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VoiceOverlay Alpha 1.1 (with BF2 support)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:58 pm
by gribble
VoiceOverlay wrote: What is VoiceOverlay able to do?

VoiceOverlay is a tool to show you information ingame about your Teamspeak2 or Ventrilo connection.
See who is speaking or who is joining/leaving your channel


* OpenGL games
* DirectX8 games
* DirectX9 games
* Teamspeak 2
* Ventrilo 2.2
* Ventrilo 2.3
* free configurable font
* 8 possible Textpositions for output
* Choose your colors for:
o Connectionstatus
o actual Channel
o speaking Players
o Statusinformation
o Textshadow
* Configure what you wish to see
o Connectionstatus
o Channeldisplay
o See if you are speaking
o Show all/only your Channel
o Enable/Disable textshadow
o 4 possible options for showing connecting/disconnction players
o Set the time to disappear statusinformation
* Enable/Disable VoiceOverlay ingame with a hotkey
* Show all players in your channel with a hotkey
* Minimize to systray
* Multiple playernames using desktop shortcuts with ShortcutMaker

Tested Games

* Counterstrike 1.5
* Counterstrike 1.6
* Counterstrike Source
* Unreal Tournament 2004
* Empire Earth 2
* Battlefield 1942
* Battlefield 2 Demo
* Enemy Territory

Tested AntiCheat Tools

* Cheating Death (CS1.6 OpenGL)
* AntiTCC

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:44 am
by gribble
Just had a little conversation with the guy who made this:

Next version will be out somewhere around next week, with BF2-Punkbuster support. He said, that you won't get kicked by PB then anymore.
Another bug i found and told him was, that ChannelCommander won't be shown when talking right now. He said, that he didn't know that CC feature, but after i showed it to him he thougt, that it might fixed very easily and will be in the next release.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:37 am
by sushi
You are the man! Will be a nice addition for our gameplay once theat PB issue is resolved.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:44 pm
by gribble
HINT: check your company barracks :P

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 11:03 am
by gribble
version 1.1 now officially out.. sooner than he told me :)
Bugfixes Alpha1.1 wrote: -----------------
* shows up correct subchannel in Teamspeak
* Punkbuster does not kick in Battlefield2 when you have enabled the workaround (use ShortcutMaker to get a shortcut with workaround enabled)
Caution: when running VoiceOverlay with BF2 workaround enabled, no directX8 games will work... start version without workaround to use dx8 games
* fixed "not showing" players at the end of a ventrilo / teamspeak tree when they join / leave a channel
* shows channel commanders speaking too
* fixed join / leaf problems when there are more subchannels with the same name
* fixed opengl textposition calculation
* now users can have special characters like ² or ³ in their names
* works with Guild wars and World of Warcraft

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 9:42 am
by RandoRando
Need some help in setting it up. It downloads as a RAR file. What do you do to make it work. The forums said something about 'workaround'. I have no idea what this is, it would be great if someone could explain how to get this up and running in 'simple' terms.


Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 9:59 am
by Night_S
You just unpack all files from archive to some folder and doubleclick VoiceOverlay.exe (some people will just see VoiceOverlay without .exe).

After that enter nickname that you are using on TS in options menu, and click red button which will turn green.

I would also like to add that 1.1 majorly screws up my PC after few minutes of running it.

I will try with older 1.0 version, but if same thing happens, I won't use this program :\

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 10:29 am
by Ragman
i used version 1.1 yesterday
and only saw people from my own channel speaking,
not when people from a different channel talked to me via "talk to all channel commanders"

so no way to see if it was cheese or one of my captains (and which of my captains) were speaking

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:40 am
by gribble
yeah.. i allready posted that lack of feature on their forums, but didn't get a response so far.

when i talked to the guy when the first version got out and it didn't show channel commander talking he really quick get the feature in..... it seems that he isn't that active in getting new features in right now :(