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**If a battleday runs longer than the previously chosen 6 maps, TAs will pick additional maps from the attacking army’s pool. These maps will be announced to both sides right before they’re played.
**If a battleday runs longer than the previously chosen 6 maps, TAs will pick additional maps from the attacking army’s pool. These maps will be announced to both sides right before they’re played.
**There will be 10 minutes of prep time for the additional maps
**There will be 10 minutes of prep time for the additional maps
**Every round will start with a 60-second countdown. To be counted as live, it must start with a TA announcing “LIVE, LIVE, LIVE” over all chat.
**To be counted as live, it must start with a TA announcing “LIVE, LIVE, LIVE” over all chat.
===Map Choice===
===Map Choice===

Revision as of 12:26, 20 June 2015


Summary of Changes

Major changes of note from BF4 Campaign 5 System:

Removal of RISK system. Creation of an entirely new campaign system.

Removal of Black Ops Battles


Battlefield 4 is a tactical first-person shooter set in the modern era, and is developed and distributed by EA Games.

At Global Conflict the multi-player aspects of the game are utilized to simulate a conflict between two organized armies. Members join a side and agree to abide by the rules of that army and to participate in the campaign as outlined in the Campaign System that follows. The Campaign is played out using original (vanilla) BF4, China Rising, Second Assault, Naval Strike, Dragon's Teeth and Final Stand.

Each army is headed by a High Command (HC) that will be comprised of well known and respected members, selected prior to the start each new campaign. The HC is responsible for the smooth running of their army. The HC will accomplish this through the delegation of authority in a manner of their choosing. This authority will not extend to breaching the Rules of Global Conflict and in any case will not supersede the authority of the Tournament Admins or of the Executive.

The guiding principle of the campaign shall be an attitude and display of gentlemanly and sportsmanlike conduct. If any rule in its interpretation or implementation should breach these generally accepted principles then this rule must be adapted to comply. If any rule is unclear in its interpretation then it must be applied with this guiding principle determining its intent and outcome.

The goal of the Campaign is to gain control of 50 points or to force the other side into surrender. The Campaign Points will be illustrated and hosted on the home page of As the campaign progresses the campaign points will be updated to reflect the ebb and flow of each army's score.


  • BFI: Battle for Initiative, first Campaign Match after the draft to decide which army gets the first attack.
  • Army: One of two factions competing for world domination on the campaign map.
  • Map: a Battlefield 4 map in a specific game mode and size, e.g. "Caspian Border 32 Vehicles"
  • Army Initiative: The army that wins the BFI will have first initiative and choose the first map and starting side on the first Battleday. Initiative will alternate weekly between the two armies.
  • Attacking army: The army that chooses the map and the starting side they wish to play from.
  • Defending army: The army that does not choose the map or starting side.
  • General, HC: Leaders of each army are traditionally referred to as Generals. The highest-ranked officers in each army are referred to as the High Command (HC).
  • TA: Tournament Administrators are a group of dedicated GC veterans who run the day-to-day functioning of the campaign. They are the "referees" who police the fairplay rules and administer all aspects of the tournament.
  • Executive Senate: The Executive Senate (sometimes called "execs" or "senators") is Global Conflict's highest governing body, made up of veterans who have been active in the community for years. Whereas the TA's run the tournament itself, the Executive Senate is responsible for the overall health of the community. Its members select the TA's and generals, and have the final say in all disputes.
  • SBT: Standard Battle Time is the time at which the main Saturday battle day will begin. This is currently 18:00 UTC but will be adjusted this campaign for the end of day lights saving.

Campaign Initialization

Before a campaign begins, the Executive Senate will select volunteers from the community to serve as Generals and Tournament Administrators. From here, the TA's and HC's will set a timeline for the following steps

  1. Drafting officers
  2. Drafting players
  3. Selecting maps

Map Pool

The Generals and HCs are responsible for creating the map pool.

  • Both armies will have identical map pools at the start of the campaign
  • The map pool will not contain the different modes, just the maps themselves
  • Map pools reset once all maps have been played

Battle Days

General Rules


  • Battledays start on the EU server on Saturday at SBT and go on until SBT+6
    • A 30 minute break will be called after the first round that ends later than SBT+2.5. It will also be called if the next round can not be set up before that time.
    • After SBT+5:45 no new round can begin.
      • Should a round start at SBT+5:30 only one round will be played to make sure the battleday finishes as close to the finishing time as possible.
    • TA’s and HC’s can agree to skip a Saturday for holidays and other reasons
  • Order: Army with initiative goes first; maps are then alternated between the Armies.
    • 5 minutes of prep time per map
    • If a battleday runs longer than the previously chosen 6 maps, TAs will pick additional maps from the attacking army’s pool. These maps will be announced to both sides right before they’re played.
    • There will be 10 minutes of prep time for the additional maps
    • To be counted as live, it must start with a TA announcing “LIVE, LIVE, LIVE” over all chat.

Map Choice

  • Each army picks 3 maps and the side they wish to start from.
    • All three picks are public
    • The army that has initiative for the week must post their picks by Thursday, SBT.
    • The army without initiative must post their picks by Wednesday, SBT.
      • Late maps will incur a penalty: the late team will forfeit one map starting side choice for every three hours the maps are late.
  • No map can be played twice in one battleday by either army.
  • When an army chooses a map to play, they also choose the mode (64v/64i/32v/32i) they wish to play. Once the map is played, it’s removed from that army’s pool including all unplayed variants. It can only be chosen again by that army in any variant after their map pool is reset.
  • An army’s map pool resets when all they have picked all available maps.
    • If an army can’t choose any more maps, because the other army picked the same maps for the battleday and they don’t have any other maps left in their current map pool, that army’s map pool will be reset, so they can choose other maps. They must pick the leftover maps on the next battleday.


  • Both teams start out with 25 campaign points (CP)
  • One CP will be awarded per round won. It will be deducted from the loser’s pool and added to the winner’s pool
  • Maps are played from both sides. If both teams win one round each, a tiebreaker round is played
    • If on the same map, both armies win one round each with less than 25 tickets left, the tiebreaker round will be worth double points
  • When an army accumulates a total of 50 points, they win
  • Generals can at any point agree to increase the number of CP won per round if the campaign stagnates.
  • Should the battle day end prematurely due to a lack of numbers on either side, then this side will be required to forfeit one round for every twenty (20) minutes lost before the scheduled end of the battle day.

This forfeit will be rounded upwards.

Game Length

  • Game Length (number of tickets, 64p maps) - 75%
  • Game Length (number of tickets, 32p maps) - 150%
  • Game Length (Bleed rate) - 60%
  • Weapons - Taken from battlelog unlocks

Weapon Bans

The following weapons are banned from use during a battleday.

  • PLD
  • M2 SLAMs
  • SUAV
  • UCAV
  • Active Radar Missiles
  • AA Mines
  • Javelin
  • battle pickups
  • AC130 Gunship
  • Jets

The list is subject to review and may be changed if deemed necessary.