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BF2 Expansion Pack Details

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:49 pm
by DrZoidberg
Drool Alert!

6 new armies, Navy Seals, British SAS, Russian Spetznaz, MEC Special Forces and two insurgent groups, one of which is based on the MEC and one which will have Russian roots.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:06 am
by sushi
Glad to hear that, now with this beautiful and fully functional patch out there EA is focussing on future projects..... Uh wait they almost got me there.

Looked even more like the "Joined Ops"-game to me, but hey if they intigrate the cool stuff fine with me.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:36 am
by EliteSoldier0
WTF!!! That's quick, fall 2005. I'm going to have great money problems at the end of this year... BF2 Spec Forces...Civ4...AOE3... ....

The russians sound cool, lets go comrads!!

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:27 pm
by DrZoidberg
Now here's EA's turn after IGn to talk about the expansion pack. ... ion_071405

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:30 pm
by DaGrooved1
Man, money problems for me too, BF2 Spec Forces, Civ4, AoE3, Spore, when ever Oblivion comes out im getting that,holy cow, I'm might have to start...start....woo...wooorrr.....workong? Workeeng?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:33 pm
by syL
For me it's Quake 4, but more importantly the system to run it, although I'm sure i'll picmip multiplayer until it's uglier than quake1 :)

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:03 pm
by Windrider687
So, I guess we better start the GC Loan Sharking program now...but why are they rushing to release an expansion when they need to get the normal game working.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:06 pm
by tripleX
yeah that's too early to talk expansion. the game is like 3 wks old. I was on vacation for a week too.

PLus i'd rather see them talk about refining the game we have as well as adding new content for it instead of making some new 'version' of bf2.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:25 pm
by SPAD3
I do agree that it is too early but... seeing how you get nightvision... like omg 8) I'll buy anything Battlefield.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:20 pm
by Don_Quix
Err....I sure hope they give us a stable version of the original game before they go adding a bunch of buggy expansions ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:20 pm
by Shrapnel
Sounds cool, but I think EA saw the road to easy money with the Sims. So I'm sure we'll be seeing quite a few expansions. Waaay too early for expansion talk though. Give us a game that works reasonably well first please, then we can talk about spending more money on it.

Oh, and weren't they saying that the folks from Traumastudios were working on a way to fast-rope from the heli's like a year ago? Maybe that'll be in the SO expansion...or a future one.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:17 pm
by ColonelHogan
I gotta say this sounds pretty cool. But I don't know wtf EA is thinking. I mean they release a pretty half assed game, then are assholes and restrict ranked servers. Then they release a patch that makes the game even laggier. And now they announce an expansion pack set to come out 5 or so months after the initial release of the base game.

You know what I say to that, frak EA.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:54 pm
by Windrider687
lol, always makes me think I could mod a game less buggy lol...

...they whored off 1942 if I remember correctly, Secret Weapons, and Road to they have experience in the expansion business with Battlefield.

...actually even though, it adds some prettyness to it...I noticed all in all we're going to end up buying this at like 29.99 (USD), and it's really not adding a whole lotta' stuff in me, I think this should've been stuff in this's like Battlefield 2: Part 2.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:46 pm
by Smacklug
Windrider687 wrote: ...they whored off 1942 if I remember correctly, Secret Weapons, and Road to they have experience in the expansion business with Battlefield.
But did they release them when the MAIN game was crap?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:58 pm
by Windrider687
Well '42 wasn't no perfect game itself...obviously it went a lot smoother because it didn't have all the extra crap that BF2 has.