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Mercenaries BF2 / SF mod

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:26 am
by gribble
Mercenaries BF2 Readme wrote: ******************Mercenaries 6.0**********************
Mod by Hayabusa

Loadscreen,installer and icon by Kidd
Installer pak by Tide

Hosted by
Thanks to all the servers that run this mod

Special thanks to Cobra-BOM- at
for getting us past all those patches EA throws at us

Stop at the Mercenaries site at
post your comments and feed back there or dies-world or e mail hayabusa at

Need a server or web hosting stop by
thanks to

Mod testers..
anyone i might have missed..

Special thanks to all other sites that play and host this mod..

Thanks to "Homegrown" for his addition to the SP mapping community.

Anyone wanting to change any content in this mod must contact hayabusa at above E-mail.

Hope you enjoy this mod..thanks for playing it

))))))))))))) Installation ((((((((((((((

- Client Installation : Use the auto installer.

))))))))))))) Change Log ((((((((((((((

***********************Mercenaries 6.0**********************

Pickup and semi were removed and will be in next release ..sorry for this..

All artillery added to all origional Bf2 maps..artillery re-spawn set 3x longer

All boxed wording fixed

Artillery (howitzers) ,air control towers,radar can be destroyed by more types of explosives

Artillery,air control tower,radar dish have new destroyed effects

Singleplayer maps fixed from 1.12 patch

MR-444 pistol usage changed for

Some other small tweeks were done also but cant think of them all...

Remember you will have some CTD and other odd things when playing this game,coding and alot of other stuff is new and getting better every time you turn around..

Thanks again to all

and a special shout out to ziggy...mmmmmmmmbud

***********************Mercenaries 5.0**********************
- Tow missle strength increased
- All missles and bombs strengths increased
- All unlocked weapons have been resighted and new more powerful bullets used
- The number of knives carried has been lowered.
- Humvee has a new top gun and ammo
- Humvee top gun can now aim higher
- Medic carries more packs
- Grenade launcher strength increased
- Smoke grenade has been removed and replaced with an exploding firebomb
- Grenades carried has been changed to 8
- Sniper now carries 5 claymores.
- US M249SAW has had liquid cooling added to the weapon and overheat changed
- Cobra front gunner camera change (click on object with crosshairs and missle locks on)
- Stationary MGs are more powerful
- M1A2 tank speed increased
- APC vehicle speed increased
- DPV desert buggy speed increased
- Humvee speed increased

MAP CHANGES.........
- All origional BF2 singleplayer maps have had artillery removed from both sides
- Gulf of Oman map flag now takeable at construction site
- "some" maps have had spawn points reverse, so you start at the other end of the map
and fight back the other way now

********************Mercenaries 4.0 *******************
- Cobra front gun more ammo/hellfire exp.radious increased
- MEC jeep new gun for lower gunner
- US APC missle reload changed
- US APC side gun ports better guns
- US APC new missles added
- Boat is faster
- Fixed roll to right in cobra
- Gernade has louder explosion
- Gernade throw increased from 20 to 25ft
- Sniper added lie deviation
- All rifles except sniper shotgun are full auto
- Pistols sighted in better
- Smoke gernade has new color
- Throwable knifes added-made by SATNAV
- Anti tank now carries a heatseeker missle launcher

MAP CHANGES...........................
Dragon Valley - Map size changed...carrier spawn removed

********************Mercenaries 3.0 *******************

1.Tank driver MG more powerful
2.Tow missle reload reduced
3.Linebacker main gun more powerful
4.C-4 fixed from 2.0 release
5.Tanks main gun more powerful
6.Attack helis missles stronger
7.Propane tanks on wheels more deadly when they explode
8.APC main gun force lowered
9.M1a2 tank now has 2 new positions for foot soldiers to use,and shoot from(helps transportmore troops to the battle)
10.Tunguska main guns more powerful
11.Sniper rifle (usrif m24)-zoom out after shooting removed
12.Stinger reload time reduced

MAP CHANGES...........................

Sharqi peninsula - attack heli replaced by blackhawk
Operation cleansweep - more boats added to U.S. side, 1 blackhawk heli added(2 total)
Fushe pass - startegic objects fixed (map now works in coop/singleplayer mode)
Songhua Stalemate- Well i am getting bored of origional maps so for a change i have taken this map and eliminated all vehicles and almost all the buildings and replaced them with trees...after singleplayer maps can be made this will be changed back to the origional,
no shadows have been redone so you may see old shadows from buildings..
16 player singleplayer/conquest..vehicles/buildings removed
32/64 player conquest...vehicles not removed

***********************Mercenaries 2.0**********************

- all US,MEC,CHI weapons have been resighted for better accuracy and better power
- Claymore,C-4...more powerful
- SAW249...sighted in better
- At Predato... more powerful
- tow/Eryx...more powerful


- Jeep_Faav (merc jeep)..removed stationary saw replced with HMG_M134 (gattlin gun)
- UH-60 armed with sindwinder missles
- Linebacker....missle accuracy fixed
- All APCs...better fire power
- Attack helis...better firepower for front gunner
- All land vehicles.....have new smoke/fire effects when destroyed


- All maps...have new loadscreens
- All maps...have new map briefing
- Fushe Pass...2 new flags added to map
- Gulf of Oman...vehicle changes
- Dalian Plant and Karkand AI tweeks
thanks to "quietman" for pointing problem out


- New billboards and building signs

******************Mercenaries 1.5 ********************


- APCs...better fire power/explosion effects
- Tanks..better explosion effects
- Attack helis...front gunners have new fire explosion effects


- Sniper rifle...more effective
- Gernades...changed explosion effect and power
- Spec Ops...gun zoom better


- Gulf of Oman...vehicle change

********************Mercenaries 1.0********************

- All hand weapons are sighted in better
- Stamina increased
- Thanks to Codebasher for teaching me how to use a .bat installer.
Mercenaries SF Readme wrote: ############# Mercenaries Special Forces 2.0 ############

Mod by Hayabusa
Load screen by Kidd
Installer by Tide

Thanks to dies-world for hosting this mod and
all the new BF2 custom maps

Thanks to for
the web and server space.

Thanks to
Contact Hayabusa at
with any problems or feed back..

Thanks to all the testers and mod supporterts.

((((((((((((((((( Change Log )))))))))))))))))

############# Mercenaries Special Forces 2.0 ############
Protecta and Jackhammer are now very deadly at close
range,explo. effect removed.

ATV now has a rear passenger.

BMP3 has better firepower.

Artillery is destroyable by more than just c-4.

More changes coming in 3.0.

############# Mercenaries Special Forces 1.0 ############
This is the first release of "Mercenaries Special Forces".

There will be further adjustments in 2.0 that were not
addressed in version 1.0.

All new weapons have been resighted to a better accuracy.


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:36 pm
by bruneuly
That is a really good mod iv played mercenaries a few times defintely cool though i haven't played the sf one yet.