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BattlEye v0.96 - BF2 Anti Cheat Engine

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:24 am
by gribble

not much info on their site (yet?) you allready can download the anti cheat engine for windows.. more to come (maybe)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:56 am
by gribble
new version and new "homepage" (it's now a forum) ... check first post
FAQ wrote: How can I enable BattlEye protection on my game server?
Start BattlEye (on your system, not on the server), go to Admin->Add Server and enter the required server RCon data (not your BF2CC account data!). Click OK and wait for a confirmation to pop up. If succeeded, your game server is now being protected by the BE Master Server. You can close BattlEye now.

How can I disable BattlEye protection on my game server?
Do the same as ^, but this time go to Admin->Remove Server.

How can I play on a BE-protected game server?
Just start BattlEye and join the server.

What happens if a player doesn't run BattlEye / cheats on my BE-protected server?
A server message is displayed that all players can see ingame.

What means the message "Violation #X detected"?
It means that a hack has been detected on the player's system.
Chances are that these violations are caused by memory corruptions other than cheats/hacks, e.g. by game-hooking applications or a virus. But either way, the player has to make sure that his system & BF2 is clean (note: BF2 mods are no problem at all!) - if he is not able to, he can't/mustn't play.
There is also a german interview with the coder ... here