BF4 but I honestly doubt that I'll ever get sucked into any game like that ever but I would love a BFV campaign and hope that Dice gives us some server control to make that happen. Today I looked back at some of my videos from the last 2 BF4 campaigns and man do I mis it.
Played a few matches, and I'm starting to like it. Pray for server control.
I didn't have any fraking clue how the specializations worked at first, but once someone told me how to find it I think I like the basic idea better than the previous mini-game of "go to symthic and find the correct attachment answer". Now it's pretty obvious what it will do and I get to pick. I dislike that I appear to be spending some kind of currency to get the specs, but I have a ton of it saved up from before I knew wtf I was doing so it's ok for now.
I hated medic at first because SMG range was so hilariously bad that it made it unfun. Once I got a few specs I suddenly was killing people again. Hooray medic! MP40 4lyfe.
Anyone flying yet? I haven't tried, still having too much fun on the ground. It seems like there's AA everywhere so I imagine it might be annoying.