Enough interest for another campaign isn't quite there at the moment and I think this is a good time for us to make a move over to Discord. Discord will be a great tool for us to be able to talk and play with each other between campaigns. I personally beleive a large part of the problems we've been having in terms of numbers recently is purely a perception thing because people don't like posting and being involved in forums anymore, and it puts people off. Discord will be good as it's very easy to stay involved.
I also think Discord will be THE tool for finding us a new game. We'll be setting it up to make it easy for people to find others who play the same games and get groups going.
Keep in mind we're still setting it up so it's a bit basic right now, but over the next week or so we'll get it all super cooled up
I'd like to thank you all for joining. So far we've had a lot of people join and some fun chats. I personally think Discord is currently the way forward for sure.
Continue inviting peeps, it's been good to see some older faces back
this is a great and very smart move for GC's sake and future in getting new people to come & stay since no one is wasting their seconds anymore to log in a website and read forums, but Discord is sorta forums+Voip in one web browser window.