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Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:17 pm
by LCourage
Just got it working but haven't had time to do anything more than walk around a bit. Game feels a bit awkward in the small amount I played.

My steam nick is bushm.

Do you guys play on the same server every time?

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:30 pm
by Liljedahls
"mama, I just killed a man..."

My first murders, I feel so dirty. I saw these two guys sneaking around in a town so i decided to follow them for a while (hoping they had a tent somewhere). After about 20 minutes of stalking one of them froze, I guess he had some problems with his connection, his friend was just sitting behind him and waiting so I saw my chance to score some loot! I killed them both and they never had a chance. Got me a rifle, ammo, bunch of bandages and some other goodies.

I'll be online tomorrow, I really wanna play with a group!

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:57 pm
by Yob
I wanna play too!

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:11 am
by ColonelHogan
Was playing yesterday with a buddy, we had just left Elektro and were in the hills when we saw a flare back at the supermarket. Spent 15 minutes waiting to get a shot but took a guy out from about 600m. This game is awesome.

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:28 pm
by LoA
New update, Six Updater suite!

Use this to download the mod. DON'T USE THE INSTALLER I PROVIDED. It's broken.

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:30 am
by LoA
Hitman just blew up a cow with a M203 Grenade launcher!

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:55 am
by haruky
Marv has been telling me to get this game for the past millenium. I'm quite tempted to do so once the Steam sales come around but I have a concern... All the gameplay videos make it seem like the game is rather glitchy and buggy/laggy. Not too fond of that.. Any reassurances guys?

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:47 pm
by MotherFoâ„¢
haruky8 wrote:Marv has been telling me to get this game for the past millenium. I'm quite tempted to do so once the Steam sales come around but I have a concern... All the gameplay videos make it seem like the game is rather glitchy and buggy/laggy. Not too fond of that.. Any reassurances guys?
It's still in Alpha. The maps are gigantic. If you can get combined operations for $10, I'd say it's worth it especially as DayZ matures.

I just got everything installed, but I haven't played with the boys yet. Arma also takes a bit of adjusting because it's an intense sim where you can turn your head ! haha

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:11 pm
by Yob
OMGOMGOMG My new lappytop arrives Wednesday!$#!! Worms 3D or Arma2 Day Z?

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:38 am
by Cheesy

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:25 am
by Yob

BF3 sucks? Is that the consensus? Does that mean there are few people doing freeplay? What is everyone playing and are they doing it as =GC= or just as 'dewds'? I got a note from Stonie; he is playing EVE. There is a lot of hype about Planetside 2 right now. Seems like guys are playing this Day Z mod. How has campaign attendance been?


Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:56 am
by LCourage
Yousawnothing, Fuzzycat and I had some fun last night. Took a bit to meet up and then we moved across a good portion of the map scavenging. It was a lot of fun. I don't know why but the game has such a different kind of immersion to it than other games.
On another note I had some form of lag every 5-10 seconds while playing. I installed everything as best I could including the beta, command line variables, tweaked graphic settings, etc. I'm working on a reinstall now to see if things work better. I should be back on tonight around 10pm Central (GMT -5) for some more adventure/exploring.

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:06 pm
by Hitman47
1.7.1. is broken it seems....most of the servers that say they are running 1.7.1. are actually running 1.7.0. and when you join them you have no sound and everything is kinda bugged (you'll notice immediately if it happens), so far on the REAL 1.7.1. servers I got stuck in the "creating character" screen. There should be a hotfix soon....

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:24 pm
by YouSawNothing
I committed my first murders today. I was searching a barn and as I was walking out got shot and ran back inside, after bandaging up I got into position behind some boxes and waited til the first guy walked in and pumped him full of lead. With 1 guy down I told the other to just walk away and leave me alone but of coarse he didn't listen and tried to sneak around to the other side so I ran up behind and shot him in the back. :twisted: Ended up with a much needed upgrade for my backpack and tent so now we can all sit around a fire singing kum by yah. Used a lot more ammo than I wanted to as I found a silenced pp-19 but only 1 mag which was almost a full clip and now is down to 10 rounds as I'm sneaking around the NW Airfield going oh frak oh frak oh frak.....
On a related note ammo I may not have some for me but I may have some for you got 3 mags for a silenced MP5 and 1 each for 100 and 200 round machine guns.

Re: Arma 2: DayZ mod

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:50 pm
by Fields
Apparently the pistol is no longer 100% a spawn item and killing a zed spawns 4 more zeds, so the newest version is broken.